Important Announcements!

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Representative Smith Warner

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

It has been a joy and a privilege to serve my state, my constituents and my caucus as the State Representative for House District 45 since January of 2014. I will be serving the remainder of my term and not filing for re-election. 

My kids’ public school education motivated me to join the legislature, and I am proud to have led the creation of the Student Success Act, which will pay off for future generations in equity-based investments. I’m also proud to have played a role in advancing gun violence prevention legislation, from requiring safe storage of firearms to background checks on individual sales and extreme risk protection orders. These protections will save countless lives. 

In the past eight years, the legislature has also tackled paid sick time, increasing the minimum wage, pay equity, drivers licenses for all, justice reinvestment, police accountability, expansion of voting rights, and so much more. What a fun and fantastic ride it has been, one that I never imagined I would have enjoyed so much—nor could I have imagined how much meaningful progress we could accomplish in such a short time.

Thank you to my colleagues for their service, and to my family for their support of mine. I believe more than ever in the value of a government of, by and for the people. It must be protected and supported for good to prevail and for our democracy to survive.

Happening Tomorrow: End of Session Town Hall

Joint Town Hall Poster

Join me, Representative Pham and Senator Dembrow for our Joint Town Hall tomorrow Wednesday, March 9 from 5:30PM - 6:45PM. We will provide a recap of the 2022 Short Legislative Session and answer any questions you may have.

We encourage you to share questions or any additional accommodations using the registration link. We hope to see you there! Please register using the link below:

Additional information regarding this years legislative accomplishments will be shared in next week’s newsletter. 

As always, please contact my office with any questions you might have, or if you need assistance registering for tomorrow’s town hall.



Representative Barbara Smith Warner
House District 45

email: I phone: 503-986-1445
address: 900 Court St NE, H-487, Salem, OR 97301