Legislative Update from Rep. Anna Scharf

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Representative Anna Scharf

Dear Friends,

Here is some information and highlights from the past few weeks. I hope this update is helpful to you as we wrap up the seventh week of session! As always, thank you for your continued support. Please contact my office with any questions or concerns.



Anna Scharf
State Representative - HD 23



Paid Leave Oregon has refreshed its website, PaidLeave.Oregon.gov. In response to community feedback, the updated website is now available in six languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Other new features include:

  • An interactive contributions calculator so employers and employees can figure out their payroll contributions
  • A safe exit or "quick escape" feature – these buttons are used on websites for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. The button helps web users quickly exit the site they're browsing and will automatically open a blank search page.
  • More detailed information for both employers and employees, as well as new sections for self-employed people, healthcare workers, and service providers
  • Videos that feature real Oregon business owners in our communities

Upcoming events

OED is starting a Contributions Explained webinar series. Employers can learn more about Paid Leave Oregon and how to file their first Oregon Quarterly (OQ) report with Paid Leave contributions. Experts from the Oregon Department of Revenue and Frances Online will also attend to answer your questions. All sessions will have American Sign Language (ASL) and Spanish interpreters.​


Recently, the quarterly revenue forecast in Oregon was released with projections that Oregon budgets will have record-breaking surpluses, much of which will be returned to taxpayers based on how much they paid in taxes.

Currently, Oregonians receive a return in form of tax credit. Previously, Oregonians used to receive any returns in form of a check. Sen. Tim Knopp has introduced SB 990 to have the kicker returned back to Oregonians in form of a check. What do you think? Should we keep our kicker return in form of a tax credit or a check?

The House Republican Office made this statement regarding the recent forecast:



Oregon Housing and Community Services will reopen the federal Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Program on March 8, 2023. The program offers federal temporary COVID-19 emergency mortgage relief intended to support homeowners who have experienced severe financial hardships due to the pandemic. It provides funding for past-due mortgages and other housing expenses, as well as ongoing payment assistance, to a limited number of homeowners with low to moderate incomes. 

HAF will reopen with a focus on homeowners in active foreclosure and those traditionally underserved by mortgage markets. Homeowners can learn more about eligibility requirements and, if eligible, apply online starting March 8, 2023, at oregonhomeownerassistance.org.  


A message from the Department of Revenue:

Tax season is underway at the Department of Revenue.  For faster service and potential refunds, we encourage taxpayers to file electronically. Helpful resources are available on our webpage including an interactive map showing locations for free tax help and access to free file tax preparation software.

By filing a tax return low- to moderate-income Oregonians can claim the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other state and federal refundable tax credits.

The EITC is available for people making less than $59,187 in 2022. Families may be eligible for a maximum EITC benefit of $6935 on their federal tax return, and a maximum Oregon Earned Income Credit of $807 on their state tax return. Certain taxpayers without children may also be eligible for these credits.

Individuals may qualify for the EITC and the Oregon EIC even if they are not required to file. To receive the refundable credits, however, they must file a federal and state tax return.

More information about EITC, Oregon EIC, and other refundable credits is available on the Tax benefits for families page of the Department of Revenue website.



Tour of the CAMS project at the Capitol with Rep. Nathanson (D-Eugene), Rep. Boshart Davis (R-Albany), Rep. Holvey (D-Eugene), and Chief Clerk Tim Sekerak


Supporting the cattleman at the Oregon Cattleman's Dinner!


Speaking with Eastern Oregon University students at the Capitol!


Meeting with state FFA officers at the Capitol!

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-387, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.AnnaScharf@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/scharf