Photo from Piper Brinson
My heart’s broken after touring Talent, Phoenix and their outskirts today. I hope you are safe right now and didn’t experience too much loss. If you’ve been evacuated, it has to be unbearable not to know for sure what’s happened to your home. If you know that it’s still there, please —and this has to be truly difficult— don’t try to return before getting permission. Following the directions of our overburdened responders and public safety folks is critical right now, even though you must be bursting to get home.
Here are some resources that might be useful in coming days. If you’re not finding the specific help you need, contact me at 503-986-1703 or sen.jeffgolden@oregonlegislature.gov and we’ll see what we can do.
This is such a hard time. Stay safe and watch out to keep others safe. We will get through this.
 Senator Jeff Golden, Oregon Senate District 3
- If you need immediate help, call the Jackson County communications line, 541-776-7338.
- For up to date evacuation levels, visit the Jackson County Emergency Management page.
- If you are experiencing a medical emergency, see a fire, or have a life safety need, call 9-1-1.
- If you have friends or family missing due to the Almeda fire, use this application to make first responders aware.
- If you have been evacuated and need a place to stay, click here for information about shelters. The Expo is designated as a meeting place, but is not a shelter.
- To receive county emergency alerts through text, sign up for the Jackson County Citizen Alert system. If you live in Ashland, you can sign up for text alerts through Nixle.
Click here to listen to the Jackson County live Police and Fire scanner.
- Jackson County provides updates through their Twitter page.
Jackson County Sheriff's Office Facebook page is a good source for general information, including evacuation maps.
- Governor Brown has created this page for Wildfire Resources. This page will continue to be updated with additional resources.
- Review the different evacuation level meanings here.