April Updates from The Capitol

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Updates from The Capitol

Friends and neighbors,

My time in Salem as your Representative is about pushing back against the growth of government and taxing you to support it. I’m reminded everyday how important it is to be your voice for school choice and safety, 2nd amendment gun rights, parental rights, medical freedom and limits on what government can spend.

Our state has serious problems with mental health and substance abuse which are root causes of homelessness. We have homeless living lawlessly anywhere and everywhere!

Our land use laws, and onerous permitting, and scarcity of buildable land has created housing shortages and struggle for Oregonians to own a home.

We are business unfriendly, and we have record levels of families leaving the state for more affordable states. As high as taxes are, the Democrats support every new tax presented in the Legislature and fight Republican efforts to reduce tax burdens on lower- and middle-income folks, as well as reduce taxes for small businesses.

On the healthcare front, the Democrats are voting unanimously for no parental consent for abortion at any age. Just when you thought our state has the most extreme, unrestricted access to abortion- think again- we need to expand abortion even more, and the financial ask is for another $6.2M in additional funding.

The gender affirming ideology in HB 2002 demands all surgeries, treatments, including cosmetic treatments, be paid for by private and public insurers. Not only for Oregon residents but those meeting very low residency requirements. The Fiscal Office can’t give accurate projections of cost because of ‘indeterminate’ variables. Not only is the cost outrageous but the harm to our children with rushed decisions to ‘transitioning’ gender without scientific evidence is madness. We are turning healthy children into lifelong medical experiments. I will continue to fight this fiercely.

Thank you for supporting my work in Salem on your behalf.



Representative Christine Goodwin

policy updates




HB 2002 is not a “pro-choice” bill. It’s a radical erosion of parental rights, child safety, and keeping crime in the shadows, bill. 

Despite Oregon being the most abortion-friendly state in the nation with zero restrictions, including partial-birth abortion and taxpayer-funded abortions—HB2002 that has been sponsored by all but 4 Democrats in the Legislature surpassed anything we dreamed possible.  

In case you missed it, this bill represents a truly shocking omnibus of radical social policies targeting minors. HB 2002 would remove a parent’s role in their child’s life by:   

  • Eliminating parental consent requirements at any age for “reproductive health care”—including abortion on girls as young as 10, despite a crime having been committed if a 10-year-old is pregnant. 
  • Repeals the law against concealing the birth of an infant—paving the way to conceal the death of an infant.  
  • Allows a child to bypass parental consent for "gender affirming care" at any age, and above 15 years for sex-altering surgeries. Keep in mind, a child needs parental authorization in Oregon to get their ears pierced or a tattoo under the age of 18. 

HB2002 additionally requires that we accept the premise and ideology that gender at birth can be a mistake and must be corrected as soon as possible.   

Gender ideology demands a perfectly well-functioning body must be turned into a lifelong medical experiment.  That our gender can be changed with surgery and cosmetic treatments applied to secondary sexual characteristics. This ideology denies immutable truths of biology, and we must deny those truths or dire consequences will result.

Let me be clear, an individual has the absolute freedom to choose how they will present to others, but it is not the responsibility of taxpayers of the state to contribute to expensive surgeries, or cosmetic treatments to promote gender affirmation.  We all need to slow down and more thoroughly study the long-term complex consequences of these “Medically necessary” permanent and sterilizing surgeries- especially for the protection and safety of minors. 


Click the image below to see my final comments on this horrific bill before Democrats voted it out of Committee and on to Joint Ways and Means. 

final thoughts


HB2002 ensures protections for sexual abusers


Democrats were shocked to learn something about a bill THEY WROTE. Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp (R-Bend) asked if HB 2002 would allow a 10-year-old to get an abortion without parental consent. The Democrat co-chairs of the Ways and Means committee let out audible gasps when the drafting attorney confirmed that 10-year-olds could get abortions without parental consent under HB 2002. Watch that HERE.


By taking parents completely out of their children's medical decisions, this legislation will protect pedophiles and sexual abusers. A predator could coerce a minor to get an abortion, and the parents wouldn’t even know it.

The House will likely take up the bill sometime at the beginning of May. House and Senate Republican Leaders released this statement following the vote:

Joint Statement

Republicans Are Standing Up For SAFETY


Senate Republicans forced votes on 16 bills that would have to make Oregon communities safer in the wake of the Nashville shooting and rising crime in Oregon. Democrats voted in lockstep to kill every single proposal. This comes after House Republicans did the same on a suite of school safety bills. Only one of the seven passed.

Safe Communities


bad bill


HB 2005 – Gun Control Omnibus – ON HOUSE FLOOR MAY 2nd 

This bill is one of the worst anti-gun pushes this legislative session. It seeks to ban the sale of homemade firearms, raise the age to purchase rifles from 18 to 21, and creates arbitrary zones where concealed carry can be banned! Please reach out to lawmakers and urge a "no" vote!   

SB 393 – Waiting Period to Buy Guns 

Not only does this “gut and stuffed” amended bill impose a 3 day waiting period to purchase a firearm, but it was also passed out of committee without ever having received a public hearing – meaning the voice of voters was silenced by the Committee Chair. This bill is currently in the Joint Committee on Ways and Means. 


Tax Relief on Tax Day

House Republicans attempted to withdraw five bills out of committee on Tuesday that would have lowered taxes for Oregonians. Despite Oregon residents paying a larger share of their income in taxes than any other State in the country, House Democrats voted these motions down.

Below is a summary of the bills House Democrats would not allow a vote on:

bill pulls

Follow the Oregon House Republicans on Facebook for more updates https://www.facebook.com/oregonhouserepublicans

Program Opportunity for kids!


Oregon House Page Program


More information, here.

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Capitol Phone: 503-986-1402
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-386, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: rep.ChristineGoodwin@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/goodwin