Legislative Updates

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Representative Moore-Green

May 27, 2022


    We are all heartbroken over the shootings in Texas this week, and in New York and California last week. Our hearts go out to the families of victims, survivors, and communities as they experience these losses. 

    These senseless acts of violence impact all of us and there are resources available to help. The American Counseling Association and National Institute for Mental Health have information, crisis lines and staff available, and the Dougy Center shares some ways to speak with your children following traumatic events. 

    As the Vice Chair of the Behavioral Health Committee it remains a priority of mine to ensure our youth and families have the services and resources necessary as they continue to navigate the stresses and strains of living in a post pandemic world.   

  This month’s newsletter provides an opportunity to inform constituents of current and upcoming events now that the “blackout period” prohibiting legislators from using state resources to communicate with constituents sixty days prior to an election, has come to an end.    

Legislative Updates

    On May 18th  the Office of Economic Analysis (OEA) released the June 2022 Economic and Revenue Forecast.

    Forecasters reported that Oregon’s economy continues to see unprecedented revenues. The revenue growth has resulted in record balances in the current biennium, to be followed by a record kicker in 2023-25..

    Forecasters also expressed the need for caution noting the recessionary risk is rising and that a steep revenue decline of the sort Oregon experienced during the tech and housing busts are increasingly likely. Additionally, they noted the continuing workforce needs/shortages as well as supply chain issues affecting segments of Oregon’s economy. I continue to focus on small business recovery, workforce issues and the overall health of my community.

​​​​    The Oregon Economic Forecast provides information to planners and policy makers in state agencies and private organizations for use in their decision-making processes. The Oregon Revenue Forecast opens the revenue forecasting process to public review. It is the basis for much of the budgeting in state government. Forecast reports are issued four times a year: March, June, September, and December.

    You can find the Executive Summary of the forecast here and the full report here if you wish to read more.  You can watch a video recording of the presentation on OLIS here.

    Legislative days are  June 1st -3rd  and all legislative committee meetings can be viewed live through the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS).  It continues to be my honor to serve as Vice Chair on the House Behavioral Health Committee, and to serve on Environment and Natural Resources, Health Care and the Covid 19 committees which are all meeting during legislative days.  I also continue to serve on the House Conduct Committee.

 Memorial Day - A Day to Reflect and Remember - May 30th

    Wishing you a safe and blessed Memorial Day as we remember and honor our military service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.   Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.

mem day

Oregon's Disaster Assistance Program Launched

    On May 9th, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) today launched the Oregon Disaster Assistance Program (ODAP) for farmers and ranchers who suffered financial losses during one or more of the natural disasters that hit Oregon in 2021. The $40 million program includes forgivable loans for eligible farmers. ODAP is designed to complement USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) disaster assistance, contact your local FSA office more additional information. For more information about ODAP please visit ODA’s ODAP webpage.

    Applications will be available until June 3, 2022, when assistance will begin to be processed. Based on available funds, ODAP may conduct a second round of applications.

    To view a sample application please visit the ODAP webpage.


Applications being accepted for

Advance Directive Advisory Committee

    The Office of Governor Kate Brown and Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division are seeking applicants for two positions on the state Public Health Advance Directive Advisory Committee (ADAC).

    The Advance Directives Advisory Committee (ADAC) provides guidance to OHA on necessary revisions to Oregon’s Advance Directive form and ensures the form is available and accessible across all Oregon communities. The committee reviews the Advance Directive form every four years.

    OHA invites applications from people who meet the following criteria:

  • One member of the Oregon State Bar who has extensive experience in health law.
  • One member with expertise advising or assisting consumers with end-of-life decisions.

    Each position serves a term that begins on July 1, 2022. The end dates for the positions listed above is typically four years. Board members are appointed by the Governor. Individuals with lived and/or professional experience related to health, disability, or racial equity are encouraged to apply.

    Information about the Advance Directive Adoption Committee is available on the board’s website here.

    For more information, contact Charina Walker, OHA Public Health Division, at 503-314-8605 or charina.walker@dhsoha.state.or.us.


    In the interim if we can be of help to you as you navigate your state government please call or email.  My door is always open and my staff – Pam McClain, Lena Prine – and I welcome your participation.  As your state representative, I am here to listen, respond, and lead.  Thank you. 


All my best, rmg


Raquel Moore-Green
Representative, HD 19 South Salem, Turner and Aumsville

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1419
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-385, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Rep.RaquelMooreGreen@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/moore-green



lake safety

Last, but not least, this is the time of year water safety becomes an important part of our recreation plans.  Here are some slides to remind all of us to practice safety as we recreate on our beautiful waterways.

bridge safety