Good afternoon, As I have mentioned to many of you, I am trying to stay ahead of some Bills of Concern that are coming up for Public Hearings. I am sending you this information so that you may have an opportunity to bring your voice to the Legislative Process.
Please forward this to your friends and neighbors that might offer their testimony as well.
You can also click the "View Online" tab in the top right hand corner of this newsletter that will take you to the online version of this newsletter, which will allow you to share the link.
Thank you for all of your work for our beautiful state. It is greatly appreciated. Be Safe and God Bless.
Legislation of Concern for the Coming Week
March 27th through 31st
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill. The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the webpage. By clicking the “Register to Testify” tab, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone. If you would like to submit written testimony, click the “Submit Testimony” tab and then either fill out testimony form or upload your written testimony.
This of course does not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Senate Committee On Housing and Development 8:00 am
SB 611 - Increases amount residential landlord owes tenant for landlord-cause termination of tenancy. Limits annual rent increases. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee on Health Care 1:00 pm
SB 1076 - Requires licensed hospitals to include in hospital's discharge policy specified procedures for discharge of homeless patients.
SB 492 - Imposes new requirements on the determination of health services to be provided in state medical assistance program.
Senate Committee On Judiciary 1:00 pm
SB 348 - Directs Department of Justice to study ways to address unlawful possession of firearms, and to provide results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2024.
-1 Amendment basically enacts Ballot Measure 114.
SB 527 - Allows gun dealer or person transferring firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition or ammunition components for purchase at gun show, or business engaged in repairing or servicing firearms to establish minimum age of 21 years for such purchases, repairs or services. Creates exemption from antidiscrimination statute for enforcement of policies that impose age-based restrictions on purchase of firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition or ammunition components or on repairing or servicing of firearms in place of public accommodation.
House Committee On Climate, Energy, and Environment 3:00 pm
HB 3459 - Prohibits energy utility from disconnecting service to residential customer for failure to pay amount owed for energy services. Prohibits energy utility from seeking to collect from residential customer who spends six percent or more of household income on energy costs. Requires energy utility to accept reasonable partial payment or payment plan for overdue amounts. Requires any partial payment or payment plan to be less than six percent of customer's household monthly income. Permits energy utility to recover costs for overdue amounts in rates to all residential service customers. Requires energy utility to provide Housing and Community Services Department with contact information for residential customers who have higher than average energy usage. Requires department to contact customers to help customers access programs and resources that may assist with reducing energy usage.
Senate Committee on Labor & Business 8:00 am
SB 418 - Requires subject employers to adopt policy allowing subject workers paid time off during shift to receive medical services related to worker's compensable injury or occupational disease.
Click Here for the Associated Oregon Loggers Services, Inc. Testimony in Opposition.
SB 851 - Requires Bureau of Labor and Industries to study matters relating to psychological abuse occurring in workplaces in Oregon. Directs bureau to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to business and labor not later than September 15, 2024.
-2 Amendment changes from a study bill to full blown policy.
SB 907 - Provides employee with right to refuse to perform task assigned by employer under certain circumstances. Protects employee against disciplinary action for exercising right. Prohibits employer from retaliating or discriminating against employee for invoking right. Allows employee to use sick leave to cover period when employee is not working due to employee's exercising right to refuse to perform assigned task.
SB 925 - Makes unlawful practice for employer or employment agency to advertise job, promotion or transfer opportunity without disclosing pay range and employment benefits in job posting. Requires employers to maintain certain employment records for each employee. Makes violation unlawful practice. Permits Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries to assess civil penalty against employer or employment agency for violation. Makes employment agencies subject to prohibition against inquiries regarding salary history and past criminal convictions. Becomes operative on January 2, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee On Judiciary 1:00 pm
SB 256 - Prohibits person from knowingly or intentionally manufacturing, importing, distributing, offering for sale, selling or leasing or otherwise transferring, or installing or reinstalling counterfeit automobile supplemental restraint system component, nonfunctional airbag or object that does not comply with federal standard for make, model and year of motor vehicle.
SB 1070 - Requires sentencing court to consider as mitigation evidence whether defendant was subjected to domestic abuse that was contributing factor in criminal behavior. Provides that such evidence constitutes substantial and compelling reasons justifying downward departure sentence. Authorizes court to impose lesser sentence even if sentence is mandatory or otherwise required by law. Creates procedure by which person currently serving sentence may petition court for resentencing if person was subjected to domestic abuse that was contributing factor in criminal behavior. Establishes Task Force on Services and Support for Incarcerated Domestic Violence Survivors. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee on Education 1:00 pm
SB 270 - Authorizes adult in custody to enroll in academic program at any community college in state, any distance learning academic program or any other higher education academic program that adult in custody applies for and is accepted into, provided that enrollment in academic program is consistent with administrative rules and regulations adopted by Department of Corrections.
SB 517 - Prohibits licensing board, commission or agency from denying, suspending or revoking occupational or professional license solely for reason that applicant or licensee was convicted of crime or subject to qualifying juvenile adjudication that does not substantially relate to specific duties and responsibilities for which license is required. Specifies criteria for determining whether crime substantially relates to specific duties and responsibilities for which license is required. Specifies additional restrictions on licensing board's, commission's or agency's power to deny occupational or professional license. Permits person convicted of crime to petition licensing board, commission or agency at any time for determination as to whether conviction will prevent person from receiving occupational or professional license. Permits licensing board, commission or agency to charge reasonable fee for determination. Provides that final determination is binding upon licensing board, commission or agency unless, at time of petition, person has charges pending, failed to disclose previous crime or was convicted of crime after submitting petition. Requires notice to person before final determination that conviction will result in denial of occupational or professional license. Specifies additional rights of person and additional notice requirements.
Senate Committee on Finance & Revenue 3:00 pm
SB 1068 - Authorizes board of directors of rural fire protection district to annex to district, under certain circumstances, lands that are within coverage area of district.
Senate Committee On Housing and Development 8:00 am
SB 859 - Allows local governments, and during emergency period allows Governor or certain agencies, to abate waste, graffiti and vandalism associated with homelessness and other factors. Allows costs to be passed to solid waste collection ratepayers. Requires Oregon Department of Emergency Management to report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly on state expenses under program on or before September 15, 2024. Sunsets January 2, 2026. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee On Natural Resources 8:00 am
SB 398 - Requires State Department of Agriculture to study confined animal feeding operations. Directs department to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to agriculture no later than September 15, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
SB 85 below is not up for another public hearing, however the bill is still alive and advocacy is still needed to make sure it does not move out of committee.
SB 85 – This bill deals with CAFO’s and has democrats attacking our dairies, chicken and cattle farms and ranches. As they do, the bill itself is just a “study” but the amendment goes far beyond that and will shut down current farming operations. Please see the link to the amendment and part of the language of that amendment below.
“SECTION 2. (1) The Department of Environmental Quality and the State Department of Agriculture may not issue or renew a license or permit to allow the construction or operation of: “(a) A new industrial confined animal feeding operation; “(b) An addition to, or expansion of, an existing industrial confined animal feeding operation; or “(c) An addition to, or expansion of, an existing livestock farm if the addition or expansion would cause the livestock farm to become an industrial confined animal feeding operation.”
If you cannot sign up to testify or submit testimony, you can also email the Committee Chair at: Senator Jeff Golden
Senate Committee On Judiciary 1:00 pm
SB 528 – Modifies provisions relating to protective proceedings.
SB915 - Creates Deadly Force Prosecutions Unit within Criminal Justice Division of Department of Justice. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to department for purposes of unit.
House Committee On Judiciary 8:00 am
HB 3390 - Prohibits sale, offer for sale or trade of fur product in State of Oregon. Establishes that "fur product" does not include animal skin to be converted into leather, cowhide, deerskin, lambskin or sheepskin or animal pelt or skin preserved through taxidermy or for purpose of taxidermy. Provides exemptions from prohibition. Provides that violation committed intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence is punishable by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
House Committee On Housing and Homelessness 8:00 am
HB 3503 - Repeals prohibition on local rent control.
Senate Committee On Energy and Environment 1:00 pm
SB 522 - Changes name of "Oregon Global Warming Commission" to "Oregon Climate Action Commission." Modifies membership and duties of commission. Modifies state greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Directs state agencies to report to commission on progress toward achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.
Bills of Concern to Watch
Bills to Support
Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs 8:00 am
SB 1009 - Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds under Article XI-Q of Oregon Constitution for construction of veterans' home in Roseburg, Oregon.
Senate Committee On Education 3:00 pm
SB 17 - Requires Higher Education Coordinating Commission, in coordination with Department of Public Safety Standards and Training and community colleges, to study how best to make classes that are part of recruit academy training for police officers be academic credits that are part of associate degree.
-1 Amendment implements the program.
Yours Truly,
 Senator David Brock Smith
Together, We Will Build a Better Oregon
 Senate District 1 Curry, Coos, and Douglas Counties Southwest Oregon’s Fish, Farm, and Forestry District. Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-316, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: