Updates from the House

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Representative Daniel Nguyen

Updates from the Capitol

Hello Friends, Family and Constituents 

So much has happened and I am very excited to share with you the successes coming out of the Oregon House. It is amazing to be in the front lines of addressing countless issues impacting everyday Oregonians in my community and beyond. Thank you to those of you who have testified, provided written testimony, sent emails, made phone calls and are engaged in our legislative process. It is people like you who make this a true citizen legislature.

HB 2001 and HB 5019


On March 15th, the House passed the first in many to come, a bipartisan housing package intended to help tackle the homelessness issue here in Oregon. It is clear that affordable housing and homelessness must be one of our top priorities. This package is a $200 million investment to work to ensure that the work that has started can continue with the strong support of the Legislature.  

Affordable housing development is vital to keeping people in their homes, and getting them into homes. Supporting both

our workforce with housing they can afford in their neighborhood and get those who need housing, into houses. The Oregon Housing Needs Analysis will help cities focus their housing production priorities in conjunction with the state to ensure local partners to utilize effective strategies and tools available to them to boost production of safe, accessible, and affordable housing for all Oregonians. By funding the Governor's emergency homelessness response declaration, we can work more closely with local governments and find the needs that each local municipality needs. 

I proudly voted for HB 2001 and HB 5019. Both have been approved by the Senate and are off to the Governor for signature.

Update on HB 3294


HB 3294, which aims to provide property owners a compete and through process to remove racist language from property deeds, is moving forward through the committee process and has a work session on Tuesday, March 28. I would encourage you all to watch it here.

You can expect for an amendment to be heard, which we have worked on in conjunction with the County Clerk Association and Oregon Land Title Association to ensure that chain of title is not compromised, and ensure that the process outlined in the bill worked in conjunction with their existing processes to reduce the amount of burden that they may experience.

Honorary Pages

This week we had six students from our district participate in the Honorary Page Program! It was an honor to have them here and to let them in on the legislative process. If you want your children (ages 12 and up) to be part of this program please click the link above and let us know! We want to thank all the Honorary Pages this week and their parents for bringing them down to Salem! 

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Town Hall

The townhall will be held Sunday April 23rd from 1pm-2pm. We look forward to seeing you all there and to meet you face-to-face! Mayor Joe Buck, Senator Wagner, Representative Walters and I will all be present, and we look forward to hearing your concerns and needs from us. If you cannot join us in person, we will have a live stream and you can submit questions here: 2023 Legislative Town Hall | City of Lake Oswego


Yours truly,

Representative Daniel Nguyen
House District 38

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1438
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-488, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Rep.DanielNguyen@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/nguyend