House District 23 update

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Representative Anna Scharf

Redistricting of House District 23

Dear Friends,

Having worked in and around the legislature off and on for many years, I thought I was prepared for the redistricting special session that happened last week. I hate to say this, but the level of partisanship, brute political force and deception shown by the majority party was truly staggering. I was heartbroken to see members of the legislature pass two sets of maps on party lines that broke communities of common interest apart, that do not follow the law, and that have created distrust between their colleagues that will linger for years to come.

I was honored to stand up for our district and you can watch my speech by clicking on the picture below.

Floor Speech


Watch my redistricting floor speech here.


HD 23 was sort of a catch all district, but the communities in it were proud of what built those towns and of the continued traditions they hold true to. We were connected by rural values and we were whole despite the "wonky shape" of the district.

In the new version, much of Amity was lost to HD 24 and will now be included with Willamina, Sheridan, McMinnville, etc. All of Philomath and Monroe were included in HD 10 which is a coastal district including Waldport and Lincoln City. These communities are not coastal communities and their representative now lives hours away with little to no knowledge of Willamette Valley needs.




If you want to learn more about these maps, you can zoom in and out of each district by clicking here.

I am deeply saddened by the outcome of this Special Session. Our legislature made national news for the broken promises by the Speaker of the House, Rep. Tina Kotek, and the disfunction and division displayed. You can read more here.

While my district no longer officially includes the heart of Amity, the rural parts of Philomath, Adair Village or the City of Monroe, I will always stand up for rural farmers, foresters and our unique and special communities. You can still contact my office at any time.

Representative Anna Scharf

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1423
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-381, Salem, OR 97301