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Representative Cyrus Javadi

The session is underway

Last Monday, the House of Representatives gaveled in the 82nd Legislative Assembly. I, along with 21 newly elected and 38 returning members, took the oath of office. It is the honor of a lifetime to be trusted to serve my community - the people of the North Coast.

Over the next six months, the Legislature will be meeting to discuss the big issues facing Oregonians. I want this newsletter provide you regular updates to keep you informed about what is going on, how you can get involved, and how state government impacts your life.

Please, help me and forward this email to a few of your neighbors. They can sign up for this newsletter at www.oregonlegislature.gov/javadi, my official legislative website.

Quickly, here is what the landscape looks like in the Legislature:

In this last election, Republicans broke the Democrat's supermajority in the House by picking up two seats. That means the majority party cannot pass new taxes without Republican votes. That's a big change from the last couple of legislatures. I hope this promotes bi-partisan policymaking for the good of ALL Oregonians. 

Looking forward to serving you, 

Yours truly,

Javadi signature

Representative Cyrus Javadi
House District 32

Rep. Javadi with Daughter

Meet the Team

Javadi Staff

Andrew Sagert, policy analyst (left), Mollie Parmley, chief of staff (Middle) and Rep. Javadi (right)

I am excited to have a great team in my office this session. Mollie, my wife, will serve the constituents of HD 32 with any issues you have with state government. Andrew will be helping me analyze the policy that we are working through this session and helping me move forward the bills I have introduced. 

Policy Briefing - What I am working on

Javadi Committee


During this session, I will serve on the Economic Development and Small Business Committee, Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee, and the Housing and Homelessness Committee. You can follow along with what these committees are doing by following the links. 

I am excited to serve on these committees. Small businesses are the backbone of the North Coast economy. As a dentist, I want to ensure that my patients get the highest quality care at the most affordable price. Our housing issues impact all of us on the coast, from high prices to short supply.

I look forward to putting the North Coast first in all my work on these committees.

My Priorities

  • Cutting taxes and lowering costs - I am chief sponsoring HB 2724, which would end the death tax in Oregon. The government has already taxed that money. There is no need for families to be taxed again when they die. HB 2725 would lower the cost of prescription drugs in our rural communities by cutting out middleman fees.
  • Growing the healthcare workforce - The labor shortage is being felt in every sector of our economy and nowhere is the impact felt more than in the healthcare sector. HB 2979 would create grants for our community colleges to expand dental assistant programs. HB 2408 would also allow nurses with licenses in other states to work in Oregon 
  • Limiting the Governor's powers - HB 2407 would require the Governor to ask the Legislature for an extension of any state of emergency past 60 days. COVID showed us that Oregon's laws governing the executive powers are out of balance. It is time to rein them in. 

Coastal Caucus' letter to Gov. Kotek on Homelessness

I have joined the bipartisan Coastal Caucus. This group of legislators represents the unique interests and economies of the coast. We sent Gov. Kotek a letter asking her to reconsider her homelessness approach. I am encouraged by her sense of urgency on homelessness, but I was disappointed that her recent executive orders will leave out coastal communities from additional resources needed to combat the crisis. We hope she will reconsider her approach.

Read more here: Coastal Caucus appeals to Kotek for more help with homelessness

What is going on at the Capitol?

Want to testify before committee? The process has changed.

Last week, we got word that the process to sign up to participate in the committee process has changed. Before, you could show up and sign up to testify at the Capitol. But now, you must register online in advance to provide verbal testimony during a committee meeting. Registration closes one hour before the scheduled start time of the meeting.

Get all the info here: 

How to get involved

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Americans today stand on the shoulders of giants. Dr. King is one of the largest. He brought Americans together not by abandoning our princples, but rediscovering the truth of them for all. Let us not forget his sacrifice. 


House Republicans' Letter to Governor Kotek

2023 House Republicans

2023 Oregon House Republican Caucus. I an honored to serve with such a talented and diverse group of leaders from across the state.

Last week, the entire House Republican Caucus sent the newly sworn-in Governor, Tina Kotek, a letter about how she can work with us to create a better Oregon. As Governor, it is our responsibility to hold her accountable. We asked her to come to the table and find bipartisan solutions that benefit the whole state.

House GOP Kotek LetterHouse GOP Kotek Letter 2

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1432
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-373, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Rep.CyrusJavadi@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/javadi​