Hello All,
The 2022 Legislative Session is moving very quickly. I have had to jump in with both feet to make sure I am able to represent the needs of HD 39. Following is a brief report on my activities as your new State Representative.
As you may know I am the newest Representative in the Oregon State House of Representatives and was sworn into office after the legislative session was already underway. The deadline for introducing new legislative bills had passed before I was appointed. Therefore, I quickly started establishing new connections and researched the bills that had been introduced and was able to be added as co-sponsor on several bills that I believed had merit and a positive impact for House District 39 and Clackamas County and for our Veterans.
My Sponsored Bills Link: HERE
I have been assigned to the following Committees:
I've been getting busy and working hard on other avenues I could still pursue with the short time made available to me during this session. I advocated for and submitted a funding request for the District and Clackamas County.
I am very excited about the prospect that the final funding bill passed by the Legislature this session will include critical funding for Clackamas County. I have worked hard to keep this funding package for Clackamas County in what is known as “the Christmas Tree Bill”. It will be one of the last pieces of legislation voted on this Session. I have worked closely with my fellow Legislators and hope to achieve success. The bill can be found here: HB5202
Over $100 Million going to the District 39 and Clackamas County
"We are so grateful to Representative Hieb for his dedicated effort to ensure that the least among us are cared for through support of The Canby Center's capital campaign project. This project is an outflow of our mission to renew dignity and inspire learning by meeting the needs of our neighbors. We are grateful for the work of Rep. Hieb to help our community thrive!" - Ray Keen (Director - Canby Center)
As the Legislative Session is quickly coming to an end this is just a brief report on my activity on your behalf. When the Session ends I will report on the outcome of bills of interest to you. Thank you for your support – stay tuned!
I intend to serve my constituents with hard work and integrity as your State Representative.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, if you have any questions or concerns my door is always open.
Semper Fidelis,
James Hieb
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1439 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-377, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Rep.JamesHieb@oregonlegislature.gov Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/hieb