8/4/21 House District 30 Newsletter

Rep. Sollman

Friends and Neighbors,

Event Graphic

For the Politics in the Park event, if you can, please bring a chair so that we can spread out and sit safely. I ask that if you are unvaccinated, please wear a mask for your safety and those around you. I look forward to seeing you there.

COVID-19 Updates

Governor Kate Brown Announces New Health and Safety Rule for Employees in Health Care Settings to Help Prevent Delta Variant Spread

Health care workers have a choice to protect staff and patients from COVID-19: weekly testing or verifying vaccination status 

Governor Kate Brown announced today that she has directed the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to issue a rule outlining new, required health and safety measures for personnel in health care settings. The rule requires weekly COVID-19 testing for personnel in health care settings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in health care settings, which can be waived with a proof of vaccination. The new rule will be issued this week and the requirement to be vaccinated or undergo weekly testing will apply starting September 30th. This will give employers time to prepare for implementation, and will give currently unvaccinated health care workers time to become fully vaccinated.

“The more contagious Delta variant has changed everything. This new safety measure is necessary to stop Delta from causing severe illness among our first line of defense: our doctors, nurses, medical students, and frontline health care workers. Protecting our frontline health care workers through vaccination will also enhance the safety of the patients in their care,” said Governor Brown. “Severe illness from COVID-19 is now largely preventable, and vaccination is clearly our best defense. Vaccination and weekly testing ensure Oregonians can safely access health care and employees can go to work in an environment that maximizes health and safety measures for COVID-19.”

Scott Palmer of the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) said: "This is a reasonable and sensible approach which respects the individual choices of health care workers while also protecting public health. ONA believes COVID-19 vaccinations are critical to protecting our members, our patients, our families and our communities and we urge all Oregonians who can get vaccinated to do so now.

"ONA is also gratified to note that Oregon’s current law provides the state the flexibility necessary to respond to public health emergencies via regulation. ONA is eager to continue our work with hospitals and community groups to encourage vaccinations through a wide range of options including free vaccine clinics, vaccine education, vaccination incentives and community outreach to improve vaccination rates and address the rampant disinformation that is creating uncertainty and fueling vaccine hesitancy. Vaccination is a critical tool to keep Oregonians healthy and safe and Governor Brown’s announcement today will help close the gap in vaccination rates for Oregon’s valuable health care workers."

The new rule applies to personnel in health care settings who have direct or indirect contact with patients or infectious materials. The Governor’s Office continues to look at additional health and safety options to protect Oregonians against the highly contagious Delta variant, including vaccination and testing policies for state workers, with conversations continuing with stakeholders about how similar protective measures can be implemented in various state workplaces.

Governor Brown called on other public and private employers in Oregon to consider measures to facilitate their employees’ access to vaccines: “As we have throughout this pandemic, we are learning to adapt to the new reality the Delta variant has created. I am encouraging Oregon cities, counties, businesses, and employers to think creatively, and to consider measures such as paid time off for vaccination, and incentives for employees, in addition to instituting masking requirements and other health and safety measures in the workplace. I am doing the same with the State of Oregon’s workforce, as we look for ways to remove barriers to easy access to vaccination.”

State law currently prohibits employers from independently mandating vaccines for certain limited categories of workers, including health care workers, an issue the Governor intends to work with stakeholders and legislators to address in the February 2022 session.

A video statement from Governor Brown is available here.

Governor Kate Brown Directs State Agencies to Align K-12 Mask Guidance with CDC Recommendations to Prevent Disruptions to Return to In-Person Instruction

Last Thursday, Governor Kate Brown directed the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Department of Education to create a rule to require masks indoors for K-12 schools statewide for the 2021-22 school year, in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recently updated guidance, and based on the latest science on the spread of the Delta variant.

“The science and data are clear: the Delta variant is in our communities, and it is more contagious,” said Governor Brown. “My priority is to ensure our kids are able to safely return to full-time in-person learning this fall, five days per week and with minimal disruptions. With many children still ineligible to be vaccinated, masks are an effective way to help keep our kids safe in the classroom, the learning environment we know serves them best.

“In the meantime, as we ask Oregonians statewide to mask up in public indoor spaces, we will continue working hard to vaccinate more people so we can finally beat this virus once and for all. Vaccines remain the most effective and best way to protect ourselves and our families.”

Recently updated CDC Guidance for K-12 Schools

Protect Kids Chart


Newest COVID-19 Modeling Report Shows Sharply Higher Increases in Daily Cases and Hospitalizations

From the Oregon Health Authority

Friday, we released the latest COVID-19 forecast, which projects sharply higher COVID-19 associated hospitalizations and daily cases through Aug. 17: http://ow.ly/jNlw50FHzX4

According to the model, the effective reproduction rate, meaning the expected number of secondary cases that a single case generates, was estimated at 1.58 through July 14, which is more than double the 0.74 reported through mid-June.

If transmission remains at the same level over the next two weeks, daily cases would continue to rapidly increase to 390 cases per 100,000 people. That’s an estimated 1,170 daily cases and 95 new hospitalizations per day.

Also, according to the report, even if the Delta variant grew to comprise 95% of new cases, the adoption of protective measures such as wearing masks and avoiding large gatherings, would curb the projected increase in hospitalizations and daily cases.

“Today’s modeling report, although sobering, confirms the importance of protecting ourselves and others by getting vaccinated against COVID-19,” Dr. Dean Sidelinger, State Public Health Officer and Epidemiologist, said. “By vaccinating more people, we can more quickly drive down hospitalizations and new cases.

Watch Dr. Sidelinger talk about how to protect yourself from the Delta variant by clicking here or on the screenshot below.

OHA Video


The most effective way to save lives and prevent the spread of COVID and the highly transmissible Delta variant is to get vaccinated.

  • According to the Oregon Health Authority and the CDC, all authorized vaccines are effective and work very well to protect you from getting very sick or dying from COVID-19. Vaccines have also shown strong protection against COVID-19 variants.
  • Everyone in Oregon age 12 and older is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, 12 to 17-year-olds are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine.
  • The vaccine is free and you do not need to show ID or proof of citizenship. To find a COVID-19 vaccine location near you, visit getvaccinated.oregon.gov/#/locator?lang=en. En español: getvaccinated.oregon.gov/#/locator?lang=es.  

Find a Vaccine in Washington County

From Washington County Health and Human Services

NEW! Washington County's Mobile Vaccine Team: Our mobile team is traveling the county to make it easier for people to get the vaccine close to where they live, shop or hang out. Find the schedule here.

Local pharmacies: Pharmacies are required to offer second/boost doses to people who received their first dose somewhere else.

Beaverton Resource Center: Most Fridays from July 16 through September 24. See the flier for exact dates and times. Pfizer for ages 12 and older. Located at 13565 SW Walker Road.

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Centers: All vaccination events are open to the community, do not require an appointment, and do not require you to be a Virginia Garcia patient. You do not have to have insurance in order to receive a vaccine. If you have insurance, please bring your card with you. Remember, vaccines are free!

"One Covid Story: COVID-19 is Personal: My Father’s Three-Week Journey to His Death"

Please read the following story written by my friend Carmen on the personal impact of COVID-19 to her family. She shared her story on social media so that others could have a lens on the human toll of the virus. I am sharing with her permission. My heart goes out to her and her family for the pain and loss they have endured.

Carmen photos

COVID-19 is Personal: My father’s three-week journey to his death

I have shared the passing of my father and stepmother due to covid-19 with many of you, and what I have not shared is the unimaginable journey my dad and his beautiful wife had to live through. I feel compelled to share this story and, in this effort, if I can change one person’s mind, heart and decision, to wear your mask and to please take the vaccine, this will be worth it.

It started with a phone call. “Your dad is being taken to the hospital; we think he has COVID-19.” My heart immediately ached worrying about the possible outcome, and my inability to travel to L.A. to be with my dad made me weep with despair and anguish. Within two days, I received another phone call letting me know that my stepmother was also being taken to the hospital with COVID-19.

Over the next few days, I repeatedly called the hospital trying to talk to my beautiful father, with nurses doing the best they could to help him answer the phone. I had to fight, advocate, scream that my dad needed to hear my voice, our voice, he needed to hear that we loved him, and that he was going to be OK.

That led to multiple calls with the doctors, asking if my dad had an advance directive, and searching, asking, advocating, calling multiple places, multiple clinics to find out – you see, I had never had that conversation with my father. Ultimately, I learned that he did have an advance directive to resuscitate.

During this time, I was able to talk to my dad, reassure him that he was going to be OK, that I was going to see him soon – which, unfortunately, could not happen. He could barely talk, I could hear him say “te quiero” (I love you), “tengo miedo” (I am scared). It has been eight months since my dad’s passing and I still hear his words begging for comfort, begging for support. And I was not, could not be there to hold him, kiss him and tell him that it was going to all be okay.

I was able to convince a nurse to help us organize a family ZOOM meeting, and we brought family together from all over the world. My sisters, brothers, cousins, grandchildren, and his two living sisters. We all cried, joked, laughed, told stories. My dad was not able to talk and I could see tears coming down his face.

Things did not get better. I received a call from the doctor stating that we had to make a decision to intubate and that his odds were not good. I then proceeded to talk to all my siblings; we had to decide to give permission to resuscitate or not. We all decided not to resuscitate. I have to let you all know that it was both the right decision and one of the most painful decisions I have ever made.

The very next day, the nurse called and said my dad needed to be intubated because his oxygen was very low, and I asked for 20 minutes so we could gather my brothers and sisters so we could talk to him. The nurse agreed. Ten minutes later the nurse said, “He is not going to make it.” She volunteered to use her personal cell phone, and asked that I give her the numbers of my brothers and sisters so she could facetime us so we could see our father. We were only able to reach my older sister.

For the last four minutes of his life, my sister and I were able to talk to our father, cry, tell him that we loved him, tell him to let go, tell him to walk to the light. We told him we were sorry, we told him, we told him, we told him …and then a gasp of air, and we witnessed my father’s last breath on facetime and we felt grateful and there are no words that can explain how painful this was and still is.

We witnessed my papi’s last breath without us, without our hugs and kisses. He died, he died alone, he died scared, he died because COVID took him.
During this time, my stepmother also passed away. When she heard that my dad died, her world fell apart, and her fight was over. She passed two weeks after my father passed.
The story does not end there. It continued with making the arrangements, the multiple phone calls, the cremation that took over 12 weeks because the burial folks were so overwhelmed with work because of all the lives that Covid-19 had taken.

Then came the final journey of my father, his ashes being placed in an urn and mailed to me in the United Stated Postal Service – you see, that is the only way that the burial company could send my dad’s remains to my house.

Four days later I received a box, wrapped in brown paper. It was my dad’s urn that had his ashes. His journey was finally over, he was home with me.

I heard many hurtful things from people about my dad’s death; the primary one was that he was old, and he was going to die soon anyway. And while insensitive, I suppose that’s logical. What is not and will never be logical is that he died alone, that his last breath and the last words that he heard were on FACETIME from two of his daughters, and that I had to receive his ashes via the USPS. My dad did not deserve that. NO ONE deserves that.

So please, I beg, I plead … to your heart, to your spirit, to your sense of compassion for yourself and others … please wear a mask, and please get vaccinated. This is not an encroachment on your liberties. This is a world pandemic, and it takes each and every single one of us to do our part.

My dad’s journey with COVID is only one story in a million heart-wrenching stories. My prayers are with you that you or one of your loved ones do not become one of these stories.
If you are a friend on FB and you do not agree and feel disrespected by my story, you are free to unfriend me.

With love, appreciation, gratitude and compassion,
Carmen Xiomara

Insurance Updates

Oregonians can get 2021 Health Insurance Until Aug. 15

If you don’t qualify for the Oregon Health Plan and don’t get health insurance through your job, now through Sunday, Aug. 15, is an important time. It is the last chance for most people can sign up for an individual or family plan to have coverage in 2021.

  • More than 78 percent of Oregonians have been determined to be eligible for financial help through the Marketplace.
  • Oregonians are receiving an average of $400 per month in premium tax credits to reduce their monthly premium.
  • People who received unemployment insurance benefits in Oregon can get coverage for as low as $1 per month, even if they got benefits for only one week in 2021.

OregonHealthCare.gov is the online home of the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace, a part of state government. It is the state-level partner of HealthCare.gov, the national website where people enroll in Marketplace plans and access financial help.

Health insurance sold through the Marketplace is individual and family coverage offered by private companies, such as Bridgespan, Kaiser Permanente, Moda, PacificSource, Providence, and Regence. Not every company is available in every part the state, but at least three insurance companies and at least nine plan choices are available everywhere in Oregon.

An insurance expert can help you – at no cost – apply for the subsidy and enroll in coverage. They are listed at OregonHealthCare.gov/GetHelp.

For more information, visit OregonHealthCare.gov or call 855-268-3767 (toll-free).

Los habitantes de Oregón pueden obtener un seguro médico para 2021 hasta el 15 de Agosto

Si no cumple con los requisitos para el Plan de Salud de Oregón y no tiene seguro médico a través de su trabajo, desde ahora hasta el domingo 15 de agosto es un momento importante. Es la última oportunidad para que la mayoría de las personas puedan inscribirse en un plan individual o familiar para tener cobertura en 2021.

  • Se ha determinado que más del 78% de los oregonianos son elegibles para recibir ayuda financiera a través del Mercado.
  • Los oregonianos están recibiendo un promedio de 400 dólares al mes en créditos fiscales para reducir su prima mensual.
  • Los beneficiarios de los beneficios del seguro de desempleo en Oregón pueden obtener cobertura por tan bajo como 1 dólar al mes, incluso si sólo recibieron beneficios durante una semana en 2021.

OregonHealthCare.gov es la página web del Mercado de Seguros Médicos de Oregón, que forma parte del gobierno estatal. Es el socio a nivel estatal de CuidadoDeSalud.gov, el sitio web nacional donde las personas se inscriben en los planes del Mercado y acceden a la ayuda financiera.

Los planes de seguros médicos que se venden a través del Mercado son planes individuales y familiares ofrecidas por empresas privadas, como Bridgespan, Kaiser Permanente, Moda, PacificSource, Providence y Regence. No todas las compañías están disponibles en todas las partes del estado, pero al menos tres compañías de seguros y al menos nueve opciones de planes están disponibles en todo Oregón.

Un experto en seguros puede ayudarle, sin coste alguno, a solicitar el subsidio y a inscribirse en la cobertura. Se encuentran en OregonHealthCare.gov/GetHelp.

Para obtener más información, visite OregonHealthCare.gov o llama al 855-268-3767 (toll-free).

Environmental Updates

The Impact of Chemical Recycling on Environmental Justice

NCEL Event Pic


Last week I was excited to moderate a panel at NCEL's (National Caucus of Environmental Legislators) Annual Conference. The discussion focused on the negative impacts of chemical recycling and processes such as pyrolysis and gasification. Numerous states across the country have recently implemented chemical recycling programs. However, the cost to the environment and to the communities that are physically affected by the waste is too high a burden to bear. Learn more about the harmful impacts of chemical recycling by visiting No-Burn.org My colleague, Rep Maxine Dexter brought forward a bill this past session to address chemical recycling. It did not more forward, but important conversations are happening due to her call for action. 

Become a Member of Washington County's Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee!

From Washington County Green Business Leaders

Want to inform garbage and recycling improvements in Washington County? The Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee (GRAC) has positions open. As a member, you’ll learn about the industry and meet key stakeholders. GRAC helps the county reduce emissions, support community health and well-being, advance racial equity and conserve resources by providing recommendations to the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Use your lived experience to advise on collection rates, system improvements and program development that will have positive and lasting impacts. 

Meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 p.m. either via Zoom or in person. For more information about joining GRAC, call 503-846-3605.  

Recycling Wins in Oregon!

From the Master Recycling Program


"Oregonians are celebrating the passage of the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act. The comprehensive update addresses the myriad challenges that have been eroding the effectiveness of our recycling programs. Master Recycler championship and testimony were key in its passage."

As a chief sponsor of the bill, Rep. Sollman said. "Without this bill, our recycling system will be under threat. If we do nothing, it is the ratepayers — you and I — who will keep paying the increasing costs, while producers that contribute more to marine debris and plastic pollution pay nothing."

Read the full article here.

Community Outreach

Peruvian Cultural Festival

A beautiful night of celebration took place on Saturday hosted by the Peruvian Cultural Festival to honor the Peruvian Bicentennial. Under the warm summer skies at the Reserve Golf Course we enjoyed the company of good people, ate good food, cheered on the fantastic dancing in vibrant colors, and saw Caesar, The No Drama Llama. A wonderful night celebrating Peru's 200th year of independence. For more information on Peru's independence, visit here. For information on the local organization, visit here. Thank you to the Paredes family for the invitation and your hard work organizing such a fantastic celebration.

Peru Festival 1

Peru Festival 2

National Night Out

Last night we celebrated National Night Out across the country- A time to get out and positively interact with your local law enforcement and neighbors in a community-building effort. I stopped by a House District 30 neighborhood party off 195th Ave in Aloha. The Washington County Sheriff's Office has been very responsive to issues brought forward by these neighbors and gave their time tonight to provide updates and answer questions. I was very appreciative of the conversation and the opportunity to engage with House District 30 constituents. Larry and Barbara had a great many neighbors attend. On Thursday I will be at the North Plains Night Out event. Thank you to Mayor Lenahan for the invitation.  #ProudToBeHD30


Solve Oregon: Beach and Riverside Cleanup

From Solve Oregon

Solve Oregon

Sign up now for SOLVE's annual Beach & Riverside Cleanup, in partnership with the Oregon Lottery, happening on September 25!

Join hundreds of Oregonians across the state, protecting and restoring our natural habitats, coast, and neighborhoods through litter cleanup and restoration work.

Water is increasingly becoming one of Oregon's most precious resources. By joining the Beach & Riverside Cleanup, you send a clear signal that you are part of the solution to keep our waterways clean and free of debris.

Along the entire Oregon coast, and inland as well, we'll be supporting volunteer projects aimed at keeping our waterways free of debris from source to sea. Get involved in this statewide, family friendly cleanup effort today! Click here to browse a list of projects, learn more, and sign up.

Additional Resources

 House District 30 Links

Federal Delegation Links

Education Links

Food and Housing Assistance

Be good to yourself and each other. ❤

Onward & Upward,


Capitol Phone: 503-986-1430
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-487, Salem, Oregon 97301
Email: Rep.JaneenSollman@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/sollman