2021 Session Feb.8 - Feb.12

Updates from Senator Tim Knopp.

Senator Tim Knopp

Happy Birthday Oregon!

Oregon State Flag

While February 14th is more commonly known as Valentine's Day, it also serves as Oregon's birthday! February 14, 1859 Oregon was admitted as the 33rd state in the union. 2021 marks Oregon's 162nd birthday. 

Deschutes County Moves From Extreme to High Risk

Governor Brown has recently moved several counties, including Deschutes from extreme risk, to high risk. You can read more details here. What does this mean for us in Deschutes? Limited indoor dining is now allowed, as well as other activities. A full list of what is open can be found here

Deschutes County Logo

My 2021 Legislative Committees

OR State Capitol

During the 2021 Legislative Session, I will be serving as the Vice-Chair on, both, the Senate Committee on Health Care and the Senate Committee on Redistricting. In addition, I will be serving on the Joint Committee on Legislative Policy and Research, the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, and the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services. I encourage each of you to watch committee and, when possible, submit public testimony. Your voice can stress the importance of an issue and create meaningful change. As your Senator, I want to listen to what you have to say. I can serve as your voice more effectively when you share your ideas and concerns with me.

Dial 211, Finding Public Resources


During these difficult times, it can be hard to find resources that can be helpful to the community. That’s why I want to raise awareness for 211, a telephone number you can call or text to find information regarding public services and resources. From assistance with accessing SNAP food benefits, to help finding housing assistance, 211 helps people find the resources that exist in order to help the most vulnerable in our community.

My Pledge To You

House Bill 2238, which would have allowed Governor Brown to seize “any real or personal property, that may [have been] necessary for the management of resources following an emergency”, has been pulled. I am pleased with this outcome, and I will never support this kind of egregious government overreach. I will always strive to protect the rights and freedoms of Oregonians.

Testimony In Support Of Our Heroes

Bend Heroes Foundation

I was proud last Friday to testify with the support of Col. Dick Tobiason (ret.) of the Bend Heroes Foundation in support of SB441. You can watch that hearing here. The bill would create memorial signs along Highway 30 in Oregon to serve as a reminder and a sacrifice to Prisoners of War and our heroes who have served our nation and state.

Standing Up For Small Businesses

Downtown Bend

This session, I am sponsoring Senate Bill 738, would rescind and refund penalties imposed on businesses if no outbreak resulted because of any reopening in violation of the Governor’s executive orders. Currently, 88 businesses around the state have been fined by OSHA, ranging from $100 to $15,000 because of regulations imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, little evidence suggests that businesses are a main source of transmission.

“The data suggests that places of business are not a major source of virus transmission,” Senator Knopp said. “Our employers and those who rely on them for their livelihoods have sacrificed a lot over the last year. We don’t need to be adding to their burden by imposing unnecessary fines that have no basis in the data.”

 “We need businesses to bounce back and start hiring those who are struggling to make ends meet,” Sen. Knopp continued. “If the business was not responsible for any COVID-19 outbreak, they should not be fined. Period. The policies we make should be rooted in data and science. This bill is a great way to utilize the data we have collected throughout this pandemic to give people relief and help them recover.”

Best Regards,


Senator Tim Knopp 
Senate District 27

email: sen.timknopp@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1727
address: 900 Court St NE, S-309, Salem, OR, 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/knopp
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