Week 9 brings extended floor times

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  This has been a very busy week at the Capitol, with extended floor time for voting going as late as 9pm.  My colleagues and I have worked very hard this session to draft meaningful bills and it is nice to be able to finally start voting on them.

Rep, McLain, the house floor, and voting

Voting in the House and my view from my office.

Committee Assignments 

Joint Committee On Ways and Means

Joint Committee On Transportation - Co-Chair

House Committee On Agriculture and Natural Resources

Joint Committee On the Interstate 5 Bridge - Co-Chair

Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Education - Co-Chair

2019-2020 Joint Emergency Board 

How to Participate

Watch all Oregon State Legislature Live-Streams and Meetings HERE


Track all 2021 Session Bills HERE


Cartoon of a bill

Instructions for how to testify:

 English instructions here

Aquí están las instrucciones

Bill Updates

House Bill 2475 - the Energy Affordability Act

Yesterday, my colleagues and I voted to pass House Bill 2475, the Energy Affordability Act. This bill allows Oregon’s Public Utility Commission to create a new rate class for low-income payers. After a year nobody could have predicted, too many Oregonians are struggling to keep their lights on, and this new rate class will provide relief to Oregonians who need it most.

The bill also provides environmental justice communities with the resources necessary to participate in PUC processes. Too often, communities most directly impacted by PUC decisions do not have the opportunity to participate. The Energy Affordability Act will allow greater participation, and ensure that voices that have previously been absent are heard.


House Bill 3016 - Nurse Staffing Plan Bill 

This bill passed out of committee yesterday and addresses the suspension of nurse staffing plans during emergencies.  It facilitates a contingency/emergency nurse staffing plan that is collaborative, responsive, and time limited. House Bill 3016 will:

  • Provide a 30-day, all-hands-on-deck, response to patient and hospital needs under an executive order.  This prioritizes the emergency needs of both and allows for those closest to the patients to gather important information on process gaps, real-time modifications, and personnel challenges.
  • Provide a 60-day, mandatory convening, using the current statutory framework, to resume collaboration between those closest to the patients (Oregon nurses) and the administrative hospital representatives.
  • Implements a resumption of the original staffing plan if an adoptive staffing plan is not agreed upon by the 91st day under an executive order.  


House Bill 2077 - Lead Paint Reporting Bill

Yesterday, I joined my colleagues in voting to pass House Bill 2077. The goal is to minimize health hazards from paint chips and dust. I have supported this concept in the past and will continue to support it as health hazards from lead paint can be deadly. House Bill 2077 will:

  • It requires a person to identify to the Oregon Health Authority the third party that performs lead-based paint activities or renovations. 
  • It allows the Oregon Health Authority to order risk assessment and hazard control or abatement of lead-based paint activities and renovations when authority has reason to believe a violation has occurred. 
  • This bill also allows the authority to impose civil penalties for any violations of the order. 
  • It allows the authority to impose costs related to risk assessment and hazard control or abatement and impose a lien for costs.

Updates from Salem

Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance gets an update

Today, the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Department of Education released an update to the Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance.  

Right now, about 175,000 students in Oregon are attending school in person. And last week, Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order requiring all Oregon public schools to offer universal access to hybrid or full in-person instruction by the weeks of March 29 for grades K-5, and April 19 for grades 6-12.   

What does this all mean for you, your student, and your school? Some key changes from the guidance: 

  • There’s a simplified table (Page 15) showing how schools will use county case rates, case counts and test positivity rates to decide when to offer on-site or hybrid learning and when they might limit instruction to distance learning only.  
  • The updated guidance offers more detail about how schools provide Comprehensive Distance Learning to families that request it (Page 13).  
  • There are some changes to the size and design of cohorts – those are the stable peer groups that students are part of during the school day (Page 22).  
  • While elementary school students will continue to be checked for symptoms of or exposure to people with COVID-19 as they enter school, the new guidance allows middle and high school students to screen themselves at home (Page 24). 


Oregon Leaders Urge Support for $250 Million Summer Learning and Child Care Package for Kids

(Salem, OR) — In a hearing of the Joint Ways & Means Subcommittee on Education today, Governor Kate Brown, Senate President Peter Courtney, and House Speaker Tina Kotek urged support for their $250 million Summer Learning and Child Care package to help students and children learn, thrive, and have fun this summer. The three leaders first announced the package on March 8.

“Students need academic enrichment opportunities this summer––there is no question. But to help our children get back on track, we also must make sure we are attending to their most basic needs,” said Governor Brown. “That is true now, as students return to classrooms for the fourth quarter of the school year, and it is something we must continue to address in the summer months. This summer learning and child care package will set our kids up for success by letting them be kids again, in environments that foster creativity, learning, and joy.”

“Our children are being really affected by this pandemic,” said Senate President Courtney. “We’ve introduced these summer programs because it has never been more urgent to invest in our kids. This summer, we want them to go outside. We want them to have fun. We want them to learn. We need to support their mental and physical health. These programs will get our kids back out doing the things they love.”

“We have the opportunity this summer to support our children and families in recovering from the educational and emotional losses of the past year living in a global pandemic,” said House Speaker Kotek. “We all know stories of the stress this last year has caused for our kids: more emotional distress, more depression, and more anxiety as routines have been upended. The challenges have been greater for low-income families, children with special needs, single-parent households, and communities of color disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Families desperately need this funding package for the summer.”

Governor Brown's full prepared remarks are available here.

Senate President Courtney's full prepared remarks are available here.

House Speaker Kotek's full prepared remarks are available here.

The hearing of the Joint Ways & Means Subcommittee on Education is available here.


Facebook Live Q&A: Mental health, suicide prevention and in-person learning

Every loss to suicide is a tragedy. While preliminary data appears to show that Oregon has not seen increased deaths by suicide during the pandemic in 2020, we know many parents have concerns as students return to in-person education in the coming weeks. Join us on Facebook on Wednesday, March 17 at 11:30 a.m. to speak with our experts directly about how to help protect your child's mental health as they return to the classroom. 

What to know this week.


Wait to act on tax relief for 2020 unemployment benefits

Salem, OR—The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), signed into law Thursday, exempts up to $10,200 of unemployment benefits received in 2020 per individual from taxes for households with less than $150,000 in adjusted gross income. The change will affect thousands of Oregon taxpayers by reducing their 2020 taxable income and lowering their tax bill.

The Oregon Department of Revenue recommends that affected taxpayers wait for further information from the IRS and the department before taking action. This includes those who have already filed their 2020 federal and state taxes and may need to file an amended return, as well as those who have yet to file.

Once the IRS determines the best way to address this unique change in law made in the middle of tax filing season, the department will offer more information to Oregon taxpayers via its website.

Taxpayers who received unemployment benefits in 2020 and have not yet received a Form 1099-G should use the Oregon Employment Department Contact Us webpage.

Federal and state income taxes are due April 15. Information about filing for an extension can be found on the Department of Revenue website.

ARPA is a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. In addition to exempting some unemployment benefits from taxable income, the act includes more direct payments to households, an expansion of jobless benefits, funding for state and local governments, and an expansion of vaccinations and virus-testing programs.

To get tax forms, check the status of your refund, or make payments, visit www.oregon.gov/dor or email questions.dor@oregon.gov. You can also call 800-356-4222 toll-free from an Oregon prefix (English or Spanish) or 503-378-4988 in Salem and outside Oregon. For TTY (hearing or speech impaired), we accept all relay calls.


Governor Kate Brown Calls on Legislature to Support Cover All People Proposal

"Everyone deserves access to health care. It’s the right thing to do, the just thing to do. And, it’s smart economic policy.” 

(Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown today detailed her support for House Bill 2164, Cover All People, in a hearing of the House Committee on Health Care. The bill, a product of the collaborative work of the Governor’s Racial Justice Council Health Equity Committee, would allow the Oregon Health Authority to create a state-based program to provide high-quality coverage for medically-underserved people, regardless of their immigration status––including legal permanent residents, young adults who age out of Oregon’s Cover All Kids program, DACA recipients, and undocumented adults. The program, modeled on the Oregon Health Plan, would focus on serving parents who have children or dependents in the Cover All Kids program as a minimum first step.

“All Oregonians must have quality, affordable health care, regardless of who they are or where they live,” said Governor Brown. “During my time as Governor, we’ve made great strides in expanding access. Currently, 94 percent of Oregonians and 100 percent of children have access to health care. The pandemic has taught us this is not good enough. And unfortunately, our communities of color have paid the price. Gaps in coverage persist, and these gaps are disproportionately borne by communities of color.

“Everyone deserves access to health care. It’s the right thing to do, the just thing to do. And, it’s smart economic policy.”

By providing families with health coverage, giving them access to preventive and primary health care, Cover All People will reduce health care costs in Oregon. On average, states that expand health coverage have outpaced other states in terms of job growth. Expanding quality health care coverage is linked to individuals obtaining and maintaining employment, benefiting the economy. Health insurance coverage also reduces individual debt, increasing economic activity and productivity. The Oregon Health Plan, after which Cover All People will be modeled, has some of the lowest Emergency Department visit rates in the nation, resulting in better health care and lower costs. Expansion of health care for adults with low incomes has also been associated with increases in preventive care for their children.

Continued Governor Brown: “In communities urban and rural, west of the Cascades and east, our immigrant and refugee communities are the backbone of our economy throughout the state. Across agriculture, manufacturing, the service sector, and our health care system, frontline workers from our immigrant and refugee communities have gone to work every day during the pandemic to very literally keep our society going. Many of them worked through wildfires and breathed harmful smoke.

“The very least we can do in a just society, is to make sure they have access to this basic human right.”

The Governor’s full prepared remarks are available here.


Governor Kate Brown Appoints Psilocybin Advisory Board to Oversee Science-Based Implementation of Measure 109

Doctors, researchers, therapists, and health experts to create regulatory structure for supervised, therapeutic use of psilocybin products 

(Salem, OR) — As required under Ballot Measure 109, approved by voters last November, Governor Kate Brown today announced the members of the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board. Included on the board are top doctors and researchers from Oregon Health & Science University, fungi experts from Oregon State University, therapists, health experts, and community-oriented licensed clinical social workers.

The board will be charged with following the best available science and data to create Oregon’s regulatory framework for the supervised, therapeutic use of psilocybin products. Clinical studies, including research from Johns Hopkins UniversityUCLA, and NYU, have shown promising results using such treatment methods for people suffering from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

“Like many, I was initially skeptical when I first heard of Measure 109,” said Governor Brown. “But if we can help people suffering from PTSD, depression, trauma and addiction––including veterans, cancer patients, and others––supervised psilocybin therapy is a treatment worthy of further consideration.”

“I’d like to thank the leading experts in medicine and treatment who have stepped forward to serve on this first-in-the-nation board. In Oregon, we follow science, and we center equity in everything we do. I have directed the board to take steps to ensure equitable access to this therapy for anyone who might benefit from treatment, including Oregon’s Black, Indigenous, Tribal and communities of color.”

The Psilocybin Advisory Board will meet by March 31, as required by Measure 109. In addition to designated agency positions, the ballot measure required that the board have seats designated for researchers, harm reduction specialists, physicians, naturopaths, and psychologists. The measure outlines a two-year implementation period. The Governor’s Recommended Budget for 2021-23 contains $5.6 million for Measure 109 implementation.

A full list of the Board’s membership is available here.


Vaccine Updates

Vaccine side effects often mean the vaccine is working

Many of us are eagerly awaiting our turn to be vaccinated and hearing from others about their experiences taking the vaccine. You may have noticed that some people have side effects and others don’t. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection. Having side effects may make it difficult to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects, but the vaccine is still working.

See the graphic below for a list of common side effects and what you can do to relieve them.


Side effects of Vaccine

Wear a mask - even after being vaccinated!


Vaccine safety tool available in several languages

V-safe — one of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tools to monitor COVID-19 vaccine safety — is now available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and simplified Chinese. Get vaccinated, then participate in personalized health check-ins to let CDC know how you’re feeling and if you have any side effects.  

Help keep vaccines safe and register for v-safe after your COVID-19 vaccination: https://bit.ly/3gNkdpZ

Wear a mask!

COVID-19 Updates

National Numbers: 

    • Confirmed Cases: 29,374,758
    • Deaths: 534,099
    • These national numbers come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  You can view their national and state by state data here.
Map of US


Oregon Status Report: 

  • Oregon now has 160,084 total cases (confirmed and presumptive) of COVID-19. 
    • Today we have 212 new confirmed and presumptive cases, and 15 new deaths. 
    • A total of 2,348 Oregonians have died from COVID-19 (previous daily case updates from OHA here)
  • Washington County has 21,759 confirmed cases, including 220 deaths.  You can review on-going updates from OHA by clicking on the table below. 
  • The Oregon Health Authority recently provided a Public Health Indicators Dashboard to enable communities across Oregon to monitor COVID-19 in the state.The dashboard, which will be updated weekly on Thursdays, provides a transparent report that presents complex epidemiological data in an interactive, easy-to-understand way on a state and county level


Daily Covid numbers



Safer ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day 

This is our second St. Patrick’s Day since the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Oregon. Some people may be weary of taking precautions, but it is not yet time to relax them. While knowing that some of our most vulnerable community members are vaccinated provides hope, there are still many more of us waiting to be vaccinated in the next few months. 

That means the safest way to celebrate this year is to celebrate with the people you live with, to gather virtually or to gather outside while wearing face coverings and maintaining 6 feet of physical distance.  

Here are some ideas for celebrating safely:   

  • Decorate your home in St. Patrick’s Day colors, shamrocks and leprechauns.  
  • Celebrate by making Irish-inspired recipes.  
  • Have a small outdoor St. Patrick’s Day celebration with everyone at least 6 feet apart and wearing masks.  
  • Watch a virtual St. Patrick’s Day celebration. 
  • And don’t forget to wear green.  
St. Paddy's cartoon


Around Washington County

Washington County libraries mull reopening plans

Some libraries have started to offer limited indoor services, but planning varies between library operators.

As indoor spaces open gradually after Washington County was recently placed in the "moderate" category of risk regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, libraries throughout Washington County are discussing plans of expanding services before an eventual full reopening at some point.

While the latter isn't expected to happen anytime soon, libraries in the Washington County Cooperative Library Services are all allowing curbside pickup of materials with a handful permitting limited indoor browsing.

"I think there's a lot of hopeful conversations at every library," said Lisa Tattersall, manager of Washington County Cooperative Library Services, said about offering more and more services without a full reopening. "The way we're structured, each library or each city decides how and when they want to reopen services and at what extent."

She said factors on how and when the 16 libraries in the cooperative will reopen are up to the respective cities and nonprofits that run them and are based on such factors as staffing size, building square footage and other factors.

"We're really here to support them at whatever stage they're at every stage of reopening, but we don't dictate what pace they go at," said Tattersall.

Tattersall said it's fair to say that all the libraries are talking about what eventual reopening scenarios might look.

Currently, all county libraries are offering curbside pickup where patrons can receive books or other materials they've reserved outside, or in some cases, inside the library.

During the pandemic, Tattersall said libraries in general have been steadily expanding their service levels indoors and the library system has been doing its best to keep up with the digital content demand "which is still really intense."

"The use of our digital content is 40% higher than this time last year," said Tattersall. "That's holding steady, that trend."

Tattersall said she's not certain about a date for full reopenings, perhaps not even in the fall, but the ultimate goal is to get back to "normal levels of service."

"I think that is everyone's highest goal, but we don't have a target date for that right now," she said.


The Cornelius Public Library is on the list of those libraries allowing limited services inside the library.

"Cornelius has been letting people in the library for computer use and browsing by appointment so far," said Karen Hill, Cornelius Public Library director. "In April, we are resuming our normal hours and letting in a limited number of people at a time."

Residents can register for an appointment online.

The library building is the newest in the WCCLS system, having just opened in 2019.

Universal Coffee, the library's in-house coffee bar, has been continuing to serve customers through the pandemic.


While continuing to offer curbside services, the Banks Public Library is also allowing patrons to come in to use library computers or browse materials by appointment.

"The number of people allowed in the building is limited and we require all distancing and mask requirements, as well as any additional OHA and Washington County Public Health guidelines, to be met," added Denise Holmes, Banks' library director.

In-library pickup and other services are now being offered in Banks as well, in addition to the outdoor options.

Fines are fine

Meanwhile, the elimination of fines for overdue materials that went into effect in January for libraries in Washington County Cooperative Library Services has proven extremely popular, county library officials say.

"It's been super-well-received in the community. We've had beautiful stories shared," Tattersall said.

That includes a Hillsboro staff librarian who reported that a single mom recently came into the library with 60 or so overdue books.

"She was worried about the fines and the books just stayed at home, so she was just overjoyed to come back to the library and exchange those books for new ones and know she wouldn't have that burden anymore," said Tattersall.


Forest Grove Library

Message from Forest Grove City Library

We are pleased to announce that we are in the process of preparing the Library building to welcome patrons in the building again on a limited basis. Please check back here and on our Facebook page regularly for details as we work to reintroduce this vital aspect of library service to our successful Curbside and Virtual services. 

Curbside pickup for requested items is available in the loading zone of the parking lot,  Monday-Saturday, 9:30-5:30.  Call the number posted when you are first in line and staff will bring items out for pickup. 

Returns are being accepted curbside in the loading zone of the parking lot, Monday-Saturday, 9:30-5:30.  Items will be placed in bins and quarantined for 72 hours before being checked in.  The quarantine time frame has been established for all WCCLS libraries based on current research to ensure the safety of library staff and patrons.  The book drops remain closed at this time.

You may place items on hold in the catalog or by calling the library at 503 992-3247, Monday-Saturday, 9:30-5:30.  You will be notified when items are ready for pickup.  

Printing, Scanning, and Faxing - Please call us with your needs! We will print or photocopy up to twenty pages for free and deliver to you at curbside. If you need documents scanned or faxed please call and ask to talk to a Librarian to make arrangements. Please send your printing requests with name and contact and instructions (if any) to FGL-Reference@wccls.org.  Just let us know if you need multiple copies or color prints.

New library cards are now available at curbside.  Call the library and staff will complete the registration form over the phone.  ID and proof of address will be required to pick up your card.

Please contact the library at 503 992-3247 if you need to cancel any of your held items or to request new items.

Wi-Fi at the Forest Grove City Library is  available from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm every day in the parking lot.


Major fire at Summit Foods ethanol fuel facility in Cornelius

A major fire at an ethanol fuel facility in Cornelius prompted evacuations of the surrounding area Tuesday afternoon, March 16.

Firefighters were on the scene of the "serious fire" along North Fourth Avenue, the Cornelius Fire Department said via Twitter about 1:45 p.m.

The fire started in the Summit Foods ethanol fuel facility, also known as Thunderbolt Racing Fuel, at 535 N. Fourth Ave., said Matt Johnston, spokesperson for the Cornelius Fire Department.

Cornelius Fire officials released a map with an evacuation radius around North Fourth Avenue north of Tualatin Valley Highway to North Holladay Street between North 10th Avenue and Yew Street.

"If you're within this area, you need to evacuate. If you're outside of it, shelter in place and close windows and doors," officials said.

Residents were allowed to return at about 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, as road closures in the area were lifted.

For several hours, Tualatin Valley Highway was closed heading west from Hillsboro and east from Forest Grove.

The fire was a three-alarm incident, officials said in an update via Twitter about 2:45 p.m.

"Crews are formulating a plan to attack the flames as safely as possible," officials said. "This will be a long duration event and expect delays on local roadways."

Johnston said explosions from inside the facility prevented firefighters from immediately fighting the flames. Loud banging noises were reported in the area.

"We're still trying to get a game plan," Johnston said. "We need to figure out what's the best way to do it, what's the safest way to do it."

By 7 p.m., the fire had been brought under control, Cornelius Fire announced.

Johnston said firefighters were aided as the ethanol burned off, significantly lessening the risk of a catastrophic explosions.

Officials implemented a temporary flight restriction for 1 nautical mile around the incident, up to 5,000 feet.

People were advised not to fly drones in the area.

No injuries were reported, Metro West Ambulance officials said via Twitter at about 3 p.m. Four ambulances and other personnel were on scene to provide medical care, if necessary.

An Oregon State Fire Marshal hazmat team arrived to assist firefighters at the scene.

A photo taken by Cornelius Fire showed fire in a structure on the property and black smoke billowing above it. The column of smoke was visible for miles around.

Summit Foods has been using food waste from its two nearby fruit processing locations to make ethanol fuel in 18 fuel tanks at the Cornelius facility for years. Ethanol fuel is often used in vehicles, including racing vehicles like those its Thunderbolt operation supplies.



Did you know? Renters must take action to get protected from eviction

Renters in Oregon must take a step to be covered under the current statewide eviction moratorium that will last until June 30, 2021. With limited exceptions, landlords cannot evict renters for nonpayment or without cause until July of 2021 — if renters sign and return a form to their landlord if they can’t afford their rent. Renters who do not return the form are not protected, and can be evicted!

In order to be protected from eviction, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Download the declaration of financial hardship form.
  2. Sign the declaration of financial hardship form.
  3. Return the form to your landlord as soon as possible (keep a copy for your records!) Renters can return the form by text, email, first class mail, personal delivery, or fax.

Find the form here: courts.oregon.gov.  If you have questions or need legal information you can contact one of these agencies:

Oregon Law Center

Legal Aid Services

Community Alliance of Tenants

Renters can give the form to their landlord at any time, up until the first appearance in eviction court. But renters should give the form to their landlords as soon as possible.


