Welcome to my first legislative newsletter! I look forward to regularly communicating with you about what is happening in the Oregon Legislature and in House District 32. I also want to hear from you about how I can better serve you. You will find information on how to reach out to me and my staff below.
So much has been going on during the first few weeks of the 2021 Regular Session. I will try to walk you through the highlights of what has been a whirlwind start.
Last month, I was sworn in along with my colleagues. We were not able to have anyone there with us, but I have included some pictures to share with you.
 I managed to get some time with local business and elected leaders prior to the start of session. One very valuable meeting I had was with Clatsop County Commission Chair Mark Kujala, along with Columbia Memorial Hospital CEO Eric Thorsen and COO Nicole Williams. They took time to meet with me and explain their plans for the COVID 19 vaccine roll out. I was impressed to see the county coming together to form a task force to streamline the process as best as can be done with the supply being provided. I was also able to learn more about the assisted living homes and the process they set up. By the time this newsletter makes it to you many of them will have had their first clinic already.
I was also fortunate to spend some time hearing from our Clatsop County Sheriff and District Attorney about their priorities and concerns for the upcoming legislative session.
The interactions I mentioned above are invaluable and give me a better understanding of those departments and agencies. However, they are not enough. I need to hear from people throughout our district. I encourage you to participate in the legislative process as it continues.
I will send regular updates via newsletter as well as video interviews, like this one here. I hope you encourage your friends and neighbors to Subscribe so they can stay in touch as well.
Contacting me by email at Rep.SuzanneWeber@oregonlegislature.gov or by calling my district phone line 503-300-4493 is best. Please always leave your name, city, and a way to contact you back.
I spend a great deal of time in committee meetings where we discuss important bills that have been assigned to us as well as listen to testimony from people throughout the state. Your input on this legislation is critical. I provide links to each of my committees below, through which you can review agendas, watch past or current meetings, and submit comments on legislation.
With so many bills being introduced that concern many of us I want to be sure you all know how to look up the bills in O.L.I.S. (Oregon Legislative Information System) and keep track of the ones you are passionate about.
Start by going to this link https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1
Once there, click "Bills" on the top right and type in the bill number and hit “Go” to search, or you can type in the subject to locate the bill if you are not sure of the number.
Once you have located the bill you are interested in, make sure to e-Subscribe so that you will be notified whenever there is activity regarding that bill.
Adam Schwend, my Chief of Staff, is located in Tillamook and advises me on policy and bills. While most of his time is spent working remotely, he is at the Capitol once per week.
You may email Adam directly at adam.schwend@oregonlegislature.gov.
Katy Pritchard, my Constituent Services Director, is located in Astoria and is one more way that I am able to stay connected to our district while serving in Salem. She maintains my schedule and knows how to find time for us to meet virtually or talk on the phone until we are able to meet in person again.
You may email Katy directly at katy.pritchard@oregonlegislature.gov
I have been getting many emails concerning bills related to several legislative proposals that so many of you are very passionate about. I have listed some here for others to look into, but certainly not all that I'm hearing about:
- SB 301: Banning gill netting
SB301 Prohibits use of gillnets and tangle nets for fishing
- Multiple bills related to gun laws
SB396 Defines "undetectable firearm." Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both
SB502 Exempts transferee who is certified participant in Address Confidentiality Program from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.
SB503 Provides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses.
SB554 Authorizes city, county, metropolitan service district, port operating commercial airport, school district, college or university to adopt ordinance or policy limiting or precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearms in public buildings by concealed handgun licensees
SB585 Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption.
SB604 Requires person to obtain permit before purchasing or otherwise receiving firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check
HB2510 Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances
HB2543 Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm.
HB2872 Creates credit against personal income tax for cost of criminal history record check required by state law for transfer of firearm
HB3005 Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption.
- Virtual school choice changes and restrictions
HB2195 Prohibits student from enrolling in virtual public charter school located in school district in which student is not resident if student's resident school district or education service district offers appropriate online instruction
HB2716 Increases percentage of students in school district who may enroll in virtual public charter school
- HB 2195: Removing exemptions from mandatory vaccines
HB2195 Prohibits student from enrolling in virtual public charter school located in school district in which student is not resident if student's resident school district or education service district offers appropriate online instruction
House Joint Resolution 4 would fund education first. The basic premise of HJR4 is to require that education be fully funded FIRST. We are told education is our top priority, but it gets pushed back behind other issues. If our top priority is going to be education, that needs to be the first check we write.
HJR4 Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require Legislative Assembly, in each odd-numbered year regular session, to appropriate moneys to fund public education before passing any other budget measure
House Bill 2962 asks school districts around the state to take stock of the last year of virtual education and assess how it has affected students and how we can help them make up the ground they may have lost.
HB2962 Requires each school district to evaluate instructional needs of students of school district as result of school closures due to COVID-19 and to report summaries of evaluations to Department of Education
Take a look at these bills and tell me what you think about them.
Education - Vice Chair
Education House Committee 2021 Regular Session
Early Childhood
Early Childhood House Committee 2021 Regular Session
Housing House Committee 2021 Regular Session
For more district news I’m going to be doing regular video updates during the session. Here is my first recording with my Chief of Staff → Take a look and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for future recordings. |
District Phone: 503-300-4493 Capitol Address: 900 Court Street NE, H-483 Salem, OR 97301 Email: Rep.SuzanneWeber@oregonlegilsture.gov Website:www.representativeweber.com |