2021 Regular Session, Feb. 1, 2021

Updates from Senator Tim Knopp.

Senator Tim Knopp

2021 Legislative Session Begins

The 2021 legislative session has begun, and for now, our meetings are being held remotely. This has changed the way that you are able to participate in the process of lawmaking. More than ever, your testimony and input is needed. If you see a bill that you would like to see become a law, or one that you believe should not become a law, I encourage you to sign up to testify. Below are the directions for submitting testimony. Additionally, you're always welcome to reach out to my office to share your opinions regarding legislation that is before us. 



Would you like to share your position on a bill with a legislative committee before they take a vote? That’s what submitting written testimony means and that’s what these tools below are for.

Written testimony may be submitted for bills that are scheduled for a public hearing. Testimony must be submitted within 24 hours after the start time of the committee meeting at which the public hearing is held. Anyone on a computer connected to the internet can use the Legislature's web-form to submit testimony.

  1. Go to the OLIS website (https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/), click on the Committees button in the upper right corner your screen.
  2. Navigate to and select the Committee in which the bill for which you will be submitting testimony is scheduled for a Public Hearing.
  3. On the Committee Overview page, click on the Click to Submit Testimony link. (See picture below for where to find it).

Directions to submit written testimony.



Testifying “in-person” is a great way to engage and have an impact, just know that it requires a few extra steps and closely monitoring the Committee agendas where your bill of interest has been assigned.

  1. First, you’ll only be able to register for this once the bill has been assigned to a committee and has a hearing date. Look up the committee or subcommittee meeting agenda on the Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS) website and follow the testimony registration link on the agenda.
  2. Then, once you register to testify “in-person” virtually via phone or Microsoft Teams and sign up with your name, email and phone, the system will send you an email with a registration meeting link and instructions for delivering your verbal/video testimony using the Microsoft Teams
  3. You must register in advance to provide verbal testimony during a committee or subcommittee meeting. Registration closes at the start of the meeting.
  4. If you’d prefer to register with the assistance of Committee Staff, please call 833-588-4500 and they will help register you to testify orally.

 Here is an example of where the Oral Testimony sign up information is on a Committee’s page:

 Directions to submit oral testimony.



We encourage you to follow the bills you care about and receive an e-mail update when the status of your watched bill(s) change. Sign-up today here.

This page comes up, use the various links to sign up for what you’d like to track in the legislature.

Directions to subscribe to updates.



To track this activity on your own, there are some thorough resources available:

Online link for “How to Testify” remotely or by submitted written testimony: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/citizen_engagement/Pages/How-to-Testify.aspx

Citizen Engagement “How-To” with graphic step-by-step. https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/citizen_engagement/Pages/Submit-Exhibits.aspx

Download and save “How To Testify” as a PDF https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/lpro/Publications/How-to-Testify.pdf


Best Regards,


Senator Tim Knopp 
Senate District 27

email: sen.timknopp@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1727
address: 900 Court St NE, S-309, Salem, OR, 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/knopp
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