Good afternoon, As I have mentioned to many of you, I am trying to stay ahead of some Bills of Concern that are coming up for Public Hearings. I am sending you this information so that you may have an opportunity to bring your voice to the Legislative Process.
Please forward this to your friends and neighbors that might offer their testimony as well.
You can also click the "View Online" tab in the top right hand corner of this newsletter that will take you to the online version of this newsletter, which will allow you to share the link.
Thank you for all of your work for our beautiful state. It is greatly appreciated. Be Safe and have a Blessed Easter.
Legislation of Concern for the Coming Week
April 10th through the 14th
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill. The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the webpage. By clicking the “Register to Testify” tab, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone. If you would like to submit written testimony, click the “Submit Testimony” tab and then either fill out testimony form or upload your written testimony.
This of course does not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills or Amendments could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
There are no Committee Meetings scheduled for Monday or Tuesday in the House or Senate due to 12 hour scheduled Floor Sessions in each Chamber. The Senate Republicans have demanded that all bills be read in their entirety since the first bill at the beginning of session. The House has also been diligent in making sure the public process is followed. This has caused a backlog of legislation that the majority would like to move forward. We are not interested in speeding up facilitation of the majorities agenda and we will continue to stress the need for public transparency in both the Senate and the House.
Senate Committee on Natural Resources 8:00 am
HB 3208 A - Authorizes Environmental Quality Commission to annually adjust, by up to three percent, fees associated with water quality programs administered by Department of Environmental Quality.
Senate Committee on Housing & Development 8:00 am
HB 2987 A - Authorizes Oregon Health Authority to establish by rule maximum percentage of grant funds that grant recipients under Healthy Homes Program may use for administrative expenses. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee on Housing & Development 3:00 pm
SB 976 - Disallows, for purposes of personal income taxation, mortgage interest deduction for residence other than taxpayer's principal residence, unless taxpayer sells residence or actively markets residence for sale. Phases out allowable deduction for interest for principal residence based upon income. Disallows deduction for principal residence above threshold income amount. Establishes Oregon Housing Opportunity Account. Transfers amount equal to estimated increase in revenue attributable to restrictions on deduction of mortgage interest to account. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee On Climate, Energy, and Environment 3:00 pm
SB 543 A - Prohibits food vendor from using polystyrene foam container in sales of prepared food. Prohibits person from selling or distributing polystyrene foam containers or polystyrene foam packaging peanuts. Prohibits person from selling or distributing foodware containers containing intentionally added perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances. Prohibitions become operative January 1, 2025. Establishes civil penalties for violations.
Senate Committee on Labor and Business 8:00 am
HB 2922 - Increases bond amounts that persons licensed by Construction Contractors Board must maintain. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB 3331 - Amends eligibility requirements for employee to receive benefits under shared work plan. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB 2957 A - Provides that person that knows or consciously avoids knowing that another person is engaging in act or practice that violates laws that regulate telephone solicitations or use of automatic dialing and announcing devices and nonetheless provides substantial assistance or support for violation is liable for loss and subject to penalty to same extent as person that engaged in violation. Specifies exemptions. Punishes violation as unlawful practice under Unlawful Trade Practices Act. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee on Judiciary 8:00 am
SB 586 - Makes restorative justice communications confidential. Provides exceptions to confidentiality. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee On Housing and Homelessness 8:00 am
SB 503 A - Eliminates requirement for unanimous consent of owners of affected lots or units in planned community when method of determining liability for common expenses or right to common profits is changed.
Senate Committee On Rules 3:00 pm
SB 167 - Alters dates by which special district recall petitions must be filed and verified. Reduces number of registration cards that may be requested to 500 per individual or entity. Moves ORS 247.007 from ORS chapter 247 to ORS chapter 254. Expands languages that online voters' pamphlet can be translated into. Explicitly prohibits confidential election records and information included in Address Confidentiality Program from being released as public record or as part of lists of electors. Limits time period when political parties can request list of electors. Extends time period chief petitioners have to circulate recall petition. Requires Secretary of State to establish electronic filing system for nominating petitions and declarations of candidacy. Requires use of electronic system. Adds family members living with election workers to address disclosure exemptions. Exempts individual's signatures on signature sheets from public disclosure. Removes requirement that individuals who sign electronic signature sheets must do so in two places. Authorizes Secretary of State to alter specified language required to be placed on election documents, provided that alteration in language does not materially change meaning. Exempts certain costs from calculations on whether candidate is required to file statement of organization, establish campaign account or file required campaign finance statements. Excludes candidate debate or forum for state office from being considered candidate contribution if host uses neutral criteria, set in advance, when determining who to invite. Requires Secretary of State or Attorney General to notify subject of complaint that complaint has been filed only if secretary or Attorney General opens investigation. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
SB 1089 - Establishes Universal Health Plan Governance Board. Specifies membership, powers and duties. Requires board to appoint executive director. Requires board to create comprehensive plan to finance and administer Universal Health Plan that meets specified requirements and is consistent with specified values and principles. Directs board to present comprehensive plan for implementation of Universal Health Plan to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to health and to Governor no later than September 15, 2026. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Bills of Concern to Watch
Major Threat
Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Human Services 3:00 pm
HB 2002 A - Modifies provisions relating to reproductive health rights. Modifies provisions relating to access to reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Modifies provisions relating to protections for providers of and individuals receiving reproductive and gender-affirming health care services. Creates crime of interfering with a health care facility. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Creates right of action for person or health care provider aggrieved by interference with health care facility. Makes statutory change to achieve gender neutral language with respect to unlawful employment discrimination because of sex. Declares public policy regarding interstate actions arising out of reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Prohibits public body from participating in interstate investigation or proceeding involving reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Creates exceptions. Prohibits clerk of court from issuing subpoena if foreign subpoena relates to reproductive health care or gender-affirming treatment. Declares that Oregon law governs certain actions arising out of reproductive health care or gender-affirming treatment provided or received in this state. Repeals criminal provisions relating to concealing birth. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Please email the members of the committee below and tell them to vote no on this horrific bill.
HB 2005 A - Defines "undetectable firearm." Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Punishes possession of undetectable firearm by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both, and 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both, upon second and subsequent convictions. Punishes possessing, offering for sale, selling or transferring firearm without serial number by maximum of $1,000 fine upon first conviction, 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both, upon second conviction, and 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both, upon third and subsequent convictions. Defines "unfinished frame or receiver." Requires gun dealer to conduct criminal background check before transferring unfinished frame or receiver. Punishes importing, offering for sale or transferring unfinished frame or receiver by maximum of $1,000 fine upon first conviction, 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both, upon second conviction, and 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both, upon third and subsequent convictions. Specifies exceptions. Punishes possession of unserialized unfinished frame or receiver occurring on or after September 1, 2024, by maximum of $1,000 fine upon first conviction, 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both, upon second conviction, and five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both, upon third and subsequent convictions. Provides that person commits crime if person possesses unfinished frame or receiver and is prohibited from possessing firearms. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Prohibits person under 21 years of age from possessing firearms and unfinished frames and receivers with specified exceptions. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Establishes affirmative defense for person under 21 years of age who owned firearm before effective date of Act or who relinquished firearm prior to prosecution. Authorizes governing bodies of certain public entities that own or control public building to adopt policy, ordinance or regulation precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearm in or on public building by concealed handgun licensee. Provides that in prosecution for possession of firearm in or on public building subject to such policy, ordinance or regulation, concealed handgun licensee affirmative defense is not complete defense, but results in Class A misdemeanor conviction punishable by 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Prohibits person from transferring certain firearms to recipient person knows, or reasonably should know, is under 21 years of age. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Specifies exceptions. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
This bill is headed to the House Floor. We need your help to stop this unconstitutional bill. Please email the Democrat Legislators in the House and tell them to stop and vote no on this unlawful piece of legislation. You will find there email addresses in the link below.
Bills to Support
Joint Committee on Ways & Means in Roseburg
They Need to Hear From You!
The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Ways & Means will, for the first time, be in Roseburg to hear from the people of Douglas County & area residents on what Senate District 1’s budget priorities are for the upcoming biennial budget that will fund Schools, public safety and other programs & services
Senators David Brock Smith & Dick Anderson, Representatives Court Boice, Virgle Osborne, Christine Goodwin & Boomer Wright, on behalf of the Oregon Legislative Joint Ways & Means Committee & Co Chairs Senator Elizabeth Steiner & Representative Tawna Sanchez invite you to testify on your budget priorities.
What: Public Input to the Legislative Joint Committee on Ways & Means
Where: Umpqua Community College Campus Jacoby Auditorium
When: Friday, April 21st, 5:00 pm
Register to Testify:
“I sincerely appreciate Co Chairs Steiner and Sanchez for the opportunity to have the residents of my Senate District and region participate in this important legislative process,” said Senator David Brock Smith. “The Ways & Means Committee governs the funding for programs and services across the state of Oregon. We encourage business owners, healthcare workers, all moms, dads, grandparents and residents that have concerns on what their tax dollars will be spent on, to attend, listen to testimony and use their voice to testify before the Joint Committee,” said Senator Brock Smith.
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: