Friends and neighbors,
March marked the halfway point of the 2023 Legislative Session. I wish I could report that it is all downhill from here, but as the end of the session approaches, things will undoubtedly get more contentious. I have highlighted several bills that will cause this below.
Just like any business, the Legislature has deadlines. These deadlines help prioritize bills and keep the process moving by "thinning the herd" of bills that can pass and become law. Several of my bills were amongst those thinned. The most disappointing was my bill to protect North Coast jobs from a devastating Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) proposed by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).
Budget committees are beginning to pass budgets. While I do not sit on any of these committees, I take the process of passing the budget very seriously because we are spending YOUR money. Oregon has the highest effective tax rate for those middle-class families earning $75,000. You work hard for that money and should expect your government to spend it prudently.
As always, your feedback helps me better represent our community. Get in touch with me at or 503-986-1432.
Talk soon,
 Representative Cyrus Javadi
House District 32
 The House Republicans have introduced the School Safety Package that focuses on hardening schools and getting school resource officers back into our schools.
The Nashville Police Chief said earlier this week that the shooter had considered attacking another school, but decided against it because there was "too much security." Security can deter these tragedies before they ever start. I imagine a world where every school has an abundance of security measures. That is why I sponsored HB 3350.
On Wednesday, House Republicans forced votes on every bill in the package. Despite bipartisan support, the Majority voted them all down. It is incredibly frustrating that politics is getting in the way of safety in our schools.
Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
On March 7, I and other coastal Representatives and Senators sent Governor Tina Kotek a letter asking her to intervene in the Oregon Department of Forestry's (ODF) plan to cut up to 35% of timber harvest on state forestland. This would particularly devastate the North Coast economy and public services. Read all my concerns in my op-ed in The Daily Astorian.
Nearly a month later, we have not heard back from the Governor.
Now, House Bill 3585 is dead. This will would have required the ODF to balance better the economic value of working forests and environmental protection. I continue to explore options to protect North Coast jobs.
HB 3442 - Building More Housing on the Coast
Constructing buildings in hazard zones carries inherent risks, but some coastal communities like Rockaway Beach and Seaside are entirely within tsunami hazard zones. These communities require workforce housing, but existing regulations prevent it. In response, I have introduced HB 3442, a bill to promote housing in these communities. If passed, this bill would provide coastal cities with increased opportunities to construct housing without incurring the exorbitant costs associated with land production or rezoning.
The bill passed out of the Housing and Homelessness Committee with only one no vote. I expect the bill will be voted on by the entire House of Representatives sometime next week.
 Anti-Parental Rights & "Gender-Affirming" Care
Last week, the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care held a session record 5-hour public hearing on HB 2002. Opponents made a strong showing during the committee hearing and submitted 476 pieces of written testimony to proponents' 380.
Regardless of where you stand on abortion, most Oregonians agree that our laws are too extreme. This bill makes our laws even more extreme by legalizing hiding whether a baby was born alive or dead. In addition, this bill would make it even easier for kids with gender dysphoria to make permanent, life-altering decisions about their bodies.
The Legislature is debating legislation to raise the age to buy a hunting rifle from 18 to 21. Other legislation has been introduced to lower the voting age to 16. I think we need to decide at what age Oregonians are old enough to make decisions for themselves. If a 15-year-old can make life-altering decisions about their physical body, shouldn't we also trust them to buy a firearm?
Some of the most concerning provisions of the bill include:
- Allows a minor to consent to an abortion at any age and prohibits an abortion provider from providing information about a minor's abortion to their parents.
- Gives your tax dollars to promote and provide abortions on college campuses.
- Requires health insurance companies to cover sex changes for minors.
- Directs your tax dollars to cover sex changes for those who get insurance through the state.
- Shields doctors who perform sex changes on children from malpractice suits and losing their license.
- Exempts information about doctors who perform sex changes from public records law.
- Creates the crime of "interfering with a health care facility," which could include calling the facility or peacefully protesting outside. Regardless of a criminal conviction, the bill creates a right for the healthcare facility to sue you if you participate in this kind of activity.
- A person currently commits the crime of concealing the birth of an infant if the person conceals the corpse of a newborn child with intent to conceal the fact of its birth or to prevent a determination of whether it was born dead or alive. This bill would legalize that activity.
It was an emotional hearing. Here are some of the highlights:
Representative Lucetta Elmer gave powerful testimony about how her birth mother chose life for her because the culture in the 1970s valued life, even if it was inconvenient.
Camille Kiefel from Milwaukie, Oregon, bravely told her story about her experience with "gender-affirming care." Her anxiety and trauma from when she was young led her to remove her breasts to escape that trauma. She now regrets that procedure and is speaking out against HB 2002. |
Representative Diehl laid out Europe's evolving practices on "gender-affirming care" for minors and how many countries are going in the opposite direction than what HB 2002 wants to do. |
Representative Lily Morgan asked the Oregon Department of Justice why we would want to repeal the crime of concealing the birth of an infant, and their response was suprising.
I asked proponents of the bill whether or not in 10 to 15 years we will look back on what we are doing with "gender-affirming" care and conclude we went too far. Here is our back and forth. |
Omnibus Gun Bill
The House Judiciary Committee this week combined all three gun bills into one: HB 2005.
Here is what will be in this massive omnibus:
Ban Homemade and Unserialized Firearms
It is currently legal under Oregon and Federal law for a person to make an unserialized firearm for their own use as long as they do not sell or otherwise transfer it. This bill would criminalize Oregonians who possess those firearms.
Raise the Age to Buy a Hunting Rifle to 21
The Legislature needs to decide who is an adult in the state of Oregon. This bill would ban 18, 19, and 20-year-olds from possessing a rifle, but in this session, bills have been introduced to:
- allow 16-year-olds to vote
- promote “gender-affirming care” to 15-year-olds without parental consent
- allow 12-year-olds to receive abortions without parental consent
- ban flavored tobacco to all ages because minors are unable to make informed health decisions
I don't believe we should be deciding who gets to exercise their constitutional rights, like the 2nd Amendment, and who doesn’t.
Expand Gun-Free Zones
This bill would expand SB 554 from 2021. It would effectively render useless a concealed handgun license (CHL) across Oregon. SB 554 banned all firearms from the State Capitol. Legislators are privileged enough to have full-time police presence and contracted security personnel and technology at every entry point. Schools, cities, and other local government buildings do not have that luxury. Everyone should be able to protect themselves, even if they don’t have the State Police protecting them.
The bill could also extend carry prohibitions to "adjacent ground." This vague language could give local governments complete control over Oregonian’s Second Amendment rights and private property while rendering CHLs useless when they might need it.
In a time of rising crime, law-abiding citizens need the right to defend themselves more than ever.
Rent Control - SB 611
Under Oregon's current rent control law, housing providers can only raise rents by 7% plus the Consumer Price Index (CPI – the measurement for inflation). SB 611 would tighten that cap on rent to 3% + CPI or a max of 8%.
In the middle of a housing shortage, this is one of the worst things we could do for housing supply and affordability. By making it unprofitable to be a landlord, they will sell their rentals, and the available stock of affordable rental units will decrease. This will only increase the cost of housing.
CAFO - SB 85
SB 85 would place a moratorium on confined animal feeding operations in Oregon. This would devastate North Coast agriculture, especially the dairy industry.
If SB 85 passed, it would magnify the strain on our food supply chain and further drive up costs for milk, chicken, eggs, beef, and pork. This legislation would only accelerate the loss of family farms and local food production, killing jobs and businesses. As a result, Oregon would have to rely more on out-of-state livestock products.
Currently, SB 85 is scheduled to be voted out of committee on Monday, April 3. I have heard several potential amendments to the bill. One would narrow the bill just to chicken farms. I am watching this closely and working with farmers to minimize the damage to the North Coast.
HB 2506 - Housing for Sexual Predators Near Schools
This bill would require cities to allow for the citing of residential facilities for individuals who need supervision. That includes violent felons and registered sex offenders. The bill has no provisions to prevent them from being close to a school.
I have introduced an amendment to the bill prohibiting these facilities within 1,000 of a school if they serve felons or registered sex offenders.
Rehabilitating criminals is important, but the safety of our children must be a top priority.
Public invited to weigh in on draft 25-year Oregon Transportation Plan
SALEM -- Why should you comment on the draft Oregon Transportation Plan? Because this 25-year plan guides important transportation-related decisions that impact Oregonians like you and communities like yours every day. It lets ODOT and other decision-makers know what you value in a transportation system – now and into the future.
There are several ways to review and provide us your valuable feedback:
Review the draft plan online and provide comment through our online form, available on our website, through May 12.
- Attend a public hearing on Wednesday, May 3 at 10 a.m.
To learn more about the plan and ask questions of our project team, join a webinar on Tuesday, April 11 at noon. We have links to these events, the draft plan, fact sheets and more on our website.
Why is this plan important?
Oregon’s transportation system provides access to jobs, healthcare, childcare, food, housing, recreation, and so much more, and it plays a critical role in the state’s economy. With your help, we’re creating a plan that addresses important issues tied to transportation such as climate change, social equity, population growth, new technologies and more. Your participation is essential to creating a plan that supports a more sustainable and equitable transportation system for all Oregonians. Learn more and give us your feedback today!
I had the opportunity to preside over a House Floor session this week. Each member has the chance to do this at various points during the session.
 Got to show my family around the Capitol this week. It's always fun to bring a little bit of home into the Capitol!
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1432 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-373, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: