End of Summer Update

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Representative Anna Scharf

End of Summer Update

The Oregon State Fair is in full swing, which means that we are in the last days of summer.  This means that children are heading back to school, football season is beginning and elections are just around the corner.

The Legislature does not allow Legislative communications during campaign season, so this will be our last newsletter until after the election.

HD23 Borders are changing in 2023

Last October the Legislature, as required by statute, set out with the task of redistricting. This once every 10-year process re-aligns the population with their representation in the Oregon House of Representatives, the Oregon Senate and the US Congress.

For some of you in House District 23, this made no difference in your representation at the state level, but for others of you it means that you will be represented by a new House and Senate District.

Our office has received many phone calls regarding the process of redrawing the lines and questions as to which House District they now reside in. Others wondered about the new Congressional district and what that means.

With the November general election just around the corner, I feel like it is a good time to help those in HD23 understand where they will be represented.

Inside you will find a general map of the old district and the new district as well as links to where you can go plug in your specific address to pinpoint any exact changes.

For all of you in HD23, I am still your Representative until the next Legislative session starts no matter how the district lines change. Please keep reaching out if you need anything.

Major Changes for HD23

  • Marion and Benton County portions of HD23 will no longer be included in the new district.
  • Willamina, Ballston, Whiteson, rural Sheridan and those within the City limits of Amity will no longer be part of HD23 and will be included in HD24.
  • Falls City will be part of HD23 and no longer in HD10.
  • Newberg and Dundee will no longer be part of HD25 but will be included in HD23.

To find your specific address on the new map, please visit the statewide redistricting map here.

Old & New Boundaries, HD23

Maps above:  Left map, current HD23 boundaries until December 31, 2022.  Right map, HD23 boundaries after December 31, 2022.

Congressional District Changes

Legislative Days

The Legislature is (virtually) meeting for three days on September 20 - 22.  The Representative will be attending the House Agriculture, Land and Water committee, meeting Wednesday September 21 at 2:30 and the House Human Services committee that is meeting Thursday September 22 at 11:30.

Through OLIS, you can watch the committee meetings live or watch them later.  Daily meetings can be found at this site:  Oregon Legislative Information System (oregonlegislature.gov) .

Wildfire Map (SB762)

The Oregon Department of Forestry released maps showing wildfire risk levels that were intended to drive future regulations and rules.  These maps had many faults and were quickly pulled back to be reevaluated. 

The Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) received many inquiries about the maps and potential implications for insurance coverage.  DCBS has determined that "insurance companies in Oregon have not used, and have no plans to use, the state wildfire risk map in their decision-making."

If you have questions or concerns regarding these maps, please contact DCBS’s Division of Financial Regulation. Consumers can contact them with questions or file complaints by calling 888-877-4894 (toll-free), visiting their website at dfr.oregon.gov, or emailing them at DFR.InsuranceHelp@dcbs.oregon.gov.

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-381, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.AnnaScharf@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/scharf