September 9th COVID=19 Update

Michael Dembrow

September 9, 2021

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well, staying healthy, and looking out for your neighbors and friends during this past week.

This week’s various COVID snapshots show a continuation of the trend that we started seeing a couple of weeks ago: a plateauing of the explosive Delta surge, which is now moving into slight declines in new cases.  Even as those numbers start to go down, however, we’ll continue to see high numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, as a result of past new cases.  They will continue to cause grief to many families and enormous stress on the medical system.  People who need important medical care will have to wait a while longer because of lack of space and personnel.

This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  Amazingly, of the 152 deaths described below for this week, only three of them were residents of Multnomah County, by far the state’s most populous.  Only three were in Washington County.  These are the counties with the most people vaccinated. Their low death rates are no accident.

The clear difference that vaccination rates are making in the ongoing trajectory of the pandemic has led President Biden to announce today dramatic vaccination requirements in order to get the country back on track.  I know that he will receive a lot of pushback for these decisions, but I see them as necessary, courageous, and fully in line with what we need from a president.  There comes a time when we all need to step up, forget the politics, and take action for the greater good.  This is that time.  Even if we see a reduction in the Delta form of COVID in the coming weeks, we will just see it replaced by another form.  A fully-vaccinated public is the only way we can keep these new forms from getting a foothold.

Although I don’t have a formal wildfire report this week, I do want to acknowledge that his week also marks the one year anniversary of the terrible Labor Day fires that destroyed thousands of homes and took the lives of far too many Oregonians.  We've seen remarkable examples of communities coming together to support those in need, with support from the state and the federal government.  But the rebuilding process is slow and difficult.

This year’s fire season has been a rough one as well, particularly in southern and eastern Oregon earlier in the season.  However, legislators did receive an encouraging report this week regarding the weather forecasted for the next couple of weeks, particular for regions west of the Cascades.  The likelihood of the dangerous east winds that take lightning strikes and turn them into major conflagration appears to be very low this year.  With cooler, wetter weather coming, the west side of the Cascades may be largely spared this year.  Fingers crossed. 

None of this is to overlook the many acres that continue to burn or the incredible work that firefighters have done this year to keep them contained, once again under difficult COVID circumstances.

Until next week, please stay healthy and safe yourself, and let me know if you have any questions about information in tonight’s newsletter.




  • New COVID Cases: OHA reports 2,437 new COVID cases today (vs. 2,449 last Thursday). That’s an average of 1,840 per day for the 7 days since the last newsletter (vs. 2,329 per day the previous week). The cumulative number of cases in Oregon since the beginning of the pandemic is 294,392.
  • Variant COVID Cases:
    • OHA is now showing us not only this week’s variant cases but the growth of the different variants in Oregon over time.   You can see in the graph above just how the Delta variant has come to dominate cases here in Oregon.  It is updated every Wednesday.
    • OHA’s Variant Dashboard provides current and new variant case numbers for the state as a whole but also for different parts of the state. It too is updated each Wednesday.
  • Positive Test Results: OHA reported 2,656 2,662 positive tests today (vs. 2,656 a week ago). That’s an average of 2,287 per day for the seven days since the last newsletter (vs. 2,903 per day the previous week). The cumulative total of positive test results since the beginning of the pandemic is now 410,108.
  • Total Tests: OHA reported an additional 22,187 tests today (vs. 19,726 a week ago). That’s an average of 20,204 per day for the seven days since the last newsletter (vs. 24,314 for the previous week). Our cumulative total of reported tests is 6,508,079.
  • Positivity Rate: The test positivity ratio for Oregon today is 12.0% (vs. 11% a week ago). That’s an average of 11.4 per day for the seven days since the last newsletter (vs. 11.7% per day for the previous week).  
  • Hospitalization Information:
    • Patients Currently with Confirmed COVID-19: 1,150 (19 more than last newsletter)
    • ICU Patients Confirmed w COVID-19: 308 288 (20 fewer than last newsletter.)
    • Confirmed COVID-19 Patients Currently on Ventilators: 187 176 (11 fewer than last newsletter)
    • Available Ventilators: 799 (36 more than last newsletter).
  • Hospital Capacity:
  • Deaths: I’m sorry to report 21 additional COVID deaths today (vs. 27 last Thursday).  That’s an average of 21 per day for the week since the last newsletter (vs. 22 per day the previous week).  The total number of COVID deaths in Oregon is 3,394.
  • Vaccinations:
    • The seven-day running average is now 8,654 doses per day.
    • Total First and Second Doses Administered So Far: 4,928,943
      • 2,857,236 Pfizer vaccines
      • 1,864,787 Moderna vaccines
      • 203,992 Johnson & Johnson vaccines
  • Total Oregonians vaccinated so far: 2,664,050 (up 22,921 from last week).
    • 2,423,777 (up 11,967 from last week) now fully vaccinated with two doses
    • 64.9% of all Oregonians have received at least one dose (76.4% of those 18 and older).***
    • 58.8% of all Oregonians are now fully vaccinated (69.5% of those 18 and older).***
      • For more details, including the demographics of those receiving the vaccine and the number of vaccinations by county, go to the OHA vaccinations dashboard.
      • Bloomberg News provides a wealth of easy-to-read information on the trajectory of vaccinations—by state, nationally, and internationally.
      • Here's information about Oregon’s progress in getting to the next goal: 80% of those 18 and over.

Additional Brief Updates

  • President Biden announced a sweeping series of actions to increase the vaccination rate among adult Americans. They include mandates for federal workers, health care workers employed by facilities with Medicare/Medicaid patients (i.e., nearly all of them), and those working for large employers.  He believes that the conditions warrant this strong use of his authority (I agree with him), but it’s a controversial move, and we can certainly expect court challenges.  Here’s reporting from the New York Times,here and here.
  • President Biden is calling his plan “Path Out of the Pandemic.” Here it is.
  • I’ve been receiving a number of questions about access to testing, particularly rapid tests. We’re currently experiencing a national shortage of them, which has led President Biden to invoke the Defense Production Act to increase their availability.  But how reliable are these tests?  Can a negative result be trusted?  How about a positive result?  Here's reporting from the Washington Post. with a number of answers to your questions.
  • We know that the Delta variant of COVID is far more infectious than earlier versions. But is it also more virulent, more likely to cause hospitalization and death.  The evidence may be that it is not in itself actually more virulent, though it’s much higher rate of transmission ultimately has that effect. Here's more on the subject.
  • We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the rise in COVID cases among children, which is particularly frightening now at the beginning of the school year. Here's more on that subject.You’ll see that the increase is most striking in states with low vaccination rates overall. In states with higher vaccination rates, the rate of pediatric hospitalizations has remained relatively flat.
  • While it’s fortunately rare for kids to die from COVID infection, when they do it’s heartbreaking. We just learned that an infant under the age of 1 has just died in COVID-ravaged Douglas County.  Here's reporting from OPB.
  • Children under the age of twelve are not yet able to receive the COVID vaccine and likely won’t for at least the next two months. Those 12 and over can, and these older children tend to dominate the pediatric hospitalizations.  In order to get more of them vaccinated, the Los Angeles County School Board unanimously voted this afternoon requiring that all eligible students be vaccinated (aside from the usual medical/religious exceptions).  You can read this late-breaking news regarding the nation's second-largest school district.
  • As we here in Oregon watch the effects of school reopening closely, it’s not just what’s happening in our school buildings that needs scrutiny.  We’ve just learned that 47 kids in the Lake Oswego School District have been told to quarantine after a potential exposure during a school bus ride. Here's more.
  • Two school districts, two very different responses to school reopening and masking.
  • Here's a close look at COVID disinformation aimed specifically at Spanish-speaking audiences.
  • You might think that first responders, of all populations, would be among the most highly vaccinated. They work in close proximity to at-risk people, they work closely with medical professionals, and they have an ethic of service.  The Associated Press reports that nationwide, in fact, many first responders are among those resisting the vaccines.
  • Insurers are starting to tell school districts that they could lose insurance coverage (and thus protection from lawsuits) if they refuse to follow health mandates. Here's more from Education Week that includes perspective from Oregon.



After a year off due to last year’s COVID restrictions, we are bringing back our annual bike town hall, which the legislators from HD 45 (Smith Warner), HD 46 (Pham), and SD 23 (yours truly) have been doing since I first entered the Legislature in 2009.  The bike ride itself is slow and leisurely, punctuated by a number of stops to hear about local projects and priorities. 

This year will focus on the many changes that will come about as a result of the $150+ million investment that will be going into 82nd Avenue and its environs.  We’ll be hearing from different transportation, school, and community advocates.  It will be pretty exciting.

The bike town hall will be on Saturday morning, September 18.  We’ll be meeting at Montavilla Park (NE 82nd and Glisan) and then traveling on side streets for the next few hours.  And yes, e-bikes and scooters are welcome!

By the way, masks will be optional while you’re riding, but we will want you to wear your mask at the information stops when people are gathered together.

You don’t need to register in advance for the bike town hall.T 


The Redistricting Process Continues

We’re now less than two weeks away from the special session on redistricting.  The initial proposals from the Senate, the House Rs, and the House Ds have been out for nearly a week.  You can find them on the redistricting website:

Oregon is one of a handful of states that is also allowing organizations and members of the public to submit their own proposals for legislative and congressional districts.  The deadline for that closed yesterday.  Four people submitted recommendations for the Oregon legislative maps. 

Perhaps not surprisingly, there was a lot more interest in the congressional maps, particularly since Oregon is getting an extra congressional district. (Perhaps also because it’s easier to draw six maps than 90.) There were fifty proposals for congressional districts.  You can find all the proposals here. When you get to that site, click on “Content,” and you’ll see all the proposals.

For those of you who subscribe to The Oregonian, here is reporting from today on the three legislative proposals, focusing on the electoral consequences of the different scenarios.

You’ll be able to respond to these maps, or make any other comments related to redistricting in the upcoming final round of public hearings on zoom.  The schedule is as follows, and can also be found on the redistricting website.

Friday, September 10:

  • 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (residents of Congressional District 2)
  • 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (residents of Congressional District 3)
  • 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (residents of Congressional District 4)

Monday, September 13:

  • 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (residents of Congressional District 5)
  • 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (statewide: open to residents of any district)
  • 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (statewide: open to residents of any district)

I expect that we’ll eventually see changes to the committee maps as a result of this input and negotiations between the chambers.  I’ll have a better sense of that by next week’s newsletter and will let you know what I know.


Rental Assistance Still Available

Legislators received the following message on Tuesday from the Assistant Director of the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Service:  I am pleased to share the latest from the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP), attached. OHCS also hit a milestone this last week – in just 9 months, more than $145M is in the hands of landlords, with an additional $60M approved and on the way. We continue to see improved processing times for OERAP, and we’re eager to get record levels of assistance to those in need.

As a reminder, renters can apply for assistance online at, and local program administrators can help renters with their application.

I know this has been a slow and excruciating process for many.  Please let me know if you need help.


Newest COVID-19 Modeling Report Sees Continued Decline in Transmission

Last Friday OHA released its latest COVID-19 forecast.  It predicts ongoing declines in the rate of transmission here in Oregon.  It reflects the pattern that we’ve begun to see over the last couple of weeks: a slowdown in surge of new COVID infections, while new hospitalizations and deaths (reflecting new infections from two weeks to a month ago) will take longer to decline significantly.

This forecast is based on what was being observed as of August 18.  According to the report, the effective reproduction rate — the expected number of secondary cases that a single case generates — was estimated at 1.17 on Aug. 18, projecting a slight decline in the estimated growth of new cases from last week’s modeling scenario.  Last week’s transmission rate was 1.21, while the rate for August 4th had been 1.56.

At the new projected level of transmission, the report estimates 970 cases per 100,000 people, or 2,900 daily cases and 160 hospitalizations for the two-week period ending between Sept. 8 and Sept. 21.

The modeling report also predicted an alternate, more optimistic scenario based on a projected increase in facemask use among Oregonians between Aug. 18 and Aug. 31 as a result of various masking mandates.

If the trend of Oregonians complying with the protective measure were to increase from 65% (the estimate for statewide compliance) to 80% among the susceptible population, the growth of new daily cases would be somewhat slower — at an estimated 870 per 100,000 people. That translates to 2,600 new cases and 140 hospitalizations by Sept. 21.

Latest Breakthrough Report Shows Continuous Increase in the Proportion of Breakthroughs

OHA’s most recent update on COVID-19 breakthrough cases, released today, found that 80.7% of the 13,798 reported COVID-19 cases between Aug. 29 and Sept. 4 occurred in people who were unvaccinated. There were 2,657 breakthrough cases, accounting for 19.3% of the week’s cases.

To date, there have been 16,417 COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases in Oregon, a little over a half-percent of all COVID cases. Of that tiny number, 4.9% have been hospitalized and 0.9% have died.

Still, we can see that the proportion of breakthrough cases is rising now.  Last week breakthrough cases only represented 15.9% of the week’s cases and 12% the previous week.

Cases of COVID-19 remain far more common in unvaccinated people. The report shows that the rate of COVID-19 in unvaccinated people is currently approximately five times higher than in vaccinated people.

The latest breakthrough report can be found here.


OHA Releases Latest County Metrics: Overall Declines At Last

Though it’s no longer assigning risk levels to counties, OHA is still reporting weekly increases/decreases in COVID for each county and for the state as a whole.

As you’ll see in the report, for the first time in weeks, we see a reduction in the infection rate, as well as the positivity rate for the state as a whole.  Both are still very much in the “Extreme Risk” range, but at least they are going down.

Every county remains at a level that the CDC considers High Risk or Extreme Risk (aside from tiny Wheeler, which had zero new cases).  you’ll find that most counties are seeing lowered rates of infection and positivity.  Setting aside Wheeler,  Multnomah County is tied with Benton Country as the county with the lowest infection rate, followed closed by Washington County.  The highest rates are again in Douglas and Josephine Counties, though both have gone down somewhat.  Multnomah, Benton, and Washington counties have among the state’s highest COVID vaccination rates, while Douglas and Josephine have among the lowest.


Weekly COVID Data and Outbreaks Report Released: Increases Continue

The Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 Weekly Report, released today, showed a slight drop in weekly cases, but an increase in virus-associated hospitalizations and deaths.

OHA reported 15,753 new daily cases of COVID-19 during the week of Monday, Aug.30, through Sunday, Sept. 5. That represents a 3% decrease and follows eight straight weeks of rising cases.

COVID-19 related hospitalizations rose again – though less steeply – from   1,000 to 1,036. That marked another pandemic high. It is the ninth straight weekly increase.

There were 176 reported COVID-19 related deaths, up from 119 reported the previous week. That marked the sixth consecutive week of rising deaths.

OHA reported 146,344 tests for COVID-19 for the week of Aug. 29 through Sept. 4. This is a reduction from the 160,605 tests for COVID-19 for the week of Aug. 22 through Aug. 28. 

The percentage of positive tests increased to 11.1%.

Today’s COVID-19 Weekly Outbreak Report shows 182 active COVID-19 outbreaks in senior living communities and congregate living settings,

          1/13/21         202 facilities

          2/10/21         116 facilities

          3/10/21           44 facilities

          4/14/21           24 facilities

          5/12/21           42 facilities

          6/09/21           19 facilities

          7/8/21              22 facilities

          7/28/21            28 facilities

          8/04/21            33 facilities

          8/11/21            53 facilities

          8/18/21            72 facilities

           8/25/21         103 facilities

           9/1/21             144 facilities

           9/9/21             188 facilities

Some of these outbreaks have unfortunately resulted in a steadily increasing number of deaths of residents:

          8/4      1,374 (pandemic total)      

          8/11    1,385 (pandemic total)       +11

          8/18    1,401 (pandemic total)       +16

          8/25    1,419 (pandemic total)       +18

          9/1      1,441 (pandemic total)       +22

          9/9      1,468 (pandemic total)       +27

You’ll see that only 15% of last week’s deaths were among people in long-term care, a far cry from where we were prior to vaccines.

The Outbreak Report also includes the latest data on COVID in workplaces, childcare centers, and public and private K-12 schools.  It’s still too soon to see the effects of school reopenings on COVID cases.


And the Deaths:

Here is information about most of the 146 deaths (down from 153) that OHA has reported since the last newsletter on August 26.  (The 21 reported today won’t have their detailed information released until tomorrow.) It begins with last Thursday’s 27 deaths that hadn’t yet been provided to us by OHA on that day.

Oregon’s 3,222nd COVID-19 death is a 95-year-old woman from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Aug. 22 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,223rd COVID-19 death is a 97-year-old woman from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 10 and died on Aug. 21 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,224th COVID-19 death is a 95-year-old man from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug.12 and died on Aug. 22 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,225th COVID-19 death is a 44-year-old man from Clatsop County who first became positive on Aug. 3 and died on Aug. 11.

Oregon’s 3,226th COVID-19 death is a 91-year-old woman from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 4 and died on Aug. 25 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,227th COVID-19 death is a 41-year-old man from Columbia County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Aug. 28 at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,228th COVID-19 death is an 80-year-old man from Gilliam County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Aug. 24 at Good Shepherd Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,229th COVID-19 death is a 67-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 26 and died on Sept. 1 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,230th COVID-19 death is a 45-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 24 and died on Sept. 1 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,231st COVID-19 death is an 83-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 29 and died on Aug. 29 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,232nd COVID-19 death is a 101-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 11 and died on Aug. 18 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,233rd COVID-19 death is a 69-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 3 and died on Aug. 31 at Providence Medford Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,234th COVID-19 death is a 62-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on July 30 and died on Aug. 30 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,235th COVID-19 death is a 75-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Aug. 31 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend.

Oregon’s 3,236th COVID-19 death is an 82-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 21 and died on Aug. 31 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,237th COVID-19 death is a 64-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 5 and died on Aug. 31 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,238th COVID-19 death is a 75-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Aug. 20 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,239th COVID-19 death is a 59-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 1 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,240th COVID-19 death is a 76-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Aug. 20 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,241st death is a 62-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 1 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,22nd COVID-19 death is a 64-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 15 and died on Aug. 31 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend.

Oregon’s 3,243rd COVID-19 death is a 75-year-old woman from Lincoln County who tested positive on Aug. 27 and died on Aug. 30 at Samaritan Pacific Community Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,244th COVID-19 death is a 69-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Aug. 31 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,245th COVID-19 death is a 76-year-old woman from Multnomah County who tested positive on Aug. 4 and died on Sept. 1 at Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,246th COVID-19 death is a 26-year-old man from Multnomah County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Aug. 27 at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,247th COVID-19 death is a 76-year-old man from Multnomah County who tested positive on Aug. 4 and died on Sept. 1 at Legacy Mt Hood Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,248th COVID-19 death is a 71-year-old man from Union County who tested positive on Aug. 21 and died on Aug. 31 at Grande Ronde Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,249th death is a 65-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 2 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,250th death is a 59-year-old woman from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Aug. 31 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,251st death is a 75-year-old man from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 10 and died on Aug. 13 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,252nd death is an 88-year-old man from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Aug. 24 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,253rd death is a 67-year-old woman from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Aug. 28.

Oregon’s 3,254th death is a 72-year-old woman from Clatsop County who tested positive on Aug. 9 and died on Aug. 13.

Oregon’s 3,255th death is a 52-year-old man from Clatsop County who tested positive on July 20 and died on Aug. 26.

Oregon’s 3,256th death is a 64-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 26 and died on Sept. 1 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,257th death is a 74-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 21 and died on Sept. 1 at Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,258th death is an 85-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Aug. 30 at Providence Medford Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,259th death is a 57-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 8 and died on Sept. 1 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,260th death is a 33-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Aug. 23 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,261st death is a 69-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 1 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,262nd death is a 70-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 1 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,263rd death is an 81-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 25 and died on Sept. 1 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,264th death is a 69-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 24 and died on Sept. 1 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,265th death is a 72-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 15 and died on Sept. 1 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,266th death is a 57-year-old woman from Lincoln County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Aug. 24 at Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,267th death is a 64-year-old man from Polk County who tested positive on Aug. 5 and died on Sept. 2 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,268th death is a 64-year-old woman from Tillamook County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Aug. 27 at Adventist Health Tillamook Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,269th death is a 60-year-old man from Washington County who tested positive on July 23 and died on Aug. 11 at Providence Portland Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,270th death is an 80-year-old woman from Klamath County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 1 at Sky Lakes Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,271st death is a 67-year-old woman from Klamath County who tested positive on Aug. 7 and died on Sept. 1 at Sky Lakes Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,272nd death is a 57-year-old man from Malheur County who tested positive on Aug. 10 and died on Sept. 1 at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise.

Oregon’s 3,273rd COVID-19 death is an 85-year-old man from Deschutes County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 2 at St. Charles Bend Hospital. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,274th COVID-19 death is a 94-year-old woman from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 24 and died on Sept. 2 at Bay Area Hospital. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,275th COVID-19 death is a 74-year-old man from Columbia County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 5 at Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,276th COVID-19 death is a 52-year-old woman from Columbia County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 2 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,277th COVID-19 death is a 65-year-old man from Clackamas County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 2 at Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,278th COVID-19 death is an 84-year-old woman from Clackamas County who tested positive on Aug. 24 and died on Sept. 2 at his residence. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,279th COVID-19 death is a 95-year-old woman from Clackamas County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 3 at Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,280th COVID-19 death is a 69-year-old woman from Deschutes County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 3 at St. Charles Bend Hospital. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,281st COVID-19 death is an 83-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 4 at Mercy Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,282nd COVID-19 death is a 62-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 3 at Mercy Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,283rd COVID-19 death is a 73-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 4 at Mercy Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,284th COVID-19 death is a 53-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 5 at Mercy Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,285th COVID-19 death is a 68-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Sept. 2 at Mercy Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,286th COVID-19 death is a 74-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 4 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,287th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 4 at Mercy Medical Center. He had no underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,288th COVID-19 death is a 54-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Sept. 3 at Mercy Medical Center. He had no underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,289th COVID-19 death is a 26-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 1 at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. He had no underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,290th COVID-19 death is a 73-year-old woman from Harney County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Sept. 3 at Harney District Hospital. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,291st COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 30 and died on Sept. 5 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,292nd COVID-19 death is a 77-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 30 and died on Sept. 2 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,293rd COVID-19 death is a 65-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Sept. 2 at Providence Medford Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,294th COVID-19 death is a 72-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 6 and died on Sept. 4 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,295th COVID-19 death is a 61-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 6 and died on Sept. 5 at Asante Ashland Community Hospital. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,296th COVID-19 death is a 56-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 3 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,297th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 4 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,298th COVID-19 death is a 67-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 5 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,299th COVID-19 death is a 53-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Sept. 3 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,300th COVID-19 death is a 93-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Sept. 2 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,301st COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 2 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,302nd COVID-19 death is a 57-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,303rd COVID-19 death is a 56-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 11 and died on Sept. 4 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,304th COVID-19 death is a 25-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 8 and died on Aug. 31 at Oregon Health & Science University Hospital. She had underlying conditions.

Oregon’s 3,305th COVID-19 death is an 87-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Sept. 4 and died on Sept. 4 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,306th COVID-19 death is a 74-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Sept. 1 and died on Sept. 4 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,307th COVID-19 death is a 61-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 30 and died on Sept. 5 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,308th COVID-19 death is a 77-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 2 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,309th COVID-19 death is a 31-year-old woman from Umatilla County who tested positive on Aug. 25 and died on Sept. 3 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,310th COVID-19 death is an 86-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 29 and died on Sept. 5 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,311th COVID-19 death is a 55-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 3 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,312th COVID-19 death is a 69-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Sept. 5 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,313th COVID-19 death is a 54-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 5 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,314th COVID-19 death is a 42-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Sept. 5 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,315th COVID-19 death is a 56-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 11 and died on Sept. 2 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,316th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 10 and died on Sept. 5 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,317th COVID-19 death is a 61-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 2 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,318th COVID-19 death is a 62-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Sept. 4 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,319th COVID-19 death is a 55-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Sept. 3 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

Oregon’s 3,320th COVID-19 death is a 72-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 3 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,321st COVID-19 death is an 86-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Sept. 4 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,322nd COVID-19 death is a 79-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 27 and died on Sept. 3 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,323rd COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old woman from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 21 and died on Sept. 1 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,324th COVID-19 death is a 72-year-old woman from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 26 and died on Sept. 3 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,325th COVID-19 death is a 44-year-old woman from Yamhill County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Aug. 29 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,326th COVID-19 death is a 70-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 3 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,327th COVID-19 death is a 62-year-old woman from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 17 and died on Sept. 3 at Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,328th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 4 at Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,329th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old man from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 4 at Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,330th COVID-19 death is a 55-year-old man from Clackamas County who tested positive on Aug. 9 and died on Aug. 24 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,331st COVID-19 death is an 83-year-old man from Coos County who tested positive on Sept. 5 and died on Sept. 5 at Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,332nd death is a 90-year-old woman from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 4 at Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,333rd COVID-19 death is an 89-year-old man from Deschutes County who tested positive on Aug. 27 and died on Sept. 6 at St. Charles Bend Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,334th COVID-19 death is an 87-year-old woman from Coos County who tested positive on Aug. 30 and died on Sept. 4 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,335th COVID-19 death is an 86-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 12 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,336th COVID-19 death is a 69-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 11 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,337th COVID-19 death is an 81-year-old man from Douglas County who first became symptomatic on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 5 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,338th COVID-19 death is a 96-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Sept. 3 and died on Sept. 8 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,339th COVID-19 death is a 75-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Sept. 1 and died on Sept. 7 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,340th COVID-19 death is a 79-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Sept. 1 and died on Sept. 3; location of death is being confirmed.

Oregon’s 3,341st COVID-19 death is a 70-year-old woman from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 25 and died on Sept. 7 at Mercy Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,342nd death is an infant boy from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 20 and died on Sept. 6 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,343rd COVID-19 death is a 53-year-old man from Douglas County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Sept. 3 at Hillsboro Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,344th COVID-19 death is a 72-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Sept. 1 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,345th COVID-19 death is a 73-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 5 at Providence Medford Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,346th COVID-19 death is a 66-year-old woman from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 26 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,347th COVID-19 death is a 73-year-old man from Jackson County who tested positive on Aug. 19 and died on Sept. 7 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,348th COVID-19 death is an 83-year-old man from Klamath County who tested positive on Aug. 28 and died on Sept. 6 at Sky Lakes Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,349th COVID-19 death is a 70-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 25 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,350th COVID-19 death is a 74-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 6 at Asante Three Rivers Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,351st COVID-19 death is a 96-year-old man from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 27 and died on Sept. 2 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,352nd death is an 87-year-old woman from Josephine County who tested positive on Aug. 27 and died on Sept. 5 at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,353rd COVID-19 death is a 64-year-old woman from Klamath County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 3 at Sky Lakes Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,354th COVID-19 death is a 65-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 6 at PeaceHealth Sacred Health Medical Center at Riverbend.

Oregon’s 3,355th COVID-19 death is a 71-year-old man from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 7 at PeaceHealth Sacred Health Medical Center at Riverbend.

Oregon’s 3,356th COVID-19 death is an 85-year-old woman from Lane County who tested positive on Aug. 29 and died on Sept. 7 at McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,357th COVID-19 death is a 59-year-old man from Linn County who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died on Sept. 4 at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,358th COVID-19 death is a 68-year-old woman from Marion County who tested positive on Sept. 6 and died on Sept. 6 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,359th COVID-19 death is an 82-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 22 and died on Aug. 31 at Santiam Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,360th COVID-19 death is a 78-year-old woman from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 2 at Santiam Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,361st COVID-19 death is a 61-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 18 and died on Sept. 4 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,362nd death is a 69-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 14 and died on Sept. 5 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,363rd COVID-19 death is a 34-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on July 30 and died on Sept. 5 at Legacy Silverton Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,364th COVID-19 death is a 24-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on July 18 and died on Aug. 30 at his residence.

Oregon’s 3,365th COVID-19 death is a 74-year-old woman from Marion County who tested positive on Aug. 30 and died on Sept. 6 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,366th COVID-19 death is an 86-year-old man from Tillamook County who tested positive on Sept. 5 and died on Sept. 6 at Adventist Health Tillamook.

Oregon’s 3,367th COVID-19 death is a 64-year-old man from Polk County who tested positive on Aug. 26 and died on Sept. 3 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,368th COVID-19 death is an 87-year-old woman from Polk County who tested positive on Aug. 16 and died on Sept. 5 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,369th COVID-19 death is a 76-year-old man from Polk County who tested positive on Aug. 4 and died on Sept. 5 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,370th COVID-19 death is a 20-year-old woman from Polk County who tested positive on July 29 and died on Sept. 4 at Salem Hospital.

Oregon’s 3,371st COVID-19 death is a 49-year-old woman from Polk County who tested positive on Sept. 2 and died at her residence.

Oregon’s 3,372nd death is a 62-year-old man from Washington County who tested positive on July 3 and died on Sept. 6 at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center.

Oregon’s 3,373rd COVID-19 death is a 79-year-old man from Washington County who tested positive on Aug. 23 and died on Sept. 6 at Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center.








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Here again are some resources that you will find useful

If the above links are not providing you with answers to your questions or directing you to the help that you need, please consider me and my office to be a resource.  We’ll do our best to assist you or steer you in the right direction.


dembrow signature

Senator Michael Dembrow
District 23

phone: 503-281-0608
mail: 900 Court St NE, S-407, Salem, OR, 97301