Hello Friends and Neighbors,
I strongly feel that it is my job to report back to you what is taking place regarding legislation, votes, and events. We really do appreciate hearing from you. Republicans are in the minority this session and you can make a difference when you take action and let your voice be heard. There are still many proposed bills that are being worked in committees that will eventually see their way to the floor for votes. We have highlighted a few bad bills this week along with a couple of updates on others. Thank you for taking the time to read and stay involved.
This coming Monday, March 27, Oregon Natural Resource Industries ("ONRI") is holding a Stronger Together Event. As a natural resource state, it is important that we support and protect the industries and resources that provide jobs and a means of earning a living for so many of our Oregon families.
There will be booths, speakers include former Congressman Greg Waldon and former State Senator Betsy Johnson, and food. All of the House Representatives and Senators have been invited. This will be a great opportunity to talk to them about the impact that bills will have to your family's future. Click here to learn more about ONRI and this event.
Oregon Democrats are ramming through not one bill to unconstitutionally restrict your right to bear arms - but THREE. They are wasting no time in their first session to claw back your rights as an American citizen. I am voting NO on all three of these bills. Here are the links to each of these bad bills.
House Bill 2005
House Bill 2006
House Bill 2007
Kicker theft bill. HJR 23 (Hearing 4/4/23) proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to modify return of surplus revenue to personal income taxpayers by directing percentage of surplus revenue to reserve fund established to combat drought. Maintains return of surplus to taxpayers with lower incomes and phases out amount of kicker to taxpayers with higher incomes.
Currently only two (2) states, Oregon and New Jersey, don't allow for self-service pumping at gas stations. House Bill 2426 would allow gas stations statewide to offer drivers this choice. Because attended service would still be an option - for most counties that currently ban self-service fueling, at least 50% of the pumps would be designated for attended service only - access would be ensured for elderly or disabled customers and for anyone who simply prefers to have an attendant do it. Importantly, it would not reduce existing jobs. This bill passed the House on Monday with 47 Ays and 10 Nays and is now headed to the Senate. I was an "Aye".
My staff and I are here to help you! If you have a problem, question or comment, please feel free to email me at rep.brianstout@oregonlegislature.gov. I do ask you to PLEASE include your phone number and your address. This allows me to call you to follow up or ask any questions I might have. Your address lets me know that you're a constituent. I get hundreds of emails every week, but I always make sure that constituents get top priority. If you'd prefer, you can call us at 503.986.1431.
If you'd like to visit me in Salem, you're always welcome to come by! If you drop by without an appointment, I'll do my best to meet with you, but to ensure that I don't have any other commitments, please call or email first for an appointment. That way I can make sure to give you my undivided attention.
To stay connected, please follow me on Facebook or sign up to receive my e-newsletters, as they are published, by emailing me or calling my office.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to be your State Representative.
Representative Brian Stout House District 31
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1431 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-380, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Rep.BrianStout@oregonlegislature.gov Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/stout