Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I have taken a week after our Special Session on Redistricting to think about Senator Riley’s retirement and the potential opportunity of being appointed to, and then running for Senate District 15. At this time, after much thorough thought and deliberation, I feel it is important for me to stay in the House to work on current projects that need to be done for the upcoming Short Session in 2022. I have served House District 29 for seven years and I am excited to continue working in partnership with you to represent our communities and to build the future our children and families deserve.
As Co-Chair of the Public Education Appropriations Committee, Co-Chair of the Joint Transportation Committee, and Co-Chair of the Interstate 5 Bridge Committee, I will be helping to lead us through some very important processes before the Short Session. I look forward to guiding the budget through the second-year cycle as we balance and make any corrections that may be required. In addition, with the reconfiguration of the Agriculture and Land Use Committee, I have responsibilities as a Vice-Chair that I take very seriously. Land use is an important policy to our communities in Forest Grove, Cornelius, and West Hillsboro, as well as across the state of Oregon and the issue deserves policymakers that see its importance and have a passion for it. And finally, the Education Advancement Council has a new Director that I want to support and I value my work with that Council immensely and look forward to continuing that partnership.
These leadership roles come with responsibilities that I intend to follow and see through. At this time I am well-positioned to lead in the House and to do this work effectively and I am excited to continue serving the people of House District 29.
Yours truly,
Representative Susan McLain House District 29
email: I phone: 503-986-1429 address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301 website: