Friends and Neighbors,
This week, Monday through Wednesday, is Legislative Days at the Capitol. This is an opportunity for the legislative committees to meet and hear updates to previous legislation or hold hearings on topics that may come forward in the upcoming 2022 Short Session. You can watch committee hearings live on OLIS here. Each day under the "Meetings Today" tab you can find that day's schedule and click on the committee to live stream its meeting. If you are unable to watch live, visit OLIS anytime after the meeting, go to the "Committees" tab in the top right section of the page and find the committee you want to watch back. I am looking forward to attending the committees I serve on:
Below is a detailed list of what all the different committees will be hearing these legislative days.
This summary list was created by Senator Dembrow's office and is being shared with permission.
Monday, November 15
Senate Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation Committee:
- Ramos Decision (Potential Overturning of Cases Decided by Non-Unanimous Juries)
- Ballot Measure 110 Update
- Compassionate Medical Release Work Group Update
- Implementation of Delta-9 Cannabis Regulations
House Housing Committee:
- Update on Housing Planning and Zoning Requirements: HB 2001 (2019) and HB 2003 (2019)
- Construction Costs and Regulatory Barriers
- New Home Construction
- Discussion of Committee Members’ 2022 Legislative Concepts
House Early Childhood Committee:
- Update on Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Work
- Update on Transition to the New Department of Early Learning and Care
- Update on Suspension/Expulsion Prevention Work
- Childcare/Early Learning Workforce Recruitment and Retention
- A Survey of Universal Pre-K Provisions in Federal Reconciliation from the National Conference of State Legislatures
House Environment and Natural Resources Committee:
- Reducing the Negative Health Impacts of Poor Air Quality and Extreme Temperatures through Weatherization Tools in Homes
- Update on the Private Forest Accord
- The Future of the Elliott State Forest
- Discussion of Committee Members’ 2022 Legislative Concepts
Joint Committee on Ways and Means, Human Services Subcommittee:
Consent Grants:
- Oregon Health Authority - Health Insurance Marketplace
- Oregon Health Authority - Climate and Health Program
Individual Items
- Oregon Health Authority - Mobile Crisis Services
- Oregon Health Authority - Provider Relief Fund
- Oregon Health Authority - COVID-19 Federal Awards
Senate Rules and Executive Appointments Committee:
- Appointments to Boards and Commissions and Executive Appointments that Require Senate Confirmation. (See agenda for list of appointments.)
Joint Ways and Means, Education Subcommittee:
Consent Grants
- Higher Education Coordinating Commission - Comprehensive and Accessible Reemployment
- Higher Education Coordinating Commission - Fostering Access, Rights, and Equity
- Higher Education Coordinating Commission - AmeriCorps Volunteer Generation Fund
- Department of Education - Preventing School Violence
- Individual Items:
- Department of Education - Summer Learning Grant Programs
- Department of Education - Department of Early Learning and Care and ERDC Transfer
- Department of Education - Child Care Development Fund Cash Flow
Joint Ways and Means, Public Safety Subcommittee:
Consent Grants
- Criminal Justice Commission - Smart Probation
- Criminal Justice Commission - Project Safe Neighborhoods
- Military Department - Regional Catastrophic Preparedness
- Individual Items
- Judicial Department - Elder Justice Innovation Department of Corrections - Overtime Usage
- Military Department - Ten-Year Capital Construction Plan
- Department of Justice - Housing Stabilization for Survivors
- Department of Justice - Child Support Payment Processing Services
Senate Education Committee:
- K-12 School Reopening
- Prison and Reentry Education Programs
- Summer Learning
- SB 283 (2019) Report: Concerns Regarding the Health Impacts of Wireless in Schools
Senate Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery Committee:
- Organic Food Production in Oregon
- Private Forest Accord
- 2021 Oregon Fire Season
- SB 762 (2021) Implementation:
- Updates: Wildfire Oversight:
- Wildfire Programs Director and Council
- Updates: Fire-Adapted Communities
- Wildland-Urban Interface & Statewide Map of Wildfire Risk
- Emergency Planning
- Electric System Plans
- Health Systems for Smoke
- Defensible Space
- Building Codes
- Land Use
- Updates: Hazardous Fuel Reduction
- Fuel Reduction Activities
- Oregon Conservation Corps
House Business and Labor Committee:
- Recovery of Workers’ Compensation Benefit Overpayments
- Data Broker Registration
- Worker Classification
- Discussion of Potential Concepts for the 2022 Legislative Session
House Human Services Committee:
- Oregon Department of Human Services Updates
- Oregon State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) & Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
- Support Services for Afghan Arrivals
Tuesday, November 16
Senate Energy and Environment Committee:
- Oregon Clean Fuels Program
- Oregon Global Warming Commission Natural and Working Lands Report
- Biennial Zero Emissions Report
- Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub Risk Analysis and Recommendations
House Agriculture and Land Use Committee:
- Impact of Natural Disasters on Oregon Agriculture
- Risks to Agricultural Ownership and Land Use Patterns
- Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program
House Health Care Committee:
- Oregon’s HealthCare Workforce Crisis
- Transforming Care: Role of the Oregon Health Policy Board
- Update on the Coverage/Access Landscape
- Discussion of Member Legislative Concepts for the 2022 Legislative Sessions
Joint Legislative Audits Committee:
- 2022-23 Audit Plan Risk Assessment: Committee Member Input and Requests - Secretary of State Audits Division
- State of Oregon Financial Condition and Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports - Secretary of State Audits Division
- Oregon Government Ethics Commission (Report 2021-14) - Secretary of State Audits Division
- ODOT Wildfire Debris Removal Advisory Report (Report 2021-30) - Secretary of State Audits Division
Senate Veterans and Emergency Preparedness Committee:
- COVID-19 Testing – Veterans and the General Population
- Veterans’ Housing and the Impact of COVID-19
House Veterans and Emergency Preparedness Committee:
- Veterans’ License Plates
- The New Department of Emergency Management – Implementation of HB 2927
- Discussion of Grant for State Preparedness & Incident Response Equipment (SPIRE)
- Treatment of Military Members Assisting with COVID-Related Missions In-State
- Fire Season Update – Now and Future
- Veterans’ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Landscape
- Grant Program Updates
House Economic Recovery and Prosperity Committee:
- Business Oregon Program Updates
- Economic Development Tools for Local Jurisdictions
- OLCC Updates and Cannabis Regulation Overview
- Update on Study of System Development Charges Required by HB 3040 (2021)
Joint Ways and Means, Natural Resources Subcommittee:
Consent Grants
- Department of Agriculture - Pesticide Outreach and Training
- Department of Agriculture - Animal Disease Response
- Department of Geology and Mineral Industries - LIDAR Acquisition
- Department of Geology and Mineral Industries - 3D Elevation Program
- Department of State Lands - Wetland Program Development
- Individual Items:
- Department of Agriculture - Seafood Processors Pandemic Assistance
- Department of Geology and Mineral Industries - State Map Program
- Department of Forestry - 2021 Fire Season
Joint Ways and Means, Transportation and Economic Development Subcommittee:
:Consent Grants:
- Employment Department - Short Time Compensation
- Employment Department - Unemployment Insurance Accessibility
- Department of Transportation - Transportation Innovation Council
- Department of Transportation - Advanced Congestion Management Technologies
- Department of Transportation - Accelerated Innovation Deployment
- Individual Items:
- Housing and Community Services Department - Housing Stability Counseling
- Oregon Business Development Department - Broadband Infrastructure
- Oregon Business Development Department - Pandemic Economic Recovery Planning
- Department of Veterans' Affairs - Provider Relief Fund
- Department of Transportation - Bus and Bus Facilities Program Department of Consumer and Business Services - Oregon OSHA COVID-19 Activities
- Department of Consumer and Business Services - Workers' Compensation Premium Assessment
Joint Information Management and Technology Committee:
- Cybersecurity, Ransomware, and Cybersecurity Education & Workforce Development: Impacts on public and private sector organizations
Joint Ways and Means, General Government Subcommittee:
Individual Items
- Public Employees Retirement System - Changes to Actuarial Methods and Assumptions
- Department of Administrative Services - Lottery Bond Refunding
- Department of Administrative Services - Article XI-G Bond Refunding
- Department of Administrative Services - Compensation Plan Changes
- Judicial Department - Compensation Plan Changes
Senate Labor and Business Committee:
- Farmworker Overtime
- Delta-8 Cannabis Regulation
- Administration of the Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Tax Rates
- Oregon Workplace Fairness Act
Senate Health Care Committee
- OHA COVID Update
- Brain Injury Trust Legislative Concept
- In Vitro Fertilization Legislative Concept
- Health Equity Data Mapping
- Task Force on Universal Health Care
House Education Committee:
- K-12 Update
- College/University Reopening
- Update on HB 2835 (Benefits Navigators)
- State Financial Aid Programs
- Implementation of HB 2166 (2021): Diversifying the Educator Workforce, Limiting Suspensions/Expulsions
House Judiciary Committee:
- Ballot Measure 110 Update
- Public Defense Services Commission Update
- Update from the Department of Justice Labor Trafficking Task Force
- Discussion of Proposed 2022 Legislation
Wednesday, November 17
Joint Committee on Ways and Means:
- Approval of Grants and Reports from Subcommittees
- Individual Items
- 1. Judicial Department - Compensation Plan Changes
- 2. Judicial Department - Elder Justice Innovation
- 7. Department of Education - Summer Learning Grant Programs
- 8. Department of Education - Department of Early Learning and Care and ERDC Transfer
- 9. Department of Education - Child Care Development Fund Cash Flow
- 11. Oregon Health Authority - Mobile Crisis Services
- 13. Oregon Health Authority - Provider Relief Fund
- 14. Oregon Health Authority - COVID-19 Federal Awards
- 17. Department of Corrections - Overtime Usage
- 19. Military Department - Ten-Year Capital Construction Plan
- 20. Department of Justice - Housing Stabilization for Survivors
- 22. Department of Justice - Child Support Payment Processing Services 25. Housing and Community Services Department - Housing Stability Counseling
- 26. Oregon Business Development Department - Broadband Infrastructure
- 27. Oregon Business Development Department - Pandemic Economic Recovery Planning
- 28. Department of Veterans' Affairs - Provider Relief Fund
- 31. Department of Agriculture - Seafood Processors Pandemic Assistance
- 34. Department of Geology and Mineral Industries - State Map Program
- 36. Department of Forestry - 2021 Fire Season
- 40. Department of Transportation - Bus and Bus Facilities Program
- 41. Department of Consumer and Business Services - Oregon OSHA COVID-19 Activities
- 42. Department of Consumer and Business Services - Workers' Compensation Premium Assessment
- 43. Public Employees Retirement System - Changes to Actuarial Methods and Assumptions
- 44. Department of Administrative Services - Lottery Bond Refunding
- 45. Department of Administrative Services - Article XI-G Bond Refunding
- 46. Department of Administrative Services - Compensation Plan Changes
House COVID-19 Committee:
- OHA Update
- K-12 School Update
- COVID-19 Variant and Outbreak Update
- Health System Update
- Vaccine & Testing Verification Processes
House Water Committee:
- 2021 Drought
- Update on Community Water Systems Affected by 2020 Wildfires
- Framework for Conversations about Oregon’s Water Future, 2021-2023
House Wildfire Committee:
- 2021 Investments in Wildfire Impacted Communities
- Update: Housing Related to 2020 Wildfire Recovery
Senate Finance and Revenue Committee with House Revenue Committee::
- December Economic and Revenue Forecast
Senate Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery Committee:
- Overview of Developmental Disabilities System and “Agency with Choice”
- Oregon LGBTQ+ Older Adult Survey
- Refugee Resettlement
- Youth Voices
Senate Housing and Development Committee:
- Current Eviction Landscape
- Rental Assistance and Wildfire Recovery
- Panel on Homeownership
House Behavioral Health Committee:
- Behavioral Health Package of Resources Update
- Update on Ballot Measure 110 Implementation
- 9-8-8 Workgroup Update
- Behavioral Health Systems Needs
- Oregon State Hospital Update
Joint Transportation Committee:
- ODOT Projects and Programs Update
- DMV Status Report Update
- Renewable Fuels Briefing
- Transportation Equity in Oregon
- Wildfire Cleanup and Recovery Update
Thursday, November 18
Task Force on Underrepresented Students in Higher Education:
- Task Force Work Plan
- Orientation by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission on Current Conditions for Underrepresented Students
Be good to yourself and each other. ❤
Onward & Upward,
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1430 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-487, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: