Friends and Neighbors,
 Join me for a community conversation at 53rd Street Park. Bring your questions or come listen to the conversation. All are welcome.
Governor Kate Brown Urges Oregonians to be Disaster Prepared by Signing Up for Emergency Alerts through the OR-Alert Notification System
OR-Alert is now live, Oregonians can sign up via text, web, or mobile app.
Governor Kate Brown is urging Oregonians to prepare for emergencies by signing up to receive alerts through Oregon’s new emergency alert notification system, OR-Alert. The system has been fully implemented in 26 counties and is actively being implemented in another eight.
This timely rollout comes as Oregon has recently faced severe weather events including ice storms, extreme drought, and a record-breaking heat wave that has contributed to an early and dangerous wildfire season. With OR-Alert, people across the state are now able to sign up for alerts custom to their geographic area and receive notifications in the most convenient way possible.
“Last year’s historic fire season taught us that being prepared can truly be the difference between life and death,” said Governor Brown. “With Oregon facing increasing climate-related weather events, there's never been a better time to make a plan with your family to be prepared. I’m urging all Oregonians to sign up for local alerts through OR-Alert and to take steps to ensure you and your family can be safe in the event of an emergency.”
“Between extreme weather, wildfires, and the pandemic, it became clear that our state needed a streamlined and customizable way to enable emergency managers at the local, county, Tribal, and state level to communicate with the populations they serve across the state and at a moment's notice,” said William Chapman, Statewide Interoperability Coordinator. “OR-Alert has filled this need and is ready for Oregonians to sign up.”
Anyone can receive emergency alerts through OR-Alert by signing up via text, web, or mobile app:
- Text: Sign up for emergency alerts in your area by texting your zip code to 888777.
- Website: Sign up for emergency alerts in your area by visiting
- Mobile App: Download the Everbridge Mobile App to receive emergency alerts wherever you are.
Governor Brown is also urging Oregonians to be 2 Weeks Ready. Learn more at the Office of Emergency Management's website.
COVID-19 Updates
OHA Recommends Universal Mask Use for all Public Indoor Settings
From the Oregon Health Authority
In response to a large jump in cases and hospitalizations and in alignment with new national guidance calling for masking measures to prevent the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant, the OHA today is recommending universal mask use in public indoor settings throughout the state to protect people in Oregon from COVID-19.
“Today’s reported sharp rise in cases and hospitalizations in Oregon are sobering reminders that the pandemic is not over, especially for Oregonians who remain unvaccinated,” said Dr. Dean Sidelinger, state epidemiologist and state health officer.
“The highly contagious Delta variant has increased tenfold in the past two weeks in Oregon, and it is now estimated to be associated with 80% of the new cases in Oregon. The use of face masks provides significant protection for individuals who are unvaccinated as well as an additional level protection from a small but known risk of infection by the virus for persons who have already been vaccinated.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who are vaccinated with currently available vaccines are protected from the virus and the circulating variants, including the Delta variant that is now seen in the majority of Oregon’s new cases.
OHA’s recommendation aligns with the CDC’s new guidance issued today that everyone, including fully vaccinated persons, wear a mask in public indoor settings. OHA’s recommendation applies statewide, and not just areas with higher infections and high transmission, as cases have increased across the state in recent weeks due to the Delta variant.
OHA is continuing to call on local community and public health leaders, and businesses, to encourage vaccination and masking to prevent new outbreaks in areas of high transmission.
 Cloth Face Masks Protect Against COVID-19 Transmission, But Not Smoke
From the Oregon Health Authority
While cloth masks and face coverings do not protect you from wildfire smoke, they do offer protection against COVID-19.
N95 or P100 respirators may offer some protection against wildfire smoke if properly fit tested and worn. Otherwise, they may create a false sense of security. N95s are not available in children’s sizes.
Learn more about masks that may help protect from smoke here.
 COVID-19 Vaccine
Find a Vaccine in Washington County
From Washington County Health and Human Services
NEW! Washington County's Mobile Vaccine Team: Our mobile team is traveling the county to make it easier for people to get the vaccine close to where they live, shop or hang out. Find the schedule here.
Local pharmacies: Pharmacies are required to offer second/boost doses to people who received their first dose somewhere else.
Beaverton Resource Center: Most Fridays from July 16 through September 24. See the flier for exact dates and times. Pfizer for ages 12 and older. Located at 13565 SW Walker Road.
Tektronix in Beaverton: Virginia Garcia is teaming up with Washington County Public Health and FEMA for another vaccine clinic, July 21 through August 1. 3025 SW Zworkykin Avenue. More details on flier or Virginia Garcia's website.
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Centers: All vaccination events are open to the community, do not require an appointment, and do not require you to be a Virginia Garcia patient. You do not have to have insurance in order to receive a vaccine. If you have insurance, please bring your card with you. Remember, vaccines are free!
Redistricting Updates-Save the Date
 About Redistricting
Based on the census data, every 10-years states will redraw electoral lines to better reflect population shifts and growth, as well as changes in demographics to ensure fair and equal representation in government and allocation of resources. In Oregon, once the census data is received in August, the state legislature will begin to redraw the electoral lines with input from public testimony.
Redistricting is important because it is about building the infrastructure for us to have a representative democracy. How a district is drawn will impact how communities' voices are reflected and represented in our governments, as well as the diversity of candidates who run for office.
Redistricting can change your life. Testify and make your voice heard.
From schools to healthcare, transportation lines, funding for housing and emergency support for issues like wildfires, redistricting determines how resources are allocated and to which communities based on representation. This is why it’s important that we receive as much public input and testimony as possible. We need to hear from you to make sure we’re keeping communities of interest together and ensure every person has fair representation.
Save the date and visit for updates.
September 8 - Bend at 5:30 PM
September 9 - Eugene at 5:30 PM
September 10 - Salem at 9:00 AM
September 10 - Oregon City/North Clackamas County at 3:00 PM
September 11 - Central Portland at 9:00 AM - Hillsboro/Beaverton at 3:00 PM
September 13 - Oregon Capitol in Salem at 9:00 AM, 1:00 PM & 5:30 PM
Education Updates
ODE's 2021 Legislative Summary
From the Oregon Department of Education
The 2021 Legislative Session was one that will not soon be forgotten as Oregon grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest. Committee hearings were held entirely online while the Oregon State Capitol Building remained closed to the public. Only lawmakers and essential personnel were in the building for floor votes.
While there were many challenges in adjusting to a virtual legislative session, including internet access issues, there were also significant benefits. Principal among them was a noted increase in community engagement: as of May 2021, over 14,400 people had registered online to provide testimony and 30,000 emails had been submitted. For Oregonians statewide, there was increased access to the legislative process, particularly with the removal of the barrier of traveling to Salem to testify.
ODE’s Government Relations Team spent numerous hours advocating for ODE’s proposed legislation and providing information to committees and members. We tracked nearly 300 bills that impacted K-12 education, and almost 100 of those bills became law.
This Legislative Summary highlights the bills moving us further in the direction of equity and anti-racist policies, and provides an overview of all newly passed legislation affecting K-12. ODE is proud to have produced equity-minded legislation and to have worked with many partners to make these policies a reality.
If you have any questions after reviewing the Legislative Summary, please reach out to ODE Government Relations & External Affairs Director Jessica Ventura.
To subscribe to updates from the Oregon Department of Education, visit here.
Meet the Interns
Over the summer, I am fortunate to have two new college interns in our office. Aiden Pedroza and Brea Nazareno bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to their work in House District 30. Please join me in welcoming them to the team.
My name is Aiden Pedroza and I am going into my junior year at University of Oregon, where I am studying Economics and Political Science. I have lived in Oregon my entire life and I’m very excited to be able to contribute and gain experience within Representative Sollman’s office. I have a strong interest in the economic policy of the state, which is held uniquely as an American institution to provide better lives for its constituents. Engaging in my community is incredibly important to me and I look forward to bringing new ideas in from the community to help improve our government.
Hello Everyone!
My name is Brea Nazareno and I’m a graduate of Portland Community College. Currently, I’m transferring to University of California, San Diego to study Sociology with a focus on economy and society and minoring in Business. I’m grateful and thrilled to be working in Rep. Sollman’s office. My main passions involve working in DEI, ESG, data analysis of comprehensive legislative impacts on historically underserved demographics, and coalition building with nonprofits. While a resident of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I’ve engaged in leadership roles to provide improvement to local communities. In Portland Community College (PCC), I collaborated with the Board on researching barriers to student success and in co-creating holistic equitable budget solutions to address specific needs. Additionally, I worked as a Disability Advocate in co-creating a proposal for a Disability Cultural Center to create community and a network of support at PCC. Outside of PCC, I worked with Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network (GPSEN) on co-leading events to educate college students on food justice and support during COVID. Continuing, I was previously employed with Girls Inc. as a coordinator and utilized a well researched curriculum to aid in the comprehensive development of girl youth and combat cycles of poverty for women. Prior to working with Rep. Sollman, I worked with Rep. Sanchez on following and researching legislation impacting BIPOC, addiction recovery support and equitable policing. My involvement in uplifting and addressing the urgent needs of marginalized communities will continue to drive my career development as I move out of this incredible state I’ve been fortunate to call my home.
Out & About House District 30
Plastic Free July Press Conference
I was honored to speak alongside Senator Jeff Merkley and my colleague, Representative David Gomberg last week in support of Breaking Free From Plastics at the Oregon Zoo. It was a beautiful day to talk about the wins Oregon has had in reducing plastic in our beautiful natural environment. Wins like Oregon's Bottle Bill, celebrating it's 50th Anniversary this year. The ban of single use plastic bags at checkout and the passage of Oregon's Recycling Modernization Act are two other great examples. But we still have work to do.
We know that recycling alone cannot deliver all of the environmental protections we need, especially when dealing with plastic waste. Right now less than 9% of plastics are recycled, leaving tons of waste in our waterways and landfills. Microplastics are in our food chain and in turn, we eat them, which causes major health issues.
Senator Merkley has introduced the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, legislation that will phase out the use of single use plastics as well as implementing greater producer responsibility. Producer responsibility is a proven approach to reducing waste and improving recycling because as long as individuals and local governments, not producers, bear the costs of waste, the producers who profit from the products we buy have no incentive to change. Preventing waste from being created in the first place will get us much closer to meeting our environmental goals and protecting the environment for future generations. Remember, it's reduce, reuse, then recycle.
Thank you to Surfrider Foundation for inviting me and to all the organizations that participated. Watch the press conference here.
 Community Outreach
OLCV Virtual Town Hall with Senator Jeff Merkley
From Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Date: Monday, August 16th Time: 4pm Location: Zoom (the link will be emailed out a few days before the event)
Click here to RSVP and submit your questions for Senator Merkley!
Senator Merkley is fighting to help the U.S. build back better post-pandemic by investing in clean energy, jobs, and justice. The Senate will be voting soon on a bipartisan infrastructure proposal that will be a good starting point in addressing the climate crisis. But there’s still more work to do. Another key plan would invest $3.5 trillion in clean energy, taking the U.S. to 100% clean energy by 2035, while also creating good-paying union jobs and directing at least 40% of the benefits to communities most affected by climate change.
Senator Merkley will talk to you about this vision for the future, update us on how things are going in Washington D.C., and answer audience questions. Make sure to RSVP today to receive updates and submit your own questions for Senator Merkley!
Hillsboro Community Pickleball
From the City of Hillsboro
In May 2019, community members gathered as the City broke ground on the Hidden Creek Community Center, and Cindy Cosenzo was there. Cindy, who develops community programs through her business AgeCelebration and organizes “Hillsboro Community Pickleball,” took the opportunity to ask Hillsboro Mayor Steve Callaway if he would come out to play Pickleball with her when the courts opened at Hidden Creek. And he said yes!
In the two years since May 2019, a beautiful community center, complete with an outdoor Sport Court for Pickleball and futsal, has been built and opened; we have made it through a worldwide pandemic, and the mayor made good on his promise.
On July 8, 2021, over 55 local Pickleball players joined Cindy and Mayor Callaway for a morning of fun during Pickleball with The Mayor.
Read the full story here.
Be good to yourself and each other. ❤
Onward & Upward,
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1430 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-487, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Website: