Remembering OSP Sgt. John Burright
A memorial service for Oregon State Police Sergeant John Burright was held on August 25, 2021 at the Salem Armory.
Please continue to keep Sergeant Burright's family in your prayers to honor him. It is often shared with me that those who knew John well have such fond memories of his love of and devotion to his family, had a great sense of humor and he showed kindness to everyone he met. He was also very athletic, was very competitive, had a great work ethic, and a true commitment to excellence in the law enforcement job he loved so much.
Sergeant Burright passed away on May 4, 2021 after a nearly 20-year battle after a tragic traffic incident that left him with debilitating and career-ending injuries. He was struck on the side of I-5 while assisting a disabled motorist. The incident instantly claimed the lives of Sr. Trooper Maria Mignano and Albany Police Department Officer Jason Hoerauf.
The memorial on August 25 began with an emergency vehicle procession from Albany to the Salem Armory. Many Oregonians were on the roadsides saluting the procession as it made its way up I-5. Hundreds of law enforcement officers and members from multiple communities gathered at the Salem Armory. His friends, colleagues, and two of his sons spoke to his memory during the memorial service. This was a full ceremonial event complete with multi-agency Honor Guards and the Portland Police Highland Guard. A short video played, accompanied by guitar music played by MC Scott Perry, with a collection of captured moments from Sgt. Burright’s life.
The Portland Police Highland Guard played ‘Amazing Grace’ and the Multi-agency Honor Guard exited in traditional formation.
The final event caught me off-guard. Immediately following the always-sorrowful trumpet solo of 'Taps', a recording of a dispatch operator came over the loud speakers, here is what we heard: "Station 20. 2112, 1297. Station 20. 2112, 1297. (long pause) Negative contact to 2112. All units, 2112. Sgt. John Burright is out of service...May 4, 2021. Gone but not forgotten." Followed by complete silence. I am still moved even writing this today. This is a memory that will remind me always of those choosing to protect us all.
We thank and honor OSP Trooper Sgt. John Burright for his service and dedication. May he rest in peace.
Old Glory displayed large and high in honor of Sgt. Burright.
Our OSP Troopers, the family, and friends all attended the memorial to celebrate Sgt. Burright's life and service.
Special note: Last session, I worked closely with the family and OSP to introduce an House Concurrent Resolution that would enable us to get a sign of dedication placed on I-5 for Sgt. Burright. We ran out of time to get it passed last session. However, we will introduce it again in hopes we will be able to give it the time, honor, and ceremony it deserves.
Watch the full memorial service from August 25, click here.
REDISTRICTING: Virtual Hearing Dates
Starting Tomorrow
The statewide redistricting tour planned for September is moving to a virtual format. Members of the public are invited to participate during one of the following virtual hearings to provide feedback on the proposed maps created by the House and Senate Interim Redistricting Committees. They are available now.
The best way to view maps are through this interactive site. Once opened, you will see an Oregon map with county outlines.
Click on the "Show Contents of Map" button on the left (the list icon under ‘Details’ tab).
Click the drop-down arrow (not the check mark) to the left of "Committee Proposals."
Plan A: Senate Democrats
Plan B: House Republicans
Plan C: House Democrats
You can click on any of these to view the plans. You’ll see gray and pink lines – gray is county, pink is district lines.
It might be helpful to view county, city, or school district boundaries – or current House/Senate lines – these can all be viewed under the “Oregon Reference Layers." You can zoom in to see areas that are interesting to you. I encourage you to zoom into where you live, look at your community, and let the committee know your thoughts.
You can also view the maps in PDF format from the committee meeting materials on OLIS, located here.
September 8
CD 1 at 8am: Includes Clatsop, Columbia, part of Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill counties - Click here to sign up
CD 2 at 1pm: Includes Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, part of Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler counties - Click here to sign up
CD 3 at 530pm: Includes part of Clackamas and part of Multnomah counties - Click here to sign up
September 9
CD 4 at 8am: Includes part of Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, part of Josephine, Lane, and Linn counties - Click here to sign up
CD 5 at 1pm: Includes part of Benton, part of Clackamas, Lincoln, Marion, part of Multnomah, Polk, and Tillamook counties - Click here to sign up
CD 1 at 530pm: Click here to sign up
September 10
CD 2 at 8am: Click here to sign up
CD 3 at 1pm: Click here to sign up
CD 4 at 530pm: Click here to sign up
September 13
CD 5 at 8am: Click here to sign up
1pm: The committee will hear from individuals residing in any district in the state - Click here to sign up
530pm: The committee will hear from individuals residing in any district in the state - Click here to sign up
- - -
Written testimony may be submitted up to 24 hours after the meeting start time.
To provide written testimony, please email your comments to:
Be sure to incorporate which congressional district you live in as the subject line of the email. To find out what district you live in follow this link and enter your address in the box above 'Find Who Represents Me.'
Redistricting information and website
Our kids are headed back to school! Remember to slow down in school zones and keep an eye out for our students walking, crossing the street, and riding bikes. And please stop behind school buses when their lights are flashing.
Wishing our kids a happy, healthy, and successful school year!
Additional information for in-person learning
Vaccine Requirements - Regardless of occupation, if a worker refuses to get a vaccination and separates from employment, we will conduct a fact-finding interview with the worker and their employer to determine eligibility for UI benefits. This decision is based on all the specifics of their separation from employment, including the refusal as well as possible alternatives.
Each person’s situation is different, and eligibility for UI benefits is determined on a case-by-case basis. The only way to know for sure if you qualify for benefits is to APPLY.
There is no one-size fits all answer. However, in general, if your employer has a reasonable policy regarding vaccines and offers alternative protections (for example, working remotely, physical distancing, or wearing a face covering), and you are unwilling to get the vaccine or use a reasonable alternative protection, your claim may be denied.
If you turn down suitable work because the employer requires a vaccine or other alternative form of protection from COVID-19, such as working remotely or wearing a face covering, your benefits may stop.
However, you will NOT be denied for refusing to get the vaccine if you have a sincerely held religious belief, are medically unable to get the vaccine, or if you are exempted under state statute or a collective bargaining agreement.
We are following Oregon and federal laws regarding vaccines required for employment, and closely watching any lawsuits and appeals that may require us to adjust our application of the law.
For more information, go to the website.
Religious exemption form - OHA
Medical exemption form - OHA
ORS - Health Provider Requirements and Exemption info
Note from Shelly: Please contact my office if you need assistance or have additional questions. I sincerely believe the vaccine mandates are wrong and am hearing from many in the affected industries. I am pained to hear heart-wrenching stories from those that are making extremely tough choices right now. I will continue to answer questions best I can, find information for those that need it, and push out information as I get it.
U.S. 20 between Knox Butte and OR 226
Signs reminding travelers of the U.S. 20 Knox Butte and OR 226 project were placed last week and paving begins today, Sept 7. Most work will be done at night, and travelers should expect lane closures from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Businesses and residences in the work zone will have access during construction, though there may be short windows when access may be limited due by work. In addition to paving, a number of safety improvements are being done. These include high visibility signage, flashing warning beacons, concrete islands, and new road striping. Please use caution when driving through work zones.
Watch for signs and flaggers in construction zones. Above all, slow down and please drive carefully!
Project details
Up-to-date traffic information from TripCheck
September 8 - 10, 2021 - There will be a three day FULL ROAD CLOSURE, 24 hours per day starting at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday September 8 through 11:59 p.m. Friday, September 10. There will be detour routes in place and signed. No through traffic on U.S. 20. Plan ahead, there may be additional delays on the alternate routes due to wildfire recovery efforts.
More information
SEPTEMBER: National Preparedness Month
Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find.
Go to for easy-to-follow information
As always, my office is here for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you have any community event announcements, legislative questions, or concerns.
Stay tuned and stay involved!
Talk soon,
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Website: