Revenue Forecast and Bill Updates

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

This has been a very good week!  The revenue forecast that came out on Wednesday is very promising.  It is an encouraging sign that Oregon is bouncing back on the economic front.  As Co-Chair of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Education, I am excited to continue working diligently for the best supportive resources for all students in our schools.  The $9.3 billion to fund Oregon's schools that I reported on in my last newsletter, is a historic achievement and this forecast means we can fully fund that amount.  As we complete the full budget, it will allow us to pay attention to needs in healthcare, to the needs of our workers, and of others who have been hit so hard by the emergencies in the last 15 months.  Please read more about the revenue forecast in the 'Updates From Salem' section below.

I am also pleased to report that Washington County has reached one of the highest vaccination rates in the state and we have now been moved into the Lower Risk Category.  As of today, 65.6% of Washington County residents +16 or older have been vaccinated.  While we still have work to do to get to the Governor's target of 70%, we are well on our way.  Washington County has opened up more vaccination sites and opportunities as well.  Read about them in the 'Vaccine Information' section below, or visit their vaccination page here

And finally, three of my bills received votes in Senate Committees this week and I am pleased to report that they all passed and are headed to the Senate floor for a vote.  House Bill 3185 will help protect the ecological value of ditches, House Bill 2953 will clarify responsibilities for overseeing community-based structured housing, and finally House Bill 3254 ensures that children in Washington County with co-occurring mental and developmental disabilities continue to receive the care they need.


Rep. McLain


2021 Session Committee Assignments 

Joint Committee On Ways and Means

Joint Committee On Transportation - Co-Chair

House Committee On Agriculture and Natural Resources - Vice Chair

Joint Committee On the Interstate 5 Bridge - Co-Chair

Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Education - Co-Chair

2019-2020 Joint Emergency Board 

committee hearing



How to Participate

Watch all Oregon State Legislature Live-Streams and Meetings HERE


Track all 2021 Session Bills HERE


Cartoon of a bill  

Instructions for how to testify:


English instructions here

Aquí están las instrucciones

Reminder: Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month


Hawthorne Walk-In Center (Hours and LocationFAQ) – This center provides in person mental health services with no appointments or out of pocket costs, even without insurance. It is also located right on the Max line, making it highly accessible.   

Washington County Crisis Line (503-291-9111) – This is a 24/7 mental health crisis support resource. They serve both those in crisis as well as family or friends who are concerned a loved one is experiencing a crisis. Interpreters are available for those who do not speak English. They can also refer individuals to the Washington County Crisis Team when an emergency, in person response  

COVID-19 Community Counseling Program (503-846-4528) – This resource is a partnership between Washington County and several community partners to provide COVID-19 specific counseling resources. They can help both those who are struggling with mental health from the lockdown and isolation as well as those who have had COVID-19 or have someone close who has. 

Safe + Strong Oregon has collected a large variety of mental health resources on their page here. There are resources for at-home self-care, crisis lines, and both on-going and crisis in-person resources. You can find community based for resources here, including resources for the BIPOC and LGBTQ communities, seniors, and youth and families. Below are a few examples of the great resources you will find: 

  • Call to Safety (Call: 888-235-5333, Text or Call: 503-235-5333) – For domestic and sexual violence support 

Bill Highlights and Updates

House Bill 2508 - Telehealth is Essential Care

The Oregon Senate passed House Bill 2508, a bill I was proud to support in the House because it ensures telehealth care reimbursement is aligned with other health care services. The bill also makes certain that telehealth care is more broadly available during states of emergency.

House Bill 2508 adds expanded telehealth guidance – which became practice as a result of the COVID-19 emergency – to law. The bill will add greater equity to health care and remove barriers for Oregonians who may not be able to travel to access care.

“Many parents have stayed home to care for children – and moms have disproportionately left the workforce. That can make it more difficult to go to a medical facility in order to talk to a primary care provider or behavioral health professional,” said Senator Deb Patterson (D-Salem) who chairs the Senate Committee on Health Care. “Seniors and low-income Oregonians may lack transportation or need more immediate care. House Bill 2508 will save Oregonians time and money, and it will improve health. Telehealth care is meaningful care and there should not be deterrents in accessing that care.”

House Bill 2508 passed with bipartisan support. It now goes to the House for concurrence, and then to the Governor for final approval.


House Bill 2062 - Improve Energy Efficiency Standards 

The Oregon Senate passed House Bill 2062, a bill I was proud to vote for in the House because it will improve Oregon’s efforts to increase energy efficiency in commercial appliances. The bill helps to advance the important policy contained within the Governor’s 2020 Executive Order to protect our environment and reduce harmful emissions.

As new technology and products come to market, Oregon’s energy efficiency standards must adapt. House Bill 2062 gives the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) the ability to update energy efficiency standards in response to changing appliance efficiency.

The Oregon Department of Energy estimated that by 2025 the appliance efficiency standards in this bill can result in annual savings of 76,500 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide and over $35 million in savings on utility bills. It is also estimated that by 2035, these updates to appliance standards could result in annual greenhouse gas reductions of 132,500 metric tons and a savings of over $100 million for Oregonians on utility bills.

House Bill 2062 passed the Senate on a 17-13 vote. It passed the House of Representatives on April 7, 2021 and now goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature.


Rep. McLain on house floor

SJR 12 - Healthcare as a Right for all Oregonians 

Wednesday I was incredibly proud to join with colleagues in the Oregon House and vote to send a constitutional amendment to Oregon voters enshrining health care as a right for all Oregonians.  I don't often speak on the Floor, but I was compelled to speak out about the aspirational nature of this resolution.  SJR 12 would amend the Oregon constitution to ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right. The bill is the legacy of the late State Representative Mitch Greenlick, who chaired the House Committee on Health Care for many years.

“We need to send this to the voters because of the unpredictability of the future of health care at the federal level,” said Rep. Andrea Salinas (D-Lake Oswego), who co-carried the bill on the House floor. “The marketplace needs some stability and the state of Oregon needs a path forward. We don’t need better insurance instruments, we need better access to health care.”

“Burdensome medical bills, or medical conditions that go untreated because of a lack of financial resources, cause great strain to families and individuals all over this state,” said Rep. Rob Nosse (D-SE Portland), the bill’s other co-carrier. “They hold people back, causing them to forego starting a business, getting an education, buying a home, or having children. This amendment is a practical and sober statement of what the people of this state need.

“Oregon has already led the country in health care reform, daring to make improvements that other states envy, but we need to push ourselves further,” said Rep. Rachel Prusak (D-West Linn), the current Chair of the House Committee on Health Care. “A person’s opportunity to have a healthy life should be equally as boundless; everyone deserves access to comprehensive, affordable, high-quality health care, including mental healthcare.”

SJR 12 passed 34-23, and will be on the ballot in the 2022 general election. Please click here to listen to my speech on the House Floor.

Rep. McLain and Team

Updates From Salem

Oregon’s latest “stunning” forecast shows tax revenues continue surging

This article is from Oregon Public Broadcasting and can be found here.

Oregon economists delivered some major, if familiar, news to lawmakers on Wednesday regarding the state’s financial health. For the third forecast in a row, Oregon’s tax revenues are set to outpace what economists expected mere months ago.

This time, though, the expectations are truly eye-popping.

State economist Mark McMullen told members of the House and Senate revenue committees that the state will see an extra $1.18 billion land in its coffers for the current two-year budget cycle ending June 30 than expected in February, a shift driven largely by surging income tax collections. Economists also expect an additional $1.25 billion for the 2021-23 biennium, and $1.64 billion more from 2023-25.

“This outlook, there is a whole lot more resources available than we last reported in March and even more than we reported at the beginning of the session when the budget was drafted two years ago,” McMullen said.

Top lawmakers variously described the report as “unbelievable” and “stunning.”

“In all my years in the Oregon Legislature, I have never seen a forecast like this,” Senate President Peter Courtney, the longest-tenured lawmaker in state history, said in a statement.

The forecast means taxpayers will benefit from what McMullen characterized as “the mother of all kickers” — Oregon’s unique tax refund that kicks in when actual revenues exceed forecasted revenues by 2% or more.

This year, the personal income tax kicker is expected to send more than $1.4 billion back to Oregonians as credits during next year’s taxes. Oregonians at the state’s median income level — making between $35,000 and $40,000 a year — will receive $312 back. The top 20% of income earners are estimated to receive between $1,182 and $12,856 in refunds.

Oregon’s corporate tax kicker, which is dedicated to K-12 education funding, is projected to land around $664 million.

According to Joshua Lehner, state economic analyst, the primary reason for this bright economic outlook is federal policy that infused households and businesses with cash at levels that were unprecedented.

Even prior to the eye-popping forecast, Oregon was already on solid economic footing. Roughly $2.6 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act was projected to more than paper over a $1.3 billion budget hole lawmakers were preparing to grapple with.

But the new revenue forecast — the last before lawmakers pass a budget for the 2021-23 biennium — predicts Oregon will be able to largely close that hole on its own with far higher tax and lottery receipts than economists had expected.

Top lawmakers seized on the new forecast Wednesday, urging that the unanticipated money go toward their spending priorities.

“Today’s forecast is stunning,” House Speaker Tina Kotek, D-Portland, said in a statement. “A year ago, the world was in a free fall. Oregon’s decisions and investments in the face of converging crises have started an incredibly strong recovery.”

Kotek added that “too many Oregonians are struggling to pay rent or put food on the table,” signaling she favors “bold action and immediate relief” for families.

Republicans reacted to the forecast by warning Democrats not to attempt to reduce the kicker via budget maneuvers and instead deliver it back to taxpayers who remain in recovery mode. House and Senate Republicans have also recommended the state put more money toward K-12 schools, an argument they renewed Wednesday.

“We must first ensure taxpayers get their full kicker. That money belongs to them, and there is no justification to take it from them,” Senate Minority Leader Fred Girod, R-Lyons, said in a statement. “This money should be directed to Oregonians’ most pressing needs. We must fully fund and fully reopen our schools, invest in our workforce, and assist in wildfire recovery efforts.”

McMullen and Lehner noted that economists are tracking a number of factors that could “choke off” the economic growth they’ve forecasted, most notably supply constraints on Oregon’s workforce.

According to the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries, an estimated 45,000 Oregonians are not looking for work due to the COVID-19 pandemic for myriad reasons including fear of the virus and lucrative unemployment benefits.


Legislative BIPOC Caucus Marks Session Progress and Looks Ahead to the Final Few Weeks

SALEM, OR—Today, the Oregon Legislative Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus provided a virtual 2021 Session update. With only a month left of this Session, the Caucus reaffirmed their commitment to policies and funding investments that promote racial equity and include economic development and housing, education, healthcare access and affordability, voting rights, and community safety. The Caucus also announced American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding priorities, advocating for millions of dollars of critical investments in BIPOC communities.

Oregon has never had as many Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) legislators during a Session, marking a historic moment and highlighting the urgency of meeting the needs of communities who have been historically excluded from the legislative process.

Session Update & Funding Requests: 

As of today, the BIPOC Caucus has seven bills on the Governor’s desk, including a total of 25 bills that cleared at least one chamber and eight of those clearing both. In total, there are over 70 BIPOC Caucus bills in one of the chambers or committees. 

Now that the final Revenue Forecast of the session has been delivered, much of the session focus will shift to the budgeting process through the Ways & Means Committee, including policy bills waiting to be funded and decisions on funding key programs. The caucus reaffirmed its support and commitment to the numerous bills and budget proposals that will confront racial and systemic inequities by addressing healthcare access and affordability, economic opportunity and housing, the restoration of voting rights for incarcerated Oregonians, and education. 

ARPA Funding Proposals: 

The BIPOC Caucus has proposed using money from the American Rescue Plan Act to fund projects to promote economic opportunity and housing investments, data collection infrastructure to track hate crimes, education equity programs, healthcare access, and mental and behavioral health services. BIPOC communities face substantially higher COVID-19 rates of infection, hospitalization and death. In contrast, vaccination rates still remain low. Communities of color are also overrepresented among essential workers.  ARPA funding will be fundamental to investing in racial equity efforts that address these glaring disparities.

Vaccine Information

5 Oregon counties move into Lower Risk Level Friday after hitting vaccine target

SALEM, OR (KPTV) – Five counties in Oregon are leading the state in vaccinations, Gov. Kate Brown announced on Tuesday.

As of Monday, Benton, Deschutes, Hood River, Lincoln, and Washington counties have vaccinated over 65% of residents 16 or older with at least one dose and are eligible to move to the Lower Risk Level on Friday, May 21.

"Vaccines protect you, and they protect everyone around you. It's going to take all of us working together to make sure enough Oregonians are vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities and end this pandemic," said Governor Brown. "I'd like to thank everyone in these counties, particularly their outstanding public health officials, health care workers, and volunteers who have led the way in making sure their communities are protected against COVID-19."

Last week, Brown announced that counties that vaccinated at least 65% of residents 16 and over with at least one vaccination would be eligible to move down to the Lower Risk level. Next week, all counties will be eligible to move based on vaccination rates or infection and positivity rates.

The following risk level changes will be announced on Tuesday and will take effect on Friday, May 28.


Portland Timbers urge Oregonians: Don’t miss your shot

Portland Timbers PSA

Click on the image to watch the Portland Timbers PSA.


“Take Your Shot, Oregon”

Governor Brown unveiled her “Take Your Shot, Oregon” campaign on May 21,2021, encouraging Oregonians age 12+ to get vaccinated for the chance to win money and education scholarships.

• There will be ONE $1 million winner
• There will be FIVE $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan education scholarship winners
• There will be THIRTY-SIX $10,000 winners (one in each county)

For more information and a F.A.Q. click here


Washington County Logo

Washington Co. Vaccine Information:

Every Oregonian age 12 and up is eligible for a vaccine. Twelve to 14 year-olds must be accompanied by either a parent, guardian or someone designated by the parent. If someone other than a parent or guardian accompanies the 12 to 14-year-old, they will need to provide proof of parental/guardian consent. 

Proof of consent is either:

  • A signed consent form (available in English and Spanish on the site) 
  • A written or typed note that includes the parent/guardians name, relationship to the young adult, their date of birth, a statement saying they consent to young adult being vaccinated and the parent/guardian signature.

Fifteen-year-olds do not need to be accompanied, and do not require parental consent in the state of Oregon.

You can now WALK IN to the Oregon Convention Center for a vaccination, or you can schedule your own first-dose COVID-19 vaccination appointment there via this new website. It works best using Chrome, Edge or Safari. The Pfizer vaccine is given at this location, so it's a great option for those ages 16 and up.

Get Vaccinated Oregon Sign up here and you will be sent an invitation when a vaccine appointment is available to you. Appointments are for the Oregon Convention Center as well as other locations, including some in Washington County. 

OHSU drive-thru clinics at Hillsboro Stadium and PDX Airport Red Economy Lot: Schedule online via OHSU's tool. New appointments are released at 9 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays at the very least. Other days are often added at the last minute, so you might want to visit OHSU's page weekdays at 9 a.m. if you are looking for an appointment. 

Washington County-sponsored community clinics open to public:  Appointments are preferred at our clinics, but you can walk in up to an hour before the clinic closes. Further details for the following clinics are available at the scheduling link.

  • 5/22 Moderna @ Hillsboro Senior Center 
  • 5/25 Johnson & Johnson @ Hillsboro Senior Center 
  • 5/29 Johnson & Johnson @ St. Anthony's Church in Tigard 
  • 6/1 Johnson & Johnson @ St. Anthony's Church in Tigard 
  • 6/5 Johnson & Johnson @ Hillsboro Senior Center 

Columbia Sportswear drive-through clinic in Beaverton: June 6-7. Pfizer vaccine for ages 12+. Make your appointment here!

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Centers: All vaccination events are open to the community, do not require an appointment, and do not require you to be a Virginia Garcia patient. You do not have to have insurance in order to receive a vaccine. If you have insurance, please bring your card with you. Remember, vaccines are free!

Local pharmacies: As of April 27, 2021, pharmacies are required to offer second/boost doses to people who received their first dose somewhere else.

How much does the vaccine cost?  Vaccines are provided free of charge to the recipient. If you have health insurance, you may be asked to provide that information so the vaccinator can bill your insurance an administration fee. 

Johnson & Johnson Update: On April 23, the Food and Drug Administration lifted the pause on the use of the J&J vaccine, with a warning about the potential for rare blood clots for women under age 50. The Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup also found that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is “generally safe and effective and that the resumption of its use is warranted once culturally and linguistically appropriate patient and provider educational materials in plain language that support informed decision-making are available.” The FDA has provided an updated Q&A about the J&J vaccine.

The Oregon Health Authority says that Oregon health care providers and pharmacies may resume administering the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine if they can ensure patients or their caregivers are informed about the benefits and risks of the vaccine in their primary language.

National Vaccine Progress

Vaccine progress in Oregon

Oregon county vaccination rates

COVID-19 Updates

National Numbers: 

  • Confirmed Cases: 32,461,854
  • Deaths: 581,193
  • These national numbers come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  You can view their national and state by state data here.
national covid numbers
national covid deaths


Oregon Status Report: 

  • Oregon now has 196,787 total cases (confirmed and presumptive) of COVID-19.
  • Today we have 432 new confirmed and presumptive cases, and 7 new deaths
  • A total of 2,601 Oregonians have died from COVID-19 (previous daily case updates from OHA here)
  • Washington County has 25,882 confirmed cases, including 233 deaths.  
  • The Oregon Health Authority provides a Public Health Indicators Dashboard to enable communities across Oregon to monitor COVID-19 in the state. The dashboard, which will be updated weekly on Thursdays, provides a transparent report that presents complex epidemiological data in an interactive, easy-to-understand way on a state and county level
Oregon covid cases


Weekly COVID-19 cases decline, deaths and hospitalizations rise

The Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 Weekly Report, released today, shows decreases in daily cases and increases in hospitalizations and deaths from the previous week.

OHA reported 4,108 new daily cases of COVID-19 during the week of Monday, May 10, through Sunday, May 16. That represents a 16% decrease from the previous week.

New COVID-19 related hospitalizations rose to 265, up from 245 last week.

Reported COVID-19 related deaths rose to 57, up from 31 last week — the highest weekly death toll in 10 weeks.

There were 103,155 tests for COVID-19 for the week of May 9 through May 15 — a 7% decrease from last week. The percentage of positive tests rose from 6.1% to 6.4%.

People 70 years of age and older have accounted for 38% of COVID-19 related hospitalizations and 75% of COVID-19 related deaths.

Today’s COVID-19 Weekly Outbreak Report shows 40 active COVID-19 outbreaks in senior living communities and congregate living settings, with three or more confirmed cases and one or more COVID-19 related deaths.

Mask Guidelines

Around Washington County

Forest Grove School District program

'Attic to the Classroom' project refurbishes instruments for FGSD

This is article is from the Forest Grove News-Times.

 As a teenager growing up in Georgia in the 1960s, Tom Cook says he was around music a lot.

With his mother playing the piano and the organ, he wanted to play an instrument early on.

"My friend wanted to play trombone, and I wanted to play trumpet, so we just started to take lessons in elementary school," Cook said.

Later on, playing in his high school marching band, Cook said, "It was just a lot of fun."

The fun he had playing music in high school is part of why Cook wanted to start the "Attic to the Classroom" project with the Forest Grove Daybreak Rotary Club, he says.

As part of the project, Cook has been asking people to take old, unused instruments that might be laying around in their attics or closets and donate them to help the Forest Grove School District expand its music programs.

He received a grant as well as matching funds from the school district to refurbish the instruments so they can go to students who want to play in school but can't afford an instrument, Cook said.

"It's pretty difficult for the school to come up with the money for new instruments, so we thought this project would help," he said.

In a couple of months, Cook has received 15 donated instruments, which have ranged widely in terms of needed repairs, he said.

To refurbish the instruments, Cook partnered with a couple of local instrument shops, he said.

"Some of the instruments are in pretty good shape," Cook said. "Others are … old. They've been in the attic a good time."

Cook wants to keep the project going to increase access to the Forest Grove School District's music programs as much as possible, he said.

Kevin Noreen, director of human resources and K-12 music coordinator for the district, said with rentable instruments available, he isn't aware of any students not being able to take band if they want to.

But he said as district officials look to grow the program, "We know that we will need more instruments as more students start playing in band and orchestra."

"We do not have a school instrument for every student who wants one," added Noreen, who is also a Daybreak Rotary member.

He emphasized the importance of music programs in school, pointing to studies that show how it helps students' brain development related to language and reasoning, develops motor skills and hand-eye coordination and keeping students engaged in school.

"The biggest impact of the pandemic has been not being able to rehearse with entire bands and orchestras together at the same time," Noreen said. "Teachers have worked really hard to stay connected with students, and our music program is looking forward to being able to have full classes playing together again."

Cook says people who donate will receive a letter of recognition, which will serve as a tax deduction.

To donate an instrument, call Cook at 360-955-1388.

Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP) helps eligible low-income households with their past due rent and utilities. This program uses funds from the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which allocated a collective total of $280 million to Oregon, the City of Portland, and multiple counties in the state. In most cases, approved applications will result in payments made directly to landlords and utility providers.

Oregon Emergency Rental Relief Program

OHCS Rental Relief Chart

Oregon Promise Grant

Oregon Promise logo

Still Time to Apply!

Oregon students still have time to apply for the Oregon Promise Grant, which pays for tuition at Oregon’s 17 community colleges.

Students who are graduating from high school or receiving their GED® between Mar. 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 can still apply. High school graduates have until Tuesday, Jun. 1, to apply and GED® test graduates have until Monday, Jul. 12, to apply. The application process has two steps: 

  1. Submit the Oregon Promise Grant Application and 
  2. Submit the 2021-22 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA).

Applying for the grant does not bind a student to attending a particular college; they will only be asked to accept the award with their college if/when they enroll. More information about the eligibility and awarding criteria of the Oregon Promise Grant, along with the application link, can be found online at

Nota Bene!

Scientists predict there is about a 37 percent chance that an earthquake of at least 8.0 magnitude will strike off the Pacific Northwest coast in the next 50 years. When it occurs, the historic temblor will cause widespread devastation in Oregon.

In an effort to educate Oregonians to prepare for the Cascadia Earthquake, resulting tsunami and other geohazards, the Oregon State University Extension Service created a free online course that consists of four modules.

  • Module 1 shows the evidence of this disaster, also known as the also as the Cascadia Subduction Zone Event (CSZ).
  • Module 2 focuses on the experience of the shaking of five to seven minutes and the immediate steps you should take.
  • Module 3 explores the altered life after the CSZ and provides tools to be prepared.
  • Module 4 contains additional education for Extension professionals, neighborhood leaders, and emergency agency or organization employees or volunteers who can assist before and after the disaster.

Each module contains multiple narrated sessions and many additional resources allowing the participant to delve as deep into the focus of that module as they would like. Module 2 also includes a virtual reality simulation of the earthquake.

As a result of viewing the first three modules, a survey of those who piloted the course shows that 90% of respondents gained knowledge that helps them understand the probability and effects of the CSZ, and 95% said they gained knowledge “that helps me prepare for the earthquake happens and “helped me advance my disaster preparations.” Every respondent said they plan to recommend the course to others.

An additional survey of Extension professionals who completed all four modules was implemented, and statistically significant gains were recorded in all areas including knowledge about the event, feeling prepared to provide the information to Extension audiences about the earthquake, and the importance of preparing for the earthquake as well as having taken steps to prepare themselves and family.

In the late spring of 2020, Extension launched a Cascadia Earthquake Preparedness page on its website that curates and facilitates resources to help Pacific Northwest residents prepare for the historic quake.

Wildfire Recovery Updates

Drought Causes Concern for 2021 Wildfire Season 

As Oregon continues to recover from the historic and destructive 2020 wildfire season, the state is experiencing abnormally dry conditions, causing concern for the 2021 wildfire season. Parts of the state have experienced record dryness the past two months, and May continues to be dry with warmer temperatures. Oregon is heading into summer with streamflow volume that is lower for most watersheds than levels from 2015 and 2016 – both years with exceptionally low streamflow. 

Drought creates hardships that impact the environment, animals, farms, ranches and communities; it also creates additional fuel for wildfires, which ignite very easily under dry conditions and can spread quickly. It’s crucial that communities develop drought response plans that include trigger levels and water use reduction measures. Learn more about water conservation tips at 

As is always the case with preparedness, don’t wait for an emergency to occur before developing a plan. Stay up-to-date with drought conditions in Oregon: the U.S. Drought Monitor is updated each Thursday at

Wildfire Assistance


Wildfire Recovery Resources

OEM has put together this list of contacts to help speed up the process of replacing these documents:

The Governor’s office has put together a Wildfire Resources page that you can access from the Governor’s home page.  It has links to many of the most important updates about the status of fires and resources for evacuees.  This website will be updated regularly.  

Legal ResourcesOregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Program, Oregon lawyers, through the Oregon State Bar, are partnering with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide legal assistance on FEMA claims, contract claims, insurance claims, landlord-tenant matters and more.

The Department of Forestry’s Wildfire Response and Recovery Overview has ongoing updates about firefighting efforts, damage reports, and more.  

FEMA UpdatesFEMA has provided several different Fact Sheets and resources for accessing benefits, determining eligibility and avoiding scams.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Resources

American Rescue Plan Information

Additional resources:

American Rescue Plan and Asian American & Pacific Islander Communities

American Rescue Plan and Women

American Rescue Plan and Black Communities

American Rescue Plan and Latino Communities

American Rescue Plan and Native Communities

American Rescue Plan and Small Businesses

American Rescue Plan and Health Care Costs & Disparities

American Rescue Plan and the Marketplace

American Rescue Plan and Rural America

American Rescue Plan and Housing Provisions

American Rescue Plan and Veterans

American Rescue Plan and Indian Affairs Programs

Additional Resources

Employers and Employees

The following list of resources is from Oregon’s Secretary of State’s Office. The fastest way to get in touch with the SOS team is by emailing, using the “Need Help?” button found on most state agency websites or visiting

Education Links

Local Government

Utilities Assistance

Food and Housing Assistance



Oregon Health Authority



Beautiful flowers in Forest Grove!

flowers in Forest Grove

Yours truly,

Representative Susan McLain

Representative Susan McLain
House District 29

email: I phone: 503-986-1429
address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301