Rental Assistance
no evictions espanol


DMV Updates

Field offices hit a new record, with over 32,000 customer visits last week!

  • Online renewal (of driver licenses and ID cards) remains on track to go live in early May. Most Oregonians will be able to take advantage of this service, however those looking to change to a Real ID, add a Veterans Designation, etc. will still need to schedule an appointment for an in-person visit.
  • Knowledge and drive tests levels remain high, with over 9,000 and 2,000 administered last week, respectively (including those drive tests performed by DMV staff and by third parties)
    • Vehicle title processing times have improved slightly to 18 weeks (down from 20 weeks)
  • Title production continues to increase, with over 24,000 titles produced last week
    • The upfront imaging of the backlog of title transactions is now fully operational, allowing for faster processing
  • Call Center volumes remain high, with nearly 25,000 calls received. Average wait times continue to remain relatively steady at ~37 mins.
  • Last week the Joint Committee on Transportation moved House Bill 2137, with the (-1) amendment, to the floor with a unanimous do-pass recommendation. This bill will make great strides in assisting Oregonians, by:
    • Implementing a rolling citation moratorium through the end of 2021
    • Eliminating redundant knowledge tests that will free up a significant number of appointment slots in field offices
  • Allow individuals to renew their driver license up to two years after expiration, without having to retake their vision, knowledge, and drive test again (this is currently only allowed for one year)


Landlord Compensation Fund Update from OHCS:

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) launched the Landlord Compensation Fund about a month ago. The first round of applications closed earlier this month with assistance requests for nearly 6,700 tenants. While more than 2,000 property applications were received, we also know some landlords had difficulty applying through the online portal.

OHCS has been working with landlords that had difficulty completing the application due to technical errors. Staff have worked over multiple weekends to provide one-on-one support, and OHCS has worked with our software vendor to make system improvements and updates. To date, we’ve hand processed more than 540 applications and are working through about 360 more. This work requires staff to individually review spreadsheets to evaluate data and incorporate it into the system. This is a time intensive process, but we are committed to ensuring all landlords that indicated they wanted to participate in the first application round have the chance to do so.

As we process these remaining applications, we are implementing a comprehensive system update to streamline the application process. That system update should go live this week. It will ensure all round one and future applicants are provided needed support. OHCS will give applicants the opportunity to review their data, make any needed corrections, and formally submit their application over this week and next. We hope to close the March application by the end of the month. As I have more information to share, I will be sure to do so.

We’re grateful to be administering this first-of-its-kind program that will provide relief to tens of thousands of Oregonians. OHCS is committed to process improvements to better support both renters and landlords. 

Wildfire Resources

Wildfire Recovery Resources:

OEM has put together this list of contacts to help speed up the process of replacing these documents:

The Governor’s office has put together a Wildfire Resources page that you can access from the Governor’s home page.  It has links to many of the most important updates about the status of fires and resources for evacuees.  This website will be updated regularly.  

Legal ResourcesOregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Program, Oregon lawyers, through the Oregon State Bar, are partnering with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide legal assistance on FEMA claims, contract claims, insurance claims, landlord-tenant matters and more.

The Department of Forestry’s Wildfire Response and Recovery Overview has ongoing updates about firefighting efforts, damage reports, and more.  

FEMA UpdatesFEMA has provided several different Fact Sheets and resources for accessing benefits, determining eligibility and avoiding scams.

Additional Resources

Employers and Employees

Education Links

Hillsboro School District (en inglés y español) 

Forest Grove School District (en inglés y español) 

Oregon Department of Education

COVID-19 Resources for Oregon Higher Education Partners

Local Government

City of Hillsboro (en inglés, español y más idiomas) 

City of Cornelius (en inglés, español y más idiomas)

City of Forest Grove (Personal que habla español disponible en este número: (503) 992-3221)

Washington County

Utilities Assistance

Portland General Electric (en inglés y español) 

NW Natural

City of Hillsboro Utility Billing 




City of Forest Grove

Food and Housing Assistance

Community Action.org

Oregon Food Bank

Meals on Wheels



Oregon Health Authority


Forest Grove

At home in Forest Grove.

Yours truly,

Representative Susan McLain

Representative Susan McLain
House District 29

email: Rep.SusanMcLain@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1429
address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/mclain