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Representative Susan McLain

Hello Friends and Neighbors, 

Weeks like this one remind me of the special privilege of getting to discuss a wide range of topics that comes with being a legislator. This week, I've met with organizations and advocacy groups from across the state to hear about a diverse array of issues ranging across multiple sectors of politics, such as disability rights, wild salmon protections, transportation safety, public university governance and student loan relief for public defenders. My schedule is busy but the committed advocates and constituents from my district proposing these efforts make my time spent worthwhile. I am looking forward to continuing my collaboration with solution-minded groups throughout Session!


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Get more information about my Legislative efforts, community events, and important news updates on my Facebook and Instagram pages.  I love hearing from you! The fastest way to reach my office is via email:

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Click on the icons to follow me on Facebook and Instagram





My friend, Beaverton Mayor Beaty came to visit my office to chat about transportation, specifically my Great Streets Funding Bill and the Transportation Safety Bill.




Chatted with Representative Valderrama, who serves House District 47 - outer East Portland. We discussed her education bill, HB 2710, which you can find information about in the bill section. 



kotek and hilary


Above is a photo of Governor Kotek and Moms Demand Action Chapter Leader Hilary Uhlig. Every year, I always look forward to Moms Demand Action virtually meeting with our office and other legislators to discuss their legislative priorities. This year, they discussed a suite of bills addressing gun violence prevention. I am proud of the work they are accomplishing in protecting our schools and public safety. 



Cartoon of a bill

House Bill 2710

I testified in support of HB 2710 on Monday in the House Committee on Education. This bill is sponsored by Representatives Valderrama, Ruiz, and Bynum and will bring more transparency to  the Education budget process by allowing us to understand how school districts spend State School Fund dollars.

The 9.3 Billion Dollar State School Fund is Oregon’s largest investment in public education and the largest single expenditure in our state budget. With these funds we provide districts with extra resources to serve underserved student populations, including English Language Learners, students in poverty, and students experiencing disability, among many others. However, we don’t know how these funds are bring spent. This means parents and families are left wondering how public funds are being used to support their children, and we as legislators are left wondering how our decisions to allocate the State School Fund dollars uplift K-12 students. HB 2710 would give us a better idea of how school dollars are being spent, increasing transparency and accountability in our education systems.


House Bill 2984

HB 2984, introduced by Representative Pam Marsh, had a hearing in the House Committee on Housing and Homelessness on Thursday. This bill aims to make more affordable housing available in Oregon by requiring local governments to allow for the conversion of buildings located within an urban growth boundary from commercial use to residential use for workforce housing, without requiring a zone change or conditional use permit. It defines “workforce housing” as a residential property available to own or rent to families earning 120 percent or less of area median income, subject to an affordability period of no less than 15 years. It also prohibits, for such housing, local governments from enforcing parking minimums greater than amount allowed for existing commercial use, or from requiring payment of a system development charge prior to expiration of 15-year affordability period. 


House Bill 2617

My personal bill, HB 2617, will have a vote in the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care on Monday, March 6th. I thank Chair Nosse for this opportunity and am looking forward to moving this bill to Ways and Means, which is the next step in the process.

Information on House Bill 2617


womens history month


As a mother and grandmother, I believe it is important to celebrate the contributions of women who have shaped the world we inhabit today through their activism and resilience. Today, I am proud to work alongside women who are passing trailblazing policy that will better society for our future generations of women. 

disability rights


This week, I met with Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) to discuss their legislative priorities for this Session. Two of the major bills they are focusing on are SB 819, which will provide students with disabilities a fair shot in school and SB 565, which will provide access to affordable medication for patients and people with disabilities. As a former teacher, I will always support efforts to expand special education and protections for people with disabilities across our state's public school system.

Please check out their website to read about these bills in more depth and learn about the admirable work their organization contributes to the disability rights movement in our state. 


By Gabby Mijalski-Fahim, Legislative Aide for Team McLain

As a renter for over 7 years in Oregon, I believe Senate Bill 611, House Bill 2733 and Senate Bill 799 are three of the most urgent and necessary bills introduced in the Oregon Legislature this Session. These three bills make up the Homelessness Prevention Package by the Fair Shot for All Coalition, a progressive network of organizations that held a housing crisis briefing which I attended last December. These bills will ultimately limit rent increases and expand tenant protections. Every week, I watch the House Committee on Housing and Homelessness meetings to track important housing legislation. These meetings provide the opportunity to hear from constituents, advocates and agency representatives who share their lived experiences and perspectives on legislation that offers different solutions to the ongoing housing affordability crisis in our state. 

I am in support of this bill package because I have experienced and witnessed rental instability throughout my time living in Oregon. I live in a small apartment complex in downtown Portland. Every other week, I pass an eviction notice taped to one of my neighbors’ doors. Across from my building resides a homeless encampment where people start small fires to stay warm as the temperature drops at night. When I was temporarily unemployed and searching for new jobs, I struggled to keep up with the high cost of rent and rising prices of groceries. Many of us are one paycheck away from finding ourselves on the street, with nowhere to go. My neighborhood is one of the few left in Portland that hasn’t been completely affected by gentrification, and people are still struggling to make ends meet. If rent were to increase in the next year, many of us would be priced out and have little affordable alternatives. We need to pass the Homeless Prevention Package to stabilize rent so that rental prices cannot continue to increase faster than wages and Oregon tenants can live decently, without the looming fear of eviction every month.


In light of our cold weather forecasts, here are some tips and resources for navigating the snow!

Winter Travel

slow down!

Remember to slow down and plan extra time for your commutes. 


Black Ice Warning

black ice

Stay alert for slippery patches of black ice. Whatever thawed yesterday may be ice today! Avoid unnecessary travel.


WashCo Weather Shelters

washco shelter


Those in need of shelter resources in Washington County should contact Community Connect at 503-640-3263 to get connected with resources.


I am excited about the up and coming affordable housing projects in our county. Developing affordable and accessible housing is an essential step in increasing economic mobility and reducing poverty across our state. 

Affordable Housing Construction

apartment complex

The Bonita Villa Apartment complex in Tigard is being modernized to ensure long-term viability and sustainability as part of the Housing Authority of Washington County’s comprehensive renovation of five affordable housing communities.


The Housing Authority of Washington County has embarked on a comprehensive renovation at five affordable housing communities called the AHP4 Portfolio Preservation Project. One of them, Bonita Villa, will see a total of 96 apartments modernized to ensure long-term viability and sustainability. This work is wide ranging, and staff has worked with residents on this plan.

Renovations include accessibility modifications, new plumbing, electricity, heating and ventilation systems, appliances, and much more. This project will preserve the affordability of these homes for decades into the future, by leveraging the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program that requires they be kept affordable for at least 30 years.



An exciting opportunity to hear from and support a local author who is up and coming with a children's book and a young adult novel.

Renée Watson: Hillsboro Reads Keynote Speaker



Don't miss Renée Watson Friday, March 3, 5:30 pm at Brookwood Library! We are very excited to have her as the keynote speaker for Hillsboro Reads Local Authors. This event is free and open to everyone. Learn more at #RenéeWatson, #HillsboroReads


I am sending a big congratulations to our three students of the month! As a former teacher, it is important to me that young people are recognized and celebrated for their hard work and dedication to improving our community.  

Emmanuel Tencos Angel: Hilhi Rotary Student of the Month

hilhi rotary student


Congratulations Emmanuel Tencos Angel from Hillsboro High School who is Hillsboro Rotary Student of the Month. Emmanuel received his award certificate joined by his proud school representatives, Robyn Anderson, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) and math teacher, and Sarah Denny, IB (International Baccalaureate) English teacher.

Emmanuel plans to attend college either at Oregon State or Portland State to pursue a mechanical engineering degree, and then use his knowledge to improve the safety of machines and make the lives of others better and safer. He ended with the Juntos Unidos club motto, Si Se Puede - Yes, We Can!


