My priorities as your state representative

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Rep. Mark Owens


Earlier this year, I was invited by Kevin Frazier, editor of The Oregon Way, to share my thoughts and perspectives on being a legislator during such significant times in Oregon. There is a lot that could be discussed and certainly a lot of topics that could be covered, but I chose the one that is my highest priority and that I believe is the foundation for any of our successes legislative or otherwise—building relationships.

I hope you’ll take five minutes to read what I had to share about Building Personal Relationships in an Impersonal World, and then share with me your thoughts and insights as well.

The next few months ahead will be intense and there will be a lot of activity happening in the legislature. We’ll continue to do our best to provide you with information and updates along the way, and to answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for all you do in your communities. Be safe.






Mark Owens
State Representative
House District 60

Happy Birthday, Oregon

Happy Birthday Oregon

Sunday, February 14th was Oregon’s 162nd birthday. To honor our great state, we asked you to share on our Facebook page what some of your favorite things are about Oregon.

I agree with each of these, we live in a wonderful state. Here are a few of the things you shared:

“Diversity in landscape and culture.” – Angie N.

“The people of Harney County and Eastern Oregon.” – Tony H.

“The way we take care of each other.” – Siera W.

“I appreciate our small businesses and family-feel to our communities.” – Rob R.

“The people of Eastern Oregon.”  – Rodney J.

“Eastern Oregon ranching.”  – Janet T.

“I love it for its diversity in topography. Everything you want is here.” – Bonnie V

What’s your favorite thing? Send us an email telling us what you love and what we missed from the list.

4,000 bills – where do we start?

I’m often asked, with so many pieces of legislation introduced, how do we narrow the list down and know where to focus? How do we choose “our” bills? I’ve listed below some bills I’ve introduced this session, all of which were brought to me by constituents and/or were concepts developed and collaborated on with local thought leaders and area representatives in House District 60. We’ll keep you updated on these, and others I’m supporting, throughout the Session.  

HB 2018:  Instructs Water Resources Department to enter into agreement with United States Geological Survey to produce and publish ground water budgets for all major hydrologic basins in this state, contract for person to produce report on statewide consumptive water use, establish ground water level monitoring network and measure progress in estimating and monitoring ground water levels and ground water use.

HB 2023: Increases percentage of students in school district who may enroll in virtual public charter school not sponsored by school district without first receiving approval from school district.

HB 2024: Establishes process of open enrollment by which school district may allow nonresident students to enroll in and attend schools of school district. 

HB 2153: Directs Director of Veterans' Affairs to establish Oregon Veterans' Community, to include residential units and medical and social services for veterans and family members. Directs director to contract with nongovernmental entity for construction, operation and management of veterans' community. Authorizes incorporated cities to acquire real property for sale or donation to Department of Veterans' Affairs for purposes of veterans' community and to incur debt for such acquisitions. Allocates lottery moneys for purposes of veterans' community.

HB 2256: Establishes that perfected and developed water right is not subject to forfeiture if owner of water right ceased to use all or part of water appropriated for period of five successive years because owner engaged in water conservation practices or distribution of water that owner received from water district was less than certificated maximum for period of at least five successive years.

HB 2293:  Exempts receipts from sales of agricultural, floricultural, horticultural, viticultural or food products from commercial activity subject to corporate activity tax. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022

Next Week = Next Virtual Town Hall

To date, we’ve been able to have live conversations with over 1,500 Oregonians through these virtual town halls. We know it isn’t the same as connecting in person and we hope to get back to that environment soon, but for now, we’re thankful to connect with you this way and hope you’ll join us. Our next virtual town hall is on Wednesday, February 24 from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PDT. Register here today to reserve your spot:



We'll discuss and take questions about the upcoming legislative session, schools and businesses, issues in our communities and your priorities for us as your legislative leaders going forward.

As always and most importantly, we want to hear from you. Questions can be submitted in advance, using Q&A during the event or asked live during the virtual town hall. You can join us via Zoom or join us via Facebook Livestream. If you decide to participate via Zoom, you must register prior to attending the event.

Questions? Email them to before Tuesday, February 22 or include it when you register.

In the News

Building Personal Relationships in an Impersonal World
The Oregon Way, February 16, 2021

Oregon lawmakers on pace to consider close to 4,000 bills in partially remote session
East Oregonian, February 15, 2021

City of Ontario waiting on two proposals
Argus Observer, February 10, 2021

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1460
District Phone: 541-889-8866
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-475, Salem, OR 97301
District Address: 285 S. Oregon St, Ontario, OR 97914