Halfway Mark of the 2021 Legislative Session

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Representative Smith Warner


Spring is here and the Capitol looks exceptionally beautiful during this time of year. It’s good news in my office to see that some of my personal bills are advancing, as well as many of the bills I co-sponsored this session. The House has passed critical legislation to address the multiple crises faced by Oregonians, from houselessness and wildfires to pandemic impacts on the economy and public health, and the ongoing fight for racial justice. Below, you can read about some of the bills that recently passed out of the House, important health information, and local resources.


Reflecting on the Derek Chauvin Verdict

This week, a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd nearly a year ago. While this verdict is a step toward justice in this particular case, it will not bring back George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Breonna Taylor, or any of the many Black men, women, and children who’ve lost their lives at the hands of police. In the year since Floyd’s murder, communities across the globe have risen up to demand transformation and justice from lawmakers, to demand a change that will prevent more lives from being taken, to give full voice to the truth that Black Lives Matter. 

In Oregon, we will continue answering this sacred call. We will continue pushing for transformational changes to state and local policing that will truly keep all of our communities safe. We will continue the work to dismantle the ongoing institutional and societal racism that oppresses Black and Brown people across Oregon. We will continue to work toward a future in which everyone is able to thrive and prosper, not just the privileged few. Today and every day, Black Lives Matter.

Status Report on Legislation 

HB 3010: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Oregon Film
I introduced this legislation at the request of Oregon Film and was happy to see that it passed the floor of the House and is now in the Senate for consideration. This policy expands the requirements for a qualifying company to be reimbursed from the Oregon Production Investment Fund to include policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. HB 3010 recently had a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Business and Labor. 

HB 2006: Support for Houseless Individuals
HB 2006 recently had a public hearing and work session in the Senate Committee on Housing and Development. The health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as individuals and families displaced by last year’s wildfires, underscores the need for safe shelter to meet the health and safety needs of a growing homeless population. This legislation helps local communities provide critical assistance to struggling Oregonians experiencing houselessness, streamlining the path for emergency shelters. 

HB 3178: Supporting Unemployed Oregonians
This measure is currently in the Senate Committee on Labor and Business and has received a public hearing and a work session. This bill will provide more support for part-time workers receiving unemployment benefits at a time when they need it most. House Bill 3178 clarifies that an individual is considered “unemployed” in any week during which the individual performs no services or less than full-time work until January 2, 2022.

HB 2168: Celebrating Juneteenth as a State Holiday
This legislation makes Juneteenth an official state holiday and passed unanimously from the House. Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation of enslaved peoples in the U.S., while also celebrating the dignity, freedom and contributions made by Black Americans. It was a privilege to carry this bill on the floor. This measure has received a public hearing and a work session in the Senate Rules Committee

HB 2009: Eviction Moratorium Extension
Many families have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are in need of temporary relief to get back on their feet. HB 2009 provides several protections for homeowners, pausing foreclosure proceedings temporarily for qualifying borrowers, delaying payment requirements and lowering the exemption threshold. The bill reestablishes the moratorium through July 1, 2021 to small residential borrowers and gives the governor the ability to extend the moratorium for 90-day increments through the end of the year as the legislature anticipates federal relief distribution. HB 2009 is currently in the Senate Committee on Housing and Development and has received a public hearing

Wildfire Relief Package
HB 2341, HB 2607, HB 3218 is a series of bipartisan measures that will provide economic relief to those most affected by the wildfires and help address the needs of communities that may be impacted by future natural disasters. 

HB 2341 will give county assessors the ability to prorate taxes imposed on damaged properties and homes affected by the 2020 wildfires and future natural disasters. HB 2067 will exempt residential housing being constructed to replace housing that was destroyed or damaged by wildfire or by another event that is the basis for a statewide, county, or city declaration of emergency from construction taxes. Lastly, House Bill 3218 will allow Oregon Housing and Community Services to utilize loan and grant funds to support the repair or reconstruction of manufactured dwellings destroyed by a natural disaster.

Oregon Health Authority Update

The Oregon Health Authority reports up-to-date information regarding testing and vaccine statistics that can be found on their website. You can review the daily update and read the weekly report that details the overall picture of the COVID-19 response in Oregon. Here are some recent developments from OHA:

  • Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has asked all of the state’s vaccine providers to immediately pause administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Read the full statement here.

  • As a reminder, everyone who is 16 and older is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. While it’s exciting that so many folks will be able to start getting vaccinated, a temporary disruption in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine supply means it may take a few more weeks to get enough doses for everyone 16 and older to get vaccinated. To learn how to schedule a vaccine appointment visit OHA’s webpage, How to Find a COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon.

Local Resources

Across our community, there are many organizations that are hosting events and regularly providing resources like food, hygiene products, clothes and other essential items. One such organization is Self Enhancement Inc, which has compiled a comprehensive list of locations of food pantries and restaurants that provide free meals to children. You can access that list here. Below is more information about other resources that might be helpful for you or your family.


Coronavirus Response Information:

Employment/Business/Consumer Information:

Food Resources:

Health & Safety Information:

Please reach out to my office if you have any additional questions, or if there’s anything you think I could help with. 



Representative Barbara Smith Warner
House District 45

email: Rep.BarbaraSmithWarner@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1445
address: 900 Court St NE, H-295, Salem, OR 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/smithwarner