Henry Huffstutter: Glencoe High School Rotary Student of the Month



Congratulations Henry Huffstutter from Glencoe High School who is Hillsboro Rotary Student of the Month. Henry received his award certificate accompanied by his proud parents, Jodi House and Andy Huffstutter, as well as his metal shop teacher, Jonathan Stupfel. 

Henry plans to continue his education at OSU pursuing a science degree, hopefully biology, and then on to the workforce and perhaps a graduate degree. Henry plans to spend his working years outdoors, taking on challenges for a good cause. Well done Henry!


Lauren Faulkner: Hillsboro Online Academy Rotary Student of The Month



Congratulations are in order for Lauren Faulkner, a senior at Hillsboro Online Academy who is Hillsboro Rotary’s Student of The Month. Lauren was accompanied to receive her award certificate by her proud father, Budd Faulkner and HOA principal, Linda Harrington.

Lauren would like to get her associates degree at a community college and finish her bachelor’s degree at Portland State University. She is considering software engineering or something in the conservation field. We wish Lauren much success in all her endeavors!


With extreme cold weather comes physical safety risks and seasonal mental health fluctuations. Please see the resources below for resources that offer precautionary advice and psychological support.

Mental Health Support



It can be challenging to be a teenager these days. If you’re experiencing sadness, stress or anxiety you are not alone. While it is normal to feel this way, there are lots of resources out there that can help.

Reaching out for help is a good first step to feeling better, although it may be tough to speak up and ask for support when you need it. Fortunately, there are many ways to connect with people, no matter what’s troubling you.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, confidential help is available 24/7. Call or text 988 or chat


I met with a member of the Hillsboro Hops team and we discussed their plans to build the premier entertainment complex for the metro region. Hillsboro Hops is a locally owned program and one of the 120 teams participating in the Major League Baseball's newly formed Professional Development League. I am excited about their project and the positive, economic impacts it will have on our district.

Hillsboro Hops Dream Big Scholarship

hillsboro hops logo


High school seniors who will be first-generation college students (neither parent/guardian with a four-year degree) are encouraged to apply for the Hillsboro Hops’ Dream Big Scholarship for a chance to earn $2000 toward college expenses. Applications will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Mar. 5. Click here for additional information:


OEM has put together this list of contacts to help speed up the process of replacing these documents:

The Governor’s office has put together a Wildfire Resources page that you can access from the Governor’s home page.  It has links to many of the most important updates about the status of fires and resources for evacuees.  This website will be updated regularly.  

Legal ResourcesOregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Program, Oregon lawyers, through the Oregon State Bar, are partnering with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide legal assistance on FEMA claims, contract claims, insurance claims, landlord-tenant matters and more.

The Department of Forestry’s Wildfire Response and Recovery Overview has ongoing updates about firefighting efforts, damage reports, and more.  

FEMA UpdatesFEMA has provided several different Fact Sheets and resources for accessing benefits, determining eligibility and avoiding scams.


picture of veterans

Mental Health Services:

  • Washington County Crisis Line | 503-291-9111
  • Crisis Text Line | Text “Connect” to 741741
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-8255
  • Trevor Lifeline | 1-866-488-7386


Employers and Employees

The following list of resources is from Oregon’s Secretary of State’s Office. The fastest way to get in touch with the SOS team is by emailing, using the “Need Help?” button found on most state agency websites or visiting

Education Links

Local Government

Utilities Assistance

Food and Housing Assistance


With temperatures expected to stay low in the coming days, if you or someone you know needs a place to stay warm, call 2-1-1 or visit to find open warming centers in your area.

Being out in the cold for too long can cause serious health issues. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by learning the signs of cold-related health conditions like hypothermia and frostbite, and what to do if you see someone with these symptoms:




Oregon Health Authority



Yours truly,

Representative Susan McLain

Representative Susan McLain
House District 29

email: I phone: 503-986-1429
address: 900 Court St NE, H-489, Salem, OR 97301