Friends and Neighbors,
Upcoming Events
Join me, this Saturday, March 18th, for a Community Conversation at the Hillsboro Civic Center. We will meet in Room 113 B/C from 10:00-11:00am. Bring your questions and share your thoughts. I look forward to seeing you there!
Legislative Updates
SB 545 Has Passed!
SB 545, a bill that will allow restaurants to let customers bring in their reusable containers, passed the Senate floor this week and is on its way to the House!
Did you know?
Nearly 1 trillion individual pieces of disposable foodware and packaging used by US restaurants and food service businesses. This breaks down as 21% for on-site dining and 79% for take-out and delivery.
$24 billion spent by restaurants and food-service businesses on disposables each year.
Nearly 9 million tons equals the total weight of all the disposables used – equivalent to the weight of 25 Empire State Buildings.
$6 billion spent by businesses and city governments on solid waste management costs attributable to disposable food packaging.
Roughly 20 billion pieces of litter are from disposable food-service packaging. This creates significant climate pollution, energy use, water consumption, resource extraction, waste generation, litter generation and plastic pollution.

SB 549 Public Hearing

This Week's Testimonies
Week 9 Committee Snaps
Joint Committee on Semiconductors
On Monday, the committee heard continued public testimony on SB 4. Wednesday the bill had a work session and was voted out of committee.
 CHIPS in the News:
Senate Committee on Energy and Environment
Informational and Public hearings were heard on the following bills:
Resilient Efficient Buildings Package
SB 868: Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to study how to build resiliency into buildings.
SB 869: Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to study how to build efficiency into buildings.
SB 870: Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to study how to build resiliency and efficiency into buildings.
SB 871: Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to study how to build efficiency and resiliency into buildings.
Senate Committee on Housing and Development
An Informational Hearing was heard on Housing Subsidies
Public Hearings were heard on the following bills:
SB 936: Requires Housing and Community Services Department to provide grants to developers of single-family homes made available for affordable homeownership.
SB 847: Freezes tax assessed value for certain new residential construction for five property tax years.
A Work Session was held on:
SB 503: Requires Real Estate Agency to study homeowners associations.
Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Safety
Informational Meetings were held and Public Testimony was heard on the following:
A Work Session was held on the following:
Week 9 - Oregon State Capitol Visits to #S207 (Your Senate District 15 Capitol office)
Environmental Updates
Rise Above Plastic Pollution Day
In 2019, Governor Kate Brown declared March 14th Rise Above Plastic Pollution Day in our beautiful state, and every year it serves as a reminder about the environmental impact of our plastic consumption and an opportunity to call for broader action. Advocates came to the Capitol to share a rise above plastic pollution pledge, which you can follow below and I shared a floor remonstrance reminding people that microplastics, derived from plastic waste, are found in our waterways all across Oregon. They affect the health of our planet and our bodies. The bills I am working on this session to reduce plastics will be a great step towards further plastic reduction. Join me in committing to doing all that we can to curb this growing environmental and health issue.

Out and about in District 15
On March 12th, we celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Hillsboro Rotary Club. We heard about the life-changing scholarships that have been given over the years, the exchange student program and the countless service project investments.
Intern Corner
The Willow Project
The Willow Project was approved by President Biden on March 13th despite millions in opposition and warnings from environmental groups of its future consequences. This project looks to drill within the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Biden’s plan would allow three drill sites initially which project developer ConocoPhillips has said would include about 219 total wells. Some have cited that this project would allow for more jobs and cleaner fuel since it is accessed from our land. However, this undermines the president's pledges to reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions and promotion of clean energy. According to the administration's estimates, it could generate 9.2 million metric tons of planet-warming carbon pollution a year which is equivalent to adding 2 million gas-powered cars to the roads.
Younger, progressive voters have voiced their disappointment and have urged the administration to do more on climate, but the Willow Project has left millions of young people feeling misled. Lawsuits were immediately filed as the news came out of Biden's approval. One such lawsuit coming from the Alaska Native group. Although there have also been viral protests both online and in-person, it seems like the project will be moving forward.
Constance Tam
Community Outreach
Portland Metro Fire Camp
Shared from Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue
Young women ages 16-22 still have time to apply for Portland Metro Fire Camp! This FREE fire camp will be offered twice this summer on two weekends. The first camp will be held July 14, 15, and 16 at the Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center, 4800 NE 122nd Ave., in Portland. The second camp will take place July 21, 22, and 23 at Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue’s Training Center, 12400 SW Tonquin Road, in Sherwood. The deadline to apply for both camps is May 1 at midnight. Space is limited. Applications and more information are available online at Don't delay! This is an exciting opportunity you won't want to miss. Portland Fire & Rescue Portland Metro Fire Camp.
Planet Con - Saturday, April 8th, 2023
Additional Resources
What’s happening around town in Senate District 15? – Event Calendars
Federal Delegation Links
Education Links
Food and Housing Assistance
Be good to yourself and each other. ❤
Onward & Upward,
 Senate District 15 lies on Kalapuya land. The Atfalati were the northernmost band of the Kalapuya that lived along the Tualatin River in present day Washington County. Many of the Atfalati descendants are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon today. The Indigenous Peoples of this land experienced a painful history of colonial violence, sickness and removal from their land. The Atfalati are the foundation of Oregon’s past and we must honor them well into our future.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1715 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-207, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: