Revenue Forecast Released and I-5 Bridge Update

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Representative Susan McLain

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

"September is upon us!" A phrase I remember my Grandma saying.  She meant school was beginning, harvest seasons were coming to an end, Fall leaves would be falling.  There would be transitions to seasons ahead.  Fall has always been a favorite time for me as a mother, teacher, and now as a Legislator.  Children growing and starting new stages and activities, the new school year for students, Interim work coming into final stages, community activities, Legislative Days, and a new Session on the horizon.

This week I had the opportunity to visit the Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce Luncheon and speak about Interim work and the upcoming Legislative Session.  I am appreciative to the group for the invitation and for the work they do in our community.  I also attended the grand opening of the Valfre at Avenida 26, a 36-unit affordable housing complex that is named after my friend Val Valfre.  Please read more about these new apartments and about Val in the "Around Washington County" section.  Also in this newsletter is a reprint of an op-ed that I co-wrote with Senator Lee Beyer and Senator Annette Cleveland (WA) on the Interstate 5 Bridge replacement effort, information on the new Revenue Forecast, links to participate in Legislative Days, and much more!

Last days of summer

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Get more information about my Legislative efforts, community events, and important news updates on my Facebook and Instagram pages.  I love hearing from you and besides posting on Social Media, the fastest way to reach my office during the Interim is via email:

Instagram logo  


Click on the icons to follow me on Facebook and Instagram





interim cartoonThe Interim is always busy with meetings and community events.  For example, this week I have spoken at the Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, attended an affordable housing grand opening, and met with community homeless advocates.  Next week, I am looking forward to attending a White House briefing on federal infrastructure dollars. 

I have also been busy preparing for our upcoming Legislative Days, which are from September 21-23.  Legislative Days are a time when Committees hold informational hearings on a variety of topics, but we do not vote on policies or pass legislation.  Topics can often be ones that may lead to legislation in upcoming Sessions, or Committees may hear updates on previous bill implementations.  Many Committees will hear reports from State Agencies and Task Forces, or consider testimony regarding current subject areas affecting Oregonians.  Here are a list of the Committees that I serve on, with hyperlinks to view their Legislative Days hearings.  If you cannot watch live, the videos will be archived at the same links.

Joint Emergency Board Subcommittee On Education - 9/21, 11:30-2:00

House Interim Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, and Water - 9/21, 2:30-5:00

Joint Committee On Transportation - 9/23, 8:30-11:00

Joint Emergency Board - 9/23, 1:00-3:30 


Upcoming Town Halls on 9/17 and 9/24

To accommodate as many people as possible, I am hosting two Saturday town halls in September!  I will provide an update on Legislative Days and we'll have a great dialogue on policy issues for the 2023 Session.

September 17th at 10:00 am on ZOOM: REGISTER HERE

September 24th at 10:00 am at the Cornelius Library 

Town Hall Flyer




I-5 Bridge Logo

I had the privilege of joining my Co-Chairs on the Bi-State Bridge Committee, Senators Lee Beyer (OR) and Annette Cleveland (WA), in writing the below opinion editorial that was published in the Portland Tribune and the Forest Grove News-Times.  I hope you will take a moment to read our perspective on the importance of looking to the future as we plan and build the new Interstate 5 Bridge.


When the Interstate 5 Bridge was an idea in its infancy in 1912, prominent Portland businessman J.H. Nolta argued, "We should not build the bridge for today, next week, or next year, but for the next 40 years."

Little could he imagine that the bridge they built would connect two cities, two states and three countries on the I-5 corridor for more than a century. Yet, 105 years later, that Bridge stands as a testament to the vision and commitment of political and civic leaders who knew they had a responsibility to build a Bridge, not just for their time but for future generations.

The current Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) program is also a legacy project — a once-in-a-generation opportunity to modernize the infrastructure that can significantly improve our region's economic resiliency, support our climate goals, and ensure that the needs of future generations are met.

Bi-State Bridge Co-Chairs

As the primary route connecting Canada and Mexico, I-5 is a vital regional, national, and international trade route that connects communities along its corridor.

Right now, the current I-5 bridge acts as a stop sign on this critical international trade route and essential community connection and falls far short of meeting our needs for safe, equitable, and environmentally responsible transportation.

The current bridge poses critical safety and congestion issues that are immediate as we face the possibility of failure if a major earthquake occurs. Crash rates in the area are over three times higher than the statewide average. And as we're sure many residents can attest, the existing shared-use path does not provide adequate space for people walking, biking, or rolling.

These safety issues also directly influence congestion, which in turn negatively impacts our economy and the environment.

In 2019, over 143,000 vehicles crossed the bridge each weekday, resulting in seven to 10 hours of congestion during peak travel periods.

Bridge traffic

The I-5 bridge is the worst bottleneck in Washington, the second worst bottleneck in Oregon, and the 33rd worst bottleneck in the nation (ATRI 2022 Report). Slow travel times and idling vehicles contribute to increased air pollution.

In 2017, $71 million in freight commodity value crossed the Interstate Bridge daily.

Quite simply, we cannot afford to allow these problems to persist.

With future generations in mind, the IBR program is committed to fiscal responsibility, centering equity, and advancing our shared climate goals. To ensure fiscal responsibility, the program will conduct multiple studies analyzing various tolling scenarios and costs, including a low-income toll report to help determine equitable toll rates.

As work progresses, the program will follow best practices (such as value engineering, cost-risk analysis, etc.) to help identify and address cost escalation risks and other financial considerations. The bi-state legislative committee, on which we serve as co-chairs, provides a critical oversight role in ensuring fiscal transparency and accountability. The IBR program is already demonstrating fiscal responsibility through its efforts to maximize federal funds.

The replacement of the I-5 Bridge has an opportunity to receive an infusion of federal dollars into the local economy. Without this program, these federal dollars would go elsewhere in the United States.

Centering equity through intentional and active community engagement has been a key tenet of the IBR program since its inception. Tangible ways in which this has been accomplished is through the Equity Advisory Group (EAG), which makes recommendations to program leadership regarding processes, policies, and decisions that have the potential to affect equity-priority communities. They also developed an Equity Framework that informed the development of design options, transit investments, and screening criteria — all of which led to the identification of the program's primary replacement option. The IBR program had substantial community outreach in 2021 and will continue that work over the next several years.

Finally, the IBR program will advance our shared climate goals. By expanding mass transit options, creating a safer route for people walking, biking, and rolling, and extending light rail from Portland to Vancouver, the IBR program is committed to designing with climate resiliency in mind and minimizing climate impacts through design, construction and operation.

I-5 Bridge

Looking ahead, the new I-5 bridge will be future-compatible, climate-friendly infrastructure. The IBR program is a once-in-a-generation bi-state effort overseen by federal, state and local regulatory agencies — and individuals like you. Large projects like these take years to develop and depend upon strong partnerships between individuals, communities, and organizations who share a common vision for our future.

As the IBR program moves forward, we'll join our colleagues in asking tough questions and demanding answers, all while remaining committed to seeing this through.

The best ideas often result from the marriage of diverse perspectives. We encourage you to engage, share your ideas, voice your concerns, and commit to ensuring that our region has a bridge that will meet the needs of our communities for another hundred years.




September Revenue Forecast Released 

Revenue Forecast

Speaker Rayfield statement on continued strength of Oregon economy following revenue forecast

SALEM – Today, Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield (D-Corvallis) issued the following statement after the release of the latest quarterly state economic and revenue forecast:

“The Oregon economy continues to be fundamentally strong. Hiring has increased, our unemployment rate is near its lowest level on record, and we hold record reserves following years of sound fiscal management by Democratic leadership. After a session in which we made critical one-time investments in all corners of the state, we’ll keep prioritizing the issues Oregonians care most about like housing, behavioral health support, abortion access and more. And we’ll keep making targeted investments to support working families and build toward an economy that works for everyone.”


Employment Department Update on New Online System

Employment department entrance

The new system, Frances Online, will support both unemployment insurance (UI) and Paid Leave Oregon, the new program for family, medical and safe leave.

Beginning with the third quarter filing in 2022, Frances Online will replace the Oregon Payroll Reporting System (OPRS) and the Employer Account Access (EAA) portal.

The system will include the Statewide Transit Tax (STT) and Paid Leave Oregon contributions starting the first quarter of 2023.

Employers will use Frances Online to:

  • Easily update your account information, manage account access add and make changes to your staff access, and connect your clients to your account.
  • File and amend your combined payroll report(s) and find your tax rate(s) as well as those of your clients.
  • View the letters we send, send and receive secure messaging from inside the system, and more!

Wondering how to start using Frances?  

Starting Sept. 6, you can create your account in just a few steps.

Visit the Employer Resource page to download infographics on how to create your account, watch how-to videos, access updated file specifications, and check out our FAQs.

Here's a preview of the tools you'll find:




Back to School

Hillsboro Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship

Hillsboro Apprenticeship Program

The Hillsboro School District, in partnership with the City of Hillsboro and local businesses, has launched the Hillsboro Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship, Oregon’s first-of-its-kind, industry-recognized youth apprenticeship program. This innovative two-year program provides a unique and equitable pathway for high-school students to receive hands-on, paid training that prepares them for a career in advanced manufacturing.

The program’s first cohort includes six Century High School juniors, who are participating in the school’s Industrial and Engineering Systems Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The youth apprentices will begin their work with two Hillsboro-based companies, Jireh Semiconductor and Tosoh Quartz, on September 6.

As apprentices, students are employed by the partner company and have the unique opportunity to learn on the manufacturing floor. Upon successful completion of the program, they will receive accreditation from the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and will become certified to work anywhere as a manufacturing technician. Nationally, apprentices earn on average $300,000 more over the span of their careers than non-apprentices.

The Hillsboro Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship program positions Oregon as a leader in the development, modernization and diversification of registered youth apprenticeships. The program has been designed to be replicated in schools across the state of Oregon, not just for advanced manufacturing, but for other industries like health care and construction. 

Learn more about this innovative program and download the press release here.


forest grove school district logo

Correction to Bus Route Mailer

From the Forest Grove School District: 

Please be aware of an error contained in the bus route postcard which was mailed to all district families. The error was with the "Wednesday, Late Start Days AM Pickup time." The correct time for the Late Start AM Pickup should read "One hour later than regular pickup time." For example, if your student's Regular AM bus pickup time is 7:22am, your student's Late Start AM Pickup time will be 8:22am. We apologize for the error and the resulting confusion.

As a reminder, the first Late Start Wednesday will be September 14, 2022.


Forest Grove School District: First Day of School Dates!

September 6 - First day of school for Grades 7, 9

September 7 - First day of school for Grades 1-6, 8 &10-12

September 9 - First day of school for Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten

Link to 2022-2023 district and grade level parent calendars


Hillsboro School District: First Day of School Dates!

September 6 - First day of school for Grades 1-7 & 9

September 7 - First day of school for Grades K & 10-12

September 9 - First day of school for Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten

Link to 2022-2023 district calendar


Suggested Back-to-School Links & Readings

Useful information graphic

Apply Online for Free and Reduced School Meals 

Hillsboro School District 2022-23 Calendar

Hillsboro School District Transportation Information

Hillsboro School District Back-to-School Packet 

Forest Grove School District 2022-23 Calendar

Forest Grove High School Back-to-School Packet

Forest Grove School District Transportation Information

Forest Grove District Curriculum Adoption Information

SAT and ACT Dates for 2022-23








The Valfre at Avenida 26 Opens!

Affordable Housing project

I was proud to attend the grand opening of The Valfre at Avenida 26 this week! This Affordable Housing project will provide 36 much needed homes to low-income families in Forest Grove.  It is named after a dear friend and colleague, Adolph "Val" Valfre. Val served 24 years in the US Air Force, retiring as an Air Force Officer and Vietnam Veteran. Beyond his service in the US Air Force, he is a former Forest Grove City Councilor, prior Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Washington County, a longtime public servant, and resident of Forest Grove.  He is a fierce proponent of affordable housing in our community and very deserving of this honor.

Ribbon cutting ceremony



Forest Grove Corn Roast and Harvest Festival, 9/17-18

On Saturday, celebrate Forest Grove’s agricultural roots with this fun annual festival, which offers fresh-roasted corn, along a variety of food, games, crafts, music, and events for kids.  On Sunday, there's a kids bike parade (sponsored by Washington County Bikes) followed by the FIRST EVER pet parade!  Enjoy the sidewalk art and catch a free horse-drawn carriage street art tour in celebration of Forest Grove's 150th birthday!

September 17th, 11-5 at Pacific University (2043 College Way)

September 18th, 10-12 on 21st Avenue between Main and “A” Street


Corn Roast flyer
pet parade


32nd Annual Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival - September 17

People of all ages and skill levels will register for a square of sidewalk that includes a box of colorful pastel chalk. They will spend the day creating their masterpieces on one of the hundreds of squares that line the downtown corridor.  Valley Art hires various entertainers to perform throughout the day. One of our favorites is Joe Mishkin, the Balloon Man.

The cost to participate is $14 for 24 pieces of chalk, or $18 for a box of 48 pieces. It also includes one reserved sidewalk square. There is a $5 discount per box of color chalk for current Valley Art members. Everyone is welcome to observe the fun. There is no fee to watch the artists or enjoy the music.

