Friends and Neighbors,
Upcoming Events
Virtual Coffee Chat - Happening This Morning at 9:30am!
Join me for my 92nd Community Conversation. Bring your questions and share your thoughts or concerns. Pre-registration is required at the link below.
Resources to Help Beat the Heat
This week as we continue to experience extended extreme heat conditions, make sure you are taking care of yourselves and checking in on friends and neighbors. Here is a list of cooling centers in Washington County. Trimet will not turn away anyone that needs a ride to a cooling station if they are unable to pay. Inform the driver you are going to a cooling center. See tips below from OHA on how to stay cool and healthy. Visit OHA's website here for more information and helpful tips.
Out and About in Senate District 15
Celebration of Life for Ralph Brown
This past Saturday was a beautiful night to honor and celebrate a beautiful life. Ralph Brown had a positive ripple effect through every single community he was a part of. Those communities showed up for him and I was so glad to be there and share in the celebration.
Washington County Fair
It's Washington County Fair time! I got to enjoy this fun day in Senate District 15 through the lens of my 21 month old grandson! Chicken Dance fun, animals, Washington County Dairy Women's ice cream, snakes and #STEM fun! It is warm this week, so sunscreen up and keep hydrated! The Washington County Fair continues through July 31st. Check out the fair schedule before heading out, including updated hours this week due to the heat:
Pride Night at the Hops
This past Friday was a beautiful night of friends, laughter, and Pride, while cheering on our hometown team, the Hillsboro Hops. It was great night to celebrate with friends, colleagues and community. Love Is Love! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
CSG West
This year, the Council of State Governments West took place in Boise, Idaho. Nickole and I had the opportunity to go and learn from other states in the Western region about the similar challenges we are facing and possible solutions on topics ranging from workforce shortages, addiction and recovery, water shortage crisis, decarbonization, gun violence prevention, immigration, and more. I had the opportunity to join colleagues at the table to talk about Government Oversight as we shared each of our state practices and committee structures. Here is a brief on some of the sessions I attended during the conference:
The Art & Science of Influence:
We are experiencing a breakdown of authority. People are more distrustful. Be good with your word. How are you the best listener? What drives you to service?
Workforce Development:
Idaho has a 2% unemployment rate. Who is employed, who is not? What is being done to help those that are not? 48% college enrolled in college? What is the gender ratio? How many are finishing with a degree? How much debt? Will restrictive policy made by the legislature effect future expansion of companies to relocate to Idaho?
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: What does it mean for States?
So many questions! There are 380 programs available in the bipartisan Act. Workforce shortages, in industry and government jobs. In Federal Government, for every 10 jobs, only 4 were filled. Broadband experiences a 20% workforce shortage. Where states should focus – BROADBAND expansion.
Westrends Board:
Workforce shortages. Housing. Utah’s “Return Utah Program” (done through Governor’s Executive Order). Childcare shortage (everywhere). Land Use. Climate Change.
Best State Practices to Support Refugee Integration:
The IRC (International Rescue Committee) team works to support policy and advocacy with state and local elected officials to prepare and pass pro-refugee legislation. They support refugees in the US with navigating US laws, transportation system, healthcare, cultural adjustment, mail and immigration processes. Oregon was named several times for the positive pro-refugee policy that has been passed. For more info on the IRC:
It was a beautiful moment we all experienced in at the end, a gentleman spoke up and thanked the IRC for helping with the process of relocating his mom from Cambodia. He was so gracious and the emotion could be felt in the room.
This week, I head to Denver to take part in several more conferences that are part of NCSL, the National Conference of State Legislatures. Stay tuned for updates from the NCEL Conference, the Youth and Young Adult Policy Summit and the NCSL Legislative Summit.
Education Updates
Shared from STEM Education Facts
Did you know that employment in STEM has grown by 79% since 1990? Check out more facts in this infographic about why STEM and Stem Education are essential!
Environmental Updates
June PlanetCon Event Summary
Shared from Westside Planet Alliance Facebook
The data is in from the June PlanetCon. For a first foray in a COVID-19 world, these tallies aren't too shabby. Way to sustain (resources, health, community, and happiness)!! Loads of thanks to all who volunteered and participated. Please stay tuned for the next PC date. Way to sustain (resources, health, community, and happiness) friends!!
Community Outreach
Americans With Disabilities Act
Did you know that 1 in 4 adults in the US have a recognized disability? Yesterday, July 26th, marked an important day in our history as the anniversary of the signing of The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a critical civil rights law that protects discrimination based on disability. For more information visit the websites below:
Hillsboro Police Department Back to School Supply Drive
Join the Hillsboro Police Department as we collect school supplies to benefit the kids at the Inukai Boys and Girls Club of Hillsboro. Donations can be made at our main precinct (250 SE 10th Avenue in Hillsboro) through August 11.
Programas de Asistencia para Compradores de Vivienda por Primera Vez - First Time Home Buyer Assistance Programs
Oregon Metro Community Placemaking Grants
Shared from Metro Facebook
Metro is accepting applications for Community Placemaking grants from Aug. 5 through Oct. 7. Grants will range from $5,000 to $25,000 and support community-led, equity-centered arts and culture efforts. Learn more at
Additional Resources
Senate District 15 Links
Federal Delegation Links
Education Links
Food and Housing Assistance
Be good to yourself and each other. ❤
Onward & Upward,
 Senate District 15 lies on Kalapuya land. The Atfalati were the northernmost band of the Kalapuya that lived along the Tualatin River in present day Washington County. Many of the Atfalati descendants are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon today. The Indigenous Peoples of this land experienced a painful history of colonial violence, sickness and removal from their land. The Atfalati are the foundation of Oregon’s past and we must honor them well into our future.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1715 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-207, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: