At Last, the Finish Line is in Sight!

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At Last, the Finish Line is in Sight!

The final week of the Legislature’s “Long Session” is finally here! And with it, the final chance to advocate against bad bills. A couple that should be on your radar: 

  •  HB 2021: Remember Cap and Trade? Well this is the Cap without the Trade, but still a devastating piece of legislation. This push for 100% Clean Energy by 2040 would increase energy costs to families! 
  • HB 2680: Voters passed “campaign finance reform”, but it’s up to the Legislature to decide what that looks like. Democrats think taking YOUR tax dollars to fund their political campaigns is the solution! Meanwhile, failing to fully fund schools.  
  • SB 762A: The Governor’s approach to addressing wildfires does not work for rural Oregon. The definitions used in this bill could force some farmers and land owners to create wildfire defensive buffers in their crop land or even in their backyard.
  • SB 582A: Oregon is already a leader for our recycling program, but this bill creates an extreme and costly overhaul to Oregon’s recycling system passing off the costs to consumers and businesses. 
  • HB 3055A: A portion of this omnibus transportation bill includes toll program implementation forcing you to pay for the state’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

Don’t miss the opportunity to get your voice heard this session. Take a minute to reach out to Legislators and let them know how you feel about these bills! Here are links to contact information for Senators and Representatives.

Important Housing Dates


Recently Governor Brown issued Executive Order 21-14, which extended the Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium.  Here are a few important dates related to housing and the moratoriums/grace periods in place that might be helpful:

July 1, 2021 - Residential Eviction Moratorium ends. Set by HB 4401 (3rd Special Session).

  • SB 278 is in the Senate for a concurrence vote and had been amended in the House to say that if a tenant demonstrates that they’ve applied for rent assistance, the landlord shall postpone any eviction action for 60 days. If the Senate concurs, and the Governor signs the bill, this would go into effect immediately.

September 30, 2021 – Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium ends. Instituted by HB 2009 and extended by EO 21-14.

September 30, 2021 – Grace Period for repayment of nonresidential rent accrued between April 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020 ends. Set by HB 2966.

February 28, 2022 – Grace Period for nonpayment of rent between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 ends. Extended by SB 282.


If you are in need of assistance there are resources available. The final round of the Landlord Compensation Fund closing date has been extended to Wednesday, June 23rd. For renters in need, the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program is accepting applications. For additional resources in your area, call 211 or visit

Wildfire Reminders

Debris Clean up Graphic

Already, 45% of wildfire-damaged properties in the Santiam Canyon have been cleared and are ready for reconstruction. To opt into the wildfire debris cleanup program, property owners must submit a Right of Entry agreement to Marion County by June 30th.

Call (503) 934-1700 if you have any questions about completing your online Right of Entry agreement. Submit online:

Standing timber that is dead, dying, has internal fire damage or compromised root systems can fall onto the road with little or no warning, creating a road hazard for motorists and potential financial liability for the property owner. The removal of fire damaged trees mitigates these risks. Participation in this free hazard tree removal program is voluntary and property owners must submit a Right of Entry agreement to Marion County by June 30th. Submit online at Please call (503) 365-3110 with any questions about the hazard tree removal program.


Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations to the graduates at all schooling levels this year!

The obstacles you faced were not disadvantages—they have proven your resiliency, your ability to adapt and persevere, and the remarkable depth of your character. Those obstacles make your journey to this day an exceptional accomplishment. 

You are a true inspiration. I am so looking forward to watching what you will achieve with the tenacity you have shown to reach this goal under such daunting circumstances.

Congrats Grads

COVID Vaccine Information

For more information on getting vaccinated, please use the resources below.

To view previous newsletters, please visit my website.

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1417
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-378, Salem, OR 97301