Week 3 is over!
We are on the downhill side of the 2022 session
This week was mixed with constituent meetings, community events, the rollercoaster pace of short session, family time, Oregon’s Birthday, and some NO votes!
Monday – First Chamber Deadline (code for a few more bills die)
I was invited to be the guest speaker at the West Salem Rotary lunch. We discussed the bills moving through the session and the concerns many Oregonians have with them. I was also visited by the State FFA Officers. This is such an amazing group of young adults. I can’t wait to see them next month at their State Convention. In House Ag, Land Use and Water committee, I successfully worked with stakeholders, agency, and lawmakers to amend a bill to create a quick simple solution to a problem. I am excited to be the carrier of this bill on the House floor.
Wednesday – the ½ way point…time to celebrate.
With the 1st chamber deadline behind us and waiting for bills to come from the Senate it was time to take a breath. Some Legislators, spouses, lobbyists, and staff joined together for an evening of karaoke and laughter.
Thursday – Community honor and family pride
I was honored to attend the Salem Police Foundation’s 11th annual Breakfast with the Chief. It was a wonderful event and I joined many others in attendance in expressing gratitude to our men and women in law enforcement. Thursday was also a special family day. My daughter took 1st place at the District FFA Extemporaneous Speaking competition. That evening the Amity HS Girls Basketball team won the District title and she was named 2nd team all-league.
Friday – The lonely soul on the 3rd floor
Floor session was canceled because all the bills had been cleared from the calendar and there were no committee meetings scheduled. So, I took advantage of the day and worked in the office. I pretty much had the building all to myself. I was grateful for the day as I know the next two weeks will not be as easy or as peaceful.
"No" votes taken this week (Vote explanations I filed)
HB 4031 – Establishing the goal at the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) that percentage of diverse employees, employed by ODE, reflect the percentage of diverse students in public school.
This bill establishes a goal and nothing more. ODE already has the capability of establishing agency goals without taking up valuable time during the short 35-day Legislative session. In addition, this bill has no connection to educating students.
It has been ruled time and time again to be unconstitutional to give preference based on race. This bill does just that. Every state agency should strive to hire the best and the brightest employees, but for the agency responsible for educating the children of this state, this should be the only criteria.
HB 4133 Requires a change to the electronic voter registration system which will allow individuals to register online with just the last 4-digits of their social security card number and a scanned signature.
This bill erodes public trust in our elections system and calls into question the ability of the elections system itself to be able to perform the requirements within the bill with the accuracy needed to uphold the election integrity that Oregonians deserve.
House District 23 relies on many wonderful people in the US and in Oregon here on permanent resident cards for a variety of reasons. The cards allow them to work in our ag, manufacturing, hospitality, retail sectors and more. For them to work and file taxes, however, they must be issued a social security card. A social security card that looks just like the ones issued to those that are born in the US. As social security cards are printed on the same paper, with the same seals, and all have numerical sequences ending in four digits. The only difference is that those individuals with permanent resident cards are not US citizens, not Oregonians, and not eligible to vote.
Finally, supporters of the bill suggested that using the last 4-digits of a social security number was enough to validate individuals and avoid duplication. The estimated population of Oregon is 4.2M, of which 3.18M people are of voting age. Yet mathematically there are only 10,000 possible combinations for 4-digit numbers. What are the assurances that Oregon’s voter registration systems will be able to determine whether an individual’s last four digits of their social security number are in fact true and accurate?
Losing trust in our voting system is the first step in losing trust in our democracy
HB 4101 increases the distance from certain parts of public and private places of employment which persons may not smoke an inhalant from 10 feet to 25 feet.
Fundamentally I agree with Oregon’s decision to create a buffer between building entrance and where smoking is allowed outside, however, the 10-foot rule has been in place and been effective since 2009. Businesses complied in 2009 by posting signs, at their expense, to all public entrances and smokers learned that 10 feet was the rule in every public place.
In 2016, inhalant devices were added to the rule. Businesses again complied, at their expense, with updating their required sign postings. Individuals using inhalants knew the 10-foot rule as many of them were also former nicotine users trying to “kick the habit” or changing to a new product.
Now the rules are changing again and will move some public locations to 25 feet while others remain at 10 feet potentially creating confusion for users and frustration for those businesses who are charged with enforcing it. Oregon will be the only state with variable distances depending on the business.
Oregon will join nine other states with buffer zones. However, they will only be joining four others that have 25-foot zones. There was no explanation as to the move to 25 feet. Why not 20 feet? Why not 50 feet?
HB 4125 A-Engrossed – Changes the requirement regarding landlord refunds of screening charges.
In 2019, SB 484 was passed to address the costs for tenants applying for housing by requiring a single application fee for rental approval for one or more units owned by the same landlord within a 60-day period. It also defined the return of the application fee if the unit was rented prior to their approval. In 2021, the application fee and approval/return processes were tightened up further in SB 291. Yet, less than 6 months later it needs to be redefined again. Has there been overwhelming data showing that the goals of SB 484 and SB 291 are not tight enough? This additional change to existing statute seeks to solve a problem that does not exist.
Landlords are already heavily regulated in how they receive application screening fees and when they are required to return them as well as notification of approval and denial.
- Prohibits a landlord from charging more for applicant screening than they pay for it to be done
- Prohibits a landlord from charging a screening fee unless units are available
- Requires landlord to return screening fee if landlord fills vacancy before screening
- Requires a landlord to provide applicant with a receipt for money paid
- Limits a landlord to applying only one screening charge within a 60-day period
- Requires return of the screening fee if the screening does not occur
- Requires a landlord to adopt written screening criteria
- Requires a landlord to provide written notice of criteria, amount of screening charge, process for screening, right to dispute information in screening report and appeal decision
This legislation seeks to solve a problem that is not there and places another requirement on landlords that are still trying to adapt to the last round of changes.
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-381, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Rep.AnnaScharf@oregonlegislature.gov Website: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/scharf