Parades and Fairs
Did you see me in the Independence 4th of July parade? It is great to go out and celebrate after taking two years off with the Pandemic. If you love a parade as much as I do, Dallas Krazy Dayz parade (Saturday July 30th, 11am – 12:30pm) & Newberg’s Old Fashioned Festival parade (Saturday July 30th, 10 – noon) are this coming weekend. I wish I could be in two places at once so the coin toss winner this year went to Dallas. I’ll see everyone next year in Newberg!
It’s also fair time! The Yamhill County Fair is Wednesday August 3rd through Saturday August 6th. The Polk County Fair is being held the following weekend, Thursday August 11th through Saturday August 13th. I spent 11 years serving on the Polk County Fair Board and the annual fair has always been like a big family reunion to me. I encourage everyone to attend their county fair, support the kids, admire your neighbors’ entries into various exhibits and enjoy celebrating our great counties.
Maritime Pilot tour
Representative Scharf toured the Maritime Pilot Association in Astoria recently. These individuals, Columbia River Pilots, and Columbia River Bar Pilots risk their lives 24hrs a day 365 days a year to make sure that imported goods reach Oregonians and Oregon’s valuable exports are able to reach foreign markets. They battle every possible weather condition to cross the bar between the ocean and the river and then navigate through smaller commercial vessels and recreational river traffic. It was a pleasure to spend the day with them and learn about their valuable service to Oregon, the challenges they face, the needs of our rivers, and the future of imports and exports to our state.

Oregon Health Authority once again ignores public input on Administrative Rules
My office, like many voters, recognize that the COVID19 pandemic is in a much different place than it was when the COVID19 rules were put into place under the Governor’s Executive Order. One of those rules (OAR 333-019-1030) implemented by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) requires that ALL education staff, employees, volunteers, bus drivers, etc. be vaccinated. Not “boosted”, just vaccinated.
The rule was requested to be repealed due to “requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for school staff and volunteers has negatively affected school staffing and volunteer supports and is not necessary because the vaccination does not prevent either COVID19 disease or transmission of COVID-19.” During the public comment period, my office sent a letter in asking that this rule be removed. If you did not see the letter in my last newsletter, here is a link to it again.
As our children prepare to return to the school year, districts are being challenged, once again, to fill positions with the unnecessary mandate in place. Parents, grandparents, and volunteers are being shut out of the classroom from providing much needed support due to this unnecessary mandate. However, OHA did not see it that way at all. They upheld the rule, and it remains a permanent requirement. They stated that “OHA is aware of worker shortages across the nation and does not have evidence that these shortages are caused by mask or vaccine requirements. Senator Dembrow’s Education Workforce Work Group2 has not identified mask or vaccine requirements as having an impact on education workforce shortages. Therefore, staff shortages are not a factor that weighs in favor of repealing the rule.” As of 7/27/22 School Spring, the job search engine for teaching positions in Oregon, had 3,859 jobs open across the state. That does not include bus drivers and volunteers. The only thing that may save districts is the ability to accept religious and medical exceptions which is still in place.
Children and adults have spent the summer with NO restrictions at gatherings, vacation destinations, group activities, etc. How is a classroom any different? Why is OHA not recognizing the progress made in fighting COVID19 with therapeutics and the studies that have come out on natural immunity? Why didn’t OHA add booster requirements to the rule when studies have shown that the vaccination has diminishing effectiveness over time and against some variants? Why didn’t OHA follow the science?
OHA letter on the ruling can be found here
The next step our office is taking is to review the 1,224 pages of public comments submitted and then file a public records request with OHA for all other evidence used in reaching this decision. OHA has initially told our office that the public records request could take 60-90 days to fulfill and will cost our office ~$1,600. Yes, a state agency can and will charge another state agency for records that should be publicly accessible to begin with.
I will work to keep you all informed of what we may be able to do once we get the information. However, what continues to be abundantly clear is that state agencies continue to act as though they are the 4th branch of government and that needs to stop.
The public is invited to present comments or suggestions on the draft amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan that will guide the state in using tolling as a way to raise funds for transportation system improvements:
The comment period is open until September 15.
What is it?
The Oregon Highway Plan has an existing policy section on tolling. This draft policy amendment proposes an update to that section, which is "Goal No. 6: Tolling." The draft amendment is intended to modernize the state’s pricing and tolling policy. It defines terms, such as congestion pricing, and it offers guidance for the use of revenue and setting rates (but it does not set rates). It also provides the Oregon Transportation Commission with clearer direction for decision making. There are 15 policies in the draft amendment, each with actions to guide implementing the policy.
Note: This amendment is not about whether the state should toll roads; instead, it provides guidance for doing so if the state decides to use tolling.
Public input will inform potential revisions to the plan amendment. The goal is to have a final version ready for adoption later this year.
The Oregon Highway Plan is the state’s primary highway guide, establishing a 20-year vision and strategic framework for Oregon’s road system. The current plan (PDF) was approved by the commission in 1999 and has been modified numerous times, including in 2012 to add the current section on tolling.
What does the Supreme Court’s decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization which overturned Roe vs Wade, mean to Oregon? This ruling will transfer the responsibility for any policy regarding abortion to the individual states. Oregon has some of the least restrictive laws in the country: There are no waiting periods, mandated parental involvement or limitation on publicly funded abortions.
- 44 states prohibit some abortions after a certain point in pregnancy. Oregon does not.
- 19 states require an abortion to be performed in a hospital after a specified point in the pregnancy. Oregon does not.
- 21 states have laws to prohibit partial-birth abortion. Oregon does not.
- 33 states require an individual to be given some form of counseling prior to an abortion. Oregon does not.
- 27 states have a waiting period, usually between 18 and 72 hours, for a person seeking an abortion. Oregon does not.
- 27 states require one or both parents’ consent for a minor to have an abortion. An additional 10 states require that one or both parents be notified. Oregon has neither requirement.
- Oregon is one of 16 states that use state funds to pay for all or most medically necessary abortions for Medicaid enrollees.
The number of abortions yearly in Oregon are going down slowly. There were 8,942 in 2016 and preliminary numbers show 2021 will have 6,577. While this reduction in abortions is encouraging, prevention against unplanned pregnancies should be our goal.
Our office is open
Most of the capitol building is closed, but we are still here for our constituents. Visiting the Capitol is tricky lately, because most of the building is under construction, and only the Representatives and Senators office wings are open. If you have a situation that involves a state agency, and you are having problems getting in touch with them, or need more information, we may be able to help you.
During the pandemic, we helped many with claims to the Oregon Employment Department (OED). The Employment Department has a form on their web site that works quickly. It can be found at:
For those who have used the OED’s “contact us” form and are dealing with an emergency or have an urgent need for help, we can help you get in touch with someone. Please have the following information ready: Constituent’s full name, address, phone number, date of birth, last four digits of their social security number (The OED never want or need your full SSN)
We hope everyone is having a great summer. Stay cool and please let our office know if we can be of assistance.
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-381, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Website: