Dear Neighbors,
Happy winter and Happy holidays to all. We are at the longest night of the year and I’m looking forward to the light returning to our days. I hope you and your loved ones are able to connect and enjoy time together.
I know this time of year can be challenging for many people and for a variety of reasons. If you need resources, support, treatment, or mental health services, please:
If you need access to a warming center or would like information, please call 211. Below are a few links with local warming centers serving the district and surrounding areas.
Here are some additional resources:
Out and About in House District 26
From community tree lightings to volunteer opportunities, I am so grateful that community events are often back in person again. I have thoroughly appreciated the invitations and tours that have returned to my calendar as we rebound after the COVID downturn. Here are a few photos from some recent outings:
I recently toured Lam Research to learn more about our local semiconductor workforce and discuss the future of the industry in Oregon. Behind us in this picture is a beautiful House District 26 sunset over Sherwood and Parrett Mountain.
Tigard Chamber of Commerce held their Holiday Happy Hour event in King City at Al’s Garden Center on Roy Rogers Road and donated 40 move-in baskets to Family Promise of Tualatin Valley. If you happen to be looking for a gift or giving opportunity, you too can support FPTV as well as many other nonprofits through the Give Guide donation page.
Our 2019 exchange student Nanako came back a second time this month through our Wilsonville-Kitakata, Japan sister city exchange program! It was so wonderful to see her again! She hopes to return again someday and work at Wilsonville Parks and Rec.
On a recent visit to Tigard High School, I checked in with teachers, literacy specialists, and the Library Media Assistant who works so hard to make sure the library is welcoming and a place that students want to spend time.
The Sherwood High School Mixolydians sang all our armed services anthems at the Sherwood Veteran’s Day event. Here is a picture as Sherwood’s Mayor-Elect Rosener stands with other Air Force veterans to be honored during the US Air Force “Wild Blue Yonder” anthem.
 Some of you may know I’m a big theater fan and I especially appreciate our local High School theater productions. This fall, I have thoroughly enjoyed Tuck Everlasting at Sherwood HS, The Game’s Afoot at Tigard HS, and Little Women The Musical at Wilsonville HS (where my oldest was the backstage manager!) - all were AMAZING SHOWS and I’m looking forward to their winter productions in 2023!
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Comment Period Open Through Jan 6th, 2023
The Oregon Transportation Commission is taking testimony until January 6th, 2023 to inform a “Regional Mobility Pricing Project”.Please share your thoughts on congestion, safety, environmental, and community impacts with regards to proposed variable rate tolls in our region. Our communities need to be heard, ask questions, and be informed on how traffic patterns may change.
The public comment period will close on January 6, 2023. To learn more about the proposed tolling projects and the request for public comment, visit
Legislative Days
My team and I have been hard at work during interim, tracking issues, holding work groups, and staying in touch with constituents. Today was the presession filing deadline to submit bills. Our office submitted a wide variety of bills on behalf of the cities we represent, constituents with great ideas, and causes that I am fighting for. From housing solutions to petroleum pipeline accountability, from universal school meals to improved school ventilation, from humane treatment of animals to reduction of toxins in our environment, and so much more, we anticipate a busy and productive 2023 session. My focus will also be on:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting climate action,
- Ensuring that adequate education funding is appropriated,
- Problem solving surrounding law enforcement’s need for statutory changes so they can respond appropriately in light of threats of mass harm, and
- Addressing the critical role that parents play in serving our state’s children with the highest medical and behavioral needs.
Last week was our December Legislative Days where the House and Senate held committee hearings full of important updates from agencies and on topics that legislators will be addressing in the coming 2023 session. Here are some of my top priorities within my current committee assignments with links to our recent hearings:
Housing Committee
I will be introducing a policy concept to amend the Publicly Supported Housing Preservation (PuSH) statute to strengthen notice and safe harbor protections for publicly supported housing units. We also anticipate a bill to create a tax credit that can be used to incentivize the preservation of affordable housing. With both of these concepts, we are keeping our most vulnerable Oregonians stabilized with a multi-faceted approach by maintaining our current inventory of housing.
You can watch last week’s Housing Committee meeting here.
Early Childcare Committee
For the Early Childcare Committee, I will be introducing three concepts that would continue to support the transition of the Department of Early Learning and Care and ensure that childcare providers have the adequate space and resources to operate.
Childcare Provider Incentive Program will establish the Child Care Provider Incentive Fund which will be used to support childcare providers to retain and expand the workforce.
The Family Navigators bill will direct the Department of Early Learning and Care to enter into contracts and entities to provide services as navigators of employment related day care.
The Childcare Zoning bill will allow the Department of Land Conservation and Development and the Department of Early Learning and Care to study child care facilities in rural areas and consider collocation of employer-based child care in existing buildings.
You can watch last week’s Early Childhood Committee meeting here.
Education Committee
Stable funding for education and supporting strong schools with pathways to future jobs are top priorities this session. Here is a preview of some legislative concepts that I will be introducing this session:
Stabilizing the Current Service Level calculation. It is essential that the state improve the accuracy of our calculations for providing stable education from one biennium to the next. This bill course-corrects past practices and will give the Legislature clarity when making budgeting decisions.
Lifting the Cap on Special Education Funding. The current 11% cap is an arbitrary formulaic barrier to accurate budgeting and it limits schools ability to serve all students. Lifting this funding cap is one of many steps needed to better serve our students in districts with more than 11% of students with special needs.
Increasing the Poverty Weight in the State School Fund Calculation that would allocate more resources to students who are living in poverty to help them succeed.
- Allowing school districts to have School Bus Stop-Arm Cameras will give school districts and law enforcement a tool to hold individuals accountable when they illegally drive past school buses and students boarding at bus stops. This is a bill that was brought to us by a Wilsonville High School student who is concerned about the fact that Oregon is one of the states where these traffic recording devices are not allowed.
You can watch the recent House Education Committee meeting recorded here.
2023 Legislative Assembly
Our House Democratic Caucus retreat this month, led by Speaker Rayfield (Corvallis) and Majority Leader Fahey (Eugene/Junction City), was held along the Willamette River in beautiful Independence, Oregon. I really appreciated time with my returning and newly elected colleagues. We are ready to get to work on shared goals in 2023!
In the coming session, you will see many new faces in the building and on OLIS. We have 21 new members (11 new Democrats and 10 new Republicans in the House) and can celebrate one of the most diverse Legislatures in Oregon history. We have 19 legislators of color, age diversity, and bring dynamic lived experiences to inform and lead our work! You can read more about the Legislature’s growing diversity in the Capital Chronicle Article. We will all be sworn in on January 9, 2023 and our session officially begins on January 17. Committee assignments have yet to be announced.
It’s been an incredible year and we’ve taken critical steps to support Oregonians. We’ve taken meaningful steps this year to address the homelessness and affordable housing crises; support working families and small businesses; drive down the cost of living; invest in community safety and violence prevention; and support strong schools. You can read more about our accomplishments in this press release. Our work is not done, and I look forward to returning in 2023 to continue to problem solve and collaborate on behalf of my constituents and our shared Oregon values.
Stay Healthy
With the flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID-19 circulating, please take care to keep you and your loved ones safe. Infants, toddlers, older adults, and immunocompromised Oregonians are at the highest risk.
Get caught up on your vaccinations and know how to protect yourself. There is currently no vaccine for RSV. Below are some helpful resources.
The federal government is also allocating free, at-home COVID-19 tests for each household. Order tests now on this website so you have them when you need them.
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday,
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1426 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-281, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Website: