1/26/2022 Senate District 15 Newsletter

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Senator Janeen Sollman

Friends and Neighbors,

Virtual Latine Town Hall

I am excited to be hosting a Virtual Latine Town Hall, presented in Spanish, with Representative Susan McLain and local community partners, Adelante Mujeres, Bienestar and Oregon Food Bank. Join us Friday, February 4th from 6:00-7:30. Register to attend at this link here or click on the button below.

Event flyer

Event flyer
Register Here

Legislative Updates

Senate Swearing-In Ceremony

Last Friday, it was my honor to take the oath of office as Senator for Senate District 15. I have lived in Washington County for 48 years of my life. I grew up in Gales Creek and raised my boys in Hillsboro, with my husband Tony. This job is about community to me and I am always eager to hear from my constituents. Please don't hesitate to reach out to my office for any questions or concerns.

Ceremony Pics

Ceremony Pics

2022 Legislative Session Begins Tuesday, February 1st

My office is gearing up to begin the Legislative Session next week. The short session occurs in even numbered years and lasts no longer than 35 days. It is a quick turnaround to getting bills introduced and passed and we have been working hard on policy and learning about bills that will come before us. My office has also been busy making the transition from House District 30 to Senate District 15 and is ready to serve its constituents.

Tune into OLIS (Oregon Legislative Information System) any day of the week to watch a floor session or committee, learn about a bill, or submit public testimony. We will continue to share information on how to do so in our newsletters throughout the session.

My current Senate Committee assignments for the Session are linked below. Follow the links to see the topics we will be discussing in the upcoming weeks. After the election in November and new leadership is in place, new committee assignments will be revealed.

Education Updates

Graduation Rates Released for Class of 2021

These last two years students have had to endure uncertainties and disruptions due to the pandemic and wildfires, unlike anything we have seen before and our educators have been stretched beyond their limits. I am encouraged that even through the turmoil, graduation rates across the state are up slightly from what they were pre-pandemic, in 2019. Although overall, the rate is down a bit from last year.

As Oregon’s Stand for Children states, “Our focus now is continuing to chip away at systemic obstacles with equity centered investments like Measure 98, the Black/African-American Student Success Plan, and the Student Success Act which will support those graduating in years to come. We’re hopeful that as students continue to learn in-person, we’ll begin to close the gap that was widened by this pandemic.

Our continued support for students, educators, staff and their mental health and well-being, must remain a top priority and I am committed to supporting policy that will continue to focus on equitable investments and long-term solutions.

Visit Oregon Department of Education's website to learn more about 2020-2021 Cohort Graduation Rates.

Environmental Updates

Learn the Latest on the Oregon Private Forest Accords

Shared from "Oregon Forest & Fish News"

Wondering how the Oregon Private Forest Accords are progressing? Two free upcoming webinars offer a chance to learn the latest from those in the know. The first webinar, at 6:30 pm on Jan 27, is hosted by the Oregon Coast Community College with Oregon Wild and the Audubon Society of Lincoln City. (Jan 27 registration here.) Then, on Feb 7, the Lower Nehalem Community Trust hosts a PFA update with WSC's own Bob Van Dyk starting at 7 pm. (Feb 7 registration here.) 

Bag it Forward - Companies Offer Reusable Bag Incentives to Give Back to the Community

Bring your bag graphic

In the 2019 session I Chief-Sponsored and helped pass HB 2509, the Sustainable Shopping Initiative, banning single-use plastic bags at retail checkout and restaurants in Oregon. Some companies incentivize customers to bring their own reusable bags by offering a refund for each bag they use. Then they go a step further and allow customers to instead donate that bag credit as money, back into the community. New Seasons is a local company that has a program like this and in 2021 they were able to donate $162,000 through their "Bag it Forward" program. Read more about this amazing community effort here.

Out and About-Working for Senate District 15

Last week, I was invited to participate alongside my colleagues in two virtual legislative forums in the Washington County area. We discussed many of the issues facing the county, from affordable housing to workforce development, and heard from each legislator about their priorities for the upcoming session. See the posts from Westside Economic Alliance and Washington County Thrives below.

Westside Economic Alliance


Sixteen legislators joined WEA for a Virtual Legislative Reception this week.

WEA asked them to address three specific questions in their remarks.

The first question focused on what their priorities are to ensure not only that there is more affordable housing in the region, but developable land too.

WEA Executive Director Gail Greenman's second question of legislators was what they would like to see accomplished in regards to improvements to Highway 217 and 99W.

Lastly, what would they like to see accomplished in the session in regards to the I-5 Boone Bridge in Wilsonville and I-205?

Many on the panel provided legislation ideas they would like to see passed in these areas - recognizing the connected systems of jobs, housing, and transportation.

There was talk about how to wisely spend the federal infrastructure dollars and make sure funds are spread across the state.

Representative Ken Helm talked about electrification of freight vehicles and where these vehicles may be housed in the future, which could affect land use laws.

STEM education was one of Senator-designate Janeen Sollman's priorities, and Representative Lisa Reynolds highlighted childcare needs for the state's workforce.

Representatives Sheri Schouten and Courtney Neron spoke about workforce development, while Representative Anna Scharf pointed out that the upcoming short session was designed for budget and technical tweaks or changes from legislation passed in the previous session.

Washington County Thrives

WashCo Thrives

Our first Washington County Thrives meeting of the year was Wednesday, January 19, 8:30-10:00am, where we hosted nine elected officials from our State Legislature talking about the upcoming short session and how proposed policies and funding might align with Thrives’ priorities of affordable housing and wraparound services, early learning and youth enrichment, and workforce training. Watch and find notes below!


Community Outreach

AGE + Plan for Aging in Oregon

Click on the picture below to take the survey.

AGE + Survey

Additional Resources

 House District 30 Links

Federal Delegation Links

Education Links

Food and Housing Assistance

I came across this article and found it to be relevant at my other job but also find it relevant as we go into the legislative session. I am sharing an excerpt below, the full article can be found here.

Assuming the best in your coworkers: 4 steps to positive intent by HR-Playbook.com

Practical steps for positive intent

Practicing positive intent is as much a muscle memory habit as it is a mindset. Once you start to think in a certain way, it becomes easier and more natural (especially after you see the great results). These practical steps may help you to develop your positive intent mental muscle.

Step #1: Assume positive intent. Try and look for the bright side in any work situation. When confronted with a tough situation where it would be easy to assume the worst, take a breath and:

  • tell yourself that your coworkers, managers, or customers have good intentions
  • recognize that everyone wants to be successful in their jobs
  • avoid sending rash emails
  • stop yourself from taking any impulsive action based on strong negative emotions

Step #2: Get the whole story. When faced with conflict at work, it’s common to have a fragmented or incomplete view of what’s happening. We have our own perspective, our own lens through which we see situations. But, if we pause and take a step back, we’ll recognize that we only see part of the picture. For example, if a coworker is not doing what you asked, it may be due to a miscommunication or lack of clear instruction rather than incompetence or laziness.  

Step #3: Give people a little bit of grace and the benefit of doubt. People will make mistakes. It’s not because they’re out to get you. There are many reasons for workplace mistakes – limited resources, bad information, conflicting direction, problems at home, or even medical issues. Try giving them a little slack and recognize that we all make mistakes. We’ve all had moments where we make foolish choices or do something we regret later.

Step #4: Let things go. When you hold onto resentment, you hold onto negative energy. Usually, the only person you’re hurting is yourself. If you’ve built up resentments from the past with a coworker, look back to see where you can assume positive intent. Let go and accept that the past can’t be changed. Doing so may help you mend work relationships and improve your professional outlook. 

Be good to yourself and each other. ❤

Onward & Upward,


Senate District 15 lies on Kalapuya land. The Atfalati were the northernmost band of the Kalapuya that lived along the Tualatin River in present day Washington County. Many of the Atfalati descendants are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon today. The Indigenous Peoples of this land experienced a painful history of colonial violence, sickness and removal from their land. The Atfalati are the foundation of Oregon’s past and we must honor them well into our future.    

**My govdelivery account email is in the process of transitioning to Sen.JaneenSollman@public.govdelivery.com. Future newsletters will come to you from the new address.

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1715
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-207, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Sen.JaneenSollman@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/sollman