To register, please visit the big tent out in front of Valley Art on the day of the event (Sept. 17) from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.  You can also preregister on the Thursday prior to the event (Sept. 15) from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. inside of Valley Art, 2022 Main St.

Chalk Art Festival


Centro Cultural: El Grito on September 17th

Join Centro to celebrate El Grito! Enjoy music, Aztec dance and Mariachi on September 17th from 2-7pm at Shute Park. More info:

El Grito event flyer





Wildfire Smoke and Your Health

Prolonged exposure to smoke can be harmful to people of all ages, depending on the AQI reading as a measure of smoke density. Smoke can eventually damage your body's ability to remove large particles and excess phlegm from your lungs and airway. Small particles (PM 2.5) pose the greatest risk, because they can get deep into your lungs, and even into your bloodstream.

Symptoms of smoke exposure usually include irritation of eyes, nose, and throat or breathing discomfort, even in otherwise healthy people. More severe symptoms may include chest tightness, wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. Anyone experiencing symptoms or with a known or suspected medical condition that could be worsened by smoke should contact their healthcare provider for further advice or call 911 if warranted.

Who's Most at Risk?
Take precautions at appropriate AQI level if you are in a sensitive group: 

Who should take precautions


How Do I Protect Myself? 

  • Limit your exposure to smoke. Pay attention to local air quality reports online with the Oregon DEQ and take extra safety measures such as avoiding spending time outdoors.
  • Avoid anything that increases indoor pollution like candles or vacuuming
  • Close windows and doors.
  • Run a standalone, HEPA grade indoor air purifier. They come in many sizes, so choose one right for at least one room where you spend the most time, or get more than one. You can always move it from a bedroom at night to a living space during the day. 
  • Run an air conditioner if you have one. Keep any fresh-air intake closed (many systems do not have one) and the filter clean. You can use a high-efficiency filter with a MERV 13 rating. Consult a local heating and air conditioning company to see if your system can handle a high efficiency filter like MERV 13. Air purifiers and filters can be purchased at your local hardware store or online.
  • Fine particles, but not hazardous gases, can be filtered with an N95 or N100 face mask. Please do not wear an N95 mask with one-way valves around other people. Exhaled air is not filtered in these masks and does not reduce COVID spread to others. 
  • Ensure a tight fit and check how long your mask is effective. Bandanas and paper dust masks are ineffective and only trap large particles.
  • Avoid smoke exposure during outdoor recreation. Before you travel to a park or forest, check to see if any wildfires are happening or if any prescribed burns are planned.
  • Follow your doctor’s advice about medicines and about your respiratory management plan if you have asthma or another lung disease or cardiovascular disease. Call your doctor if your symptoms worsen.

Health Recommendations

Wildfire smoke and your health


Questions about Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is officially in Oregon with 60 documented and 35 suspected cases so far. The Oregon Health Authority just launched a website full of information and rescources regarding Monkeypox (hMPXV) and I recommend taking some time to familiarize yourself with the information.


Washington County COVID-19 Vaccine Locations

All of the major health systems are providing COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters.  You can use this CDC tool to figure out when to get your booster. 

vaccine graphic


In-home vaccinations: Are you or a loved one who is (5 years or older) unable to get to a vaccine clinic because of a disability or other physical or mental health barrier? See if you qualify for a free in-home vaccination by calling 503-846-8123, emailing Washington County or filling out this form.

Tektronix: This is a walk-up clinic operated by Oregon Health Authority. It is located at 2540 SW Alan Blumlein Way (inside Building 58) in Beaverton. The clinic is open Thursday through Saturday from 12-7 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Beaverton Resource CenterThis clinic takes place every Friday inside the Beaverton Resource Center, 13565 SW Walker Road. Make an appointment at Project Access Now's website

Forest Grove Farmers Market: This vaccination clinic is held every Wednesday night from 3-8 p.m., inside the farmers market located at 2030 Main Street in Forest Grove. 

M&M MarketPlace: This clinic is located at 346 SW Walnut Street in Hillsboro. It is open every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. No appointments, ID or health insurance required. Testing also available at this site. Call the Vive NW hotline at 844-291-4970 with questions.

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health CenterVaccination and testing at the new Hillsboro 7th Avenue clinic (226 SE 7th Ave) is open to all community members. You don't have to be a Virginia Garcia patient. Testing is drive-thru and vaccination is walk-up. Hours are M-F, 9a.m. to 4 p.m. You will need an appointment. Find more information at VG's website.

Centro Cultural: This clinic is located at 1110 N Adair Street in Cornelius. It is open on the last Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. No appointment, ID, or health insurance is required. Find more information at Centro's website

Centro Saturday Vaccine Clinic





Economic Symposium - Latinos in Oregon 

Economic Symposium flyer

Tickets are now on sale for Centro Cultural’s Economic Symposium – Latinos in Oregon: Corazón de la economía! On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, spend your afternoon mingling with the business and civic community of our region. As Centro continues their 50-year anniversary campaign, their eyes are turned toward the future and the heart of our economy—Latinx professionals who continue to evolve the economic landscape of Oregon.

Learn more and reserve your tickets here:



Public health for businesses

Oregon Mask Guidelines for Businesses:

Masks are not required for most indoor settings, but you still need to wear a mask in health care settings to keep everyone safe. Some businesses and schools may still choose to require masks. People may also choose to continue to wear well-fitting masks to protect themselves and others. Oregon’s full rule on masking, including a list of health care settings where masks are still required, is located here.

**To download mask signs for your business, visit the Oregon Health Authority's mask information page.


Monkeypox Information For Businesses 

Monkeypox (hMPXV) cases have recently been identified in the Portland metropolitan area, including in Washington County. The risk to most people remains low. However, some social groups and some employees who come into regular contact with the skin of customers or clients are at higher risk. 

If your business includes skin-to-skin or close personal contact with clients or items that their skin has touched, you can take extra steps to prevent the spread.  Read about how to protect your employees and customers at this Washington County resource page


Heat Illness Prevention & Wildfire Smoke Exposure Rules 

Oregon OSHA has new rules related to heat illness prevention and wildfire smoke exposure, which became effective June 15th and July 1st respectively. Go to the Heat stress or Wildfires​topic pages at OSHA for rules, publication, and training details.




Prevent Wildfires


Governor Brown Declares State of Emergency

Governor Kate Brown declared a state of emergency yesterday due to the imminent threat of wildfire across Oregon. Much of the state continues to experience high temperatures, wind, storms with dry lightning, and persistent drought. With the extended forecast in Oregon calling for continued warm and dry conditions—and with many parts of the state in drought emergencies—the threat of wildfire in Oregon is imminent.

Pursuant to ORS 401.165 et seq, Governor Brown determined that a threat to life, safety, and property exists due to the imminent threat of wildfire. The Governor's declaration authorizes the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Office of the State Fire Marshal, in coordination with the Oregon Department of Emergency Management, to utilize personnel, equipment, and facilities from other state agencies in order to respond to or mitigate the effects of the wildfire emergency. The declaration allows state agencies to temporarily suspend any rules that impair the response to wildfires, if needed, and also allows the state to request assistance from other states through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact if necessary.

The emergency declaration is focused on helping to ensure that the state is prepared to marshal all available and necessary resources as quickly as possible as wildfires arise throughout this season. When state and national resources are limited, the Oregon National Guard will deploy firefighting resources in accordance with Operations Plan Smokey 2022.

**For the most up-to-date information, please visit Oregon's Wildfire Updates page.



Oregon Rising Logo

OEM has put together this list of contacts to help speed up the process of replacing these documents:

The Governor’s office has put together a Wildfire Resources page that you can access from the Governor’s home page.  It has links to many of the most important updates about the status of fires and resources for evacuees.  This website will be updated regularly.  

Legal ResourcesOregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Program, Oregon lawyers, through the Oregon State Bar, are partnering with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide legal assistance on FEMA claims, contract claims, insurance claims, landlord-tenant matters and more.

The Department of Forestry’s Wildfire Response and Recovery Overview has ongoing updates about firefighting efforts, damage reports, and more.  

FEMA UpdatesFEMA has provided several different Fact Sheets and resources for accessing benefits, determining eligibility and avoiding scams.




picture of veterans

Mental Health Services:

  • Washington County Crisis Line | 503-291-9111
  • Crisis Text Line | Text “Connect” to 741741
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-8255
  • Trevor Lifeline | 1-866-488-7386




Employers and Employees

The following list of resources is from Oregon’s Secretary of State’s Office. The fastest way to get in touch with the SOS team is by emailing, using the “Need Help?” button found on most state agency websites or visiting

Education Links

Local Government

Utilities Assistance

Food and Housing Assistance


Oregon Health Authority



Yours truly,


Representative Susan McLain
House District 29

email: I phone: 503-986-1429
address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301