![Senator Jeff Golden](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORLEG/2019/01/2362710/golden-header3_original.jpg) * “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” —Helen Keller
![pic](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORLEG/2020/07/3547089/newsletterpic_original.jpg) We’ve enjoyed your recent photos of beautiful Southern Oregon so much that we want to share more. This photo of Crater Lake was provided by Jack Leishman. Have a photo you've taken and want to share with us? Send it to sen.jeffgolden@oregonlegislature.gov with the subject “Photo Reminder.” We’d love to feature them.
I’m looking forward to the time when I can begin a newsletter with some cheerful uplifting news. Today’s not that day, and I don’t think it will come for a while. The trend line in Oregon and most other states is not good. For a while, as daily and weekly counts of new cases were going up dramatically, hospitalization and death numbers were nearly flat. Now they’re trending upwards, too. One of the most troubling graphs I’ve seen this week tracks the percentage of Covid tests coming back positive.
This surge is not merely the result of testing more people.
More than one governor has made the point that the re-opening mechanism is a dial, not a switch. The numbers cause Governor Brown to turn the dial down this week. “We ventured out on the ice together,” she said in a Wednesday news conference, “and that ice has begun to crack.” She announced four changes:
- The inside gathering limit of 250 people in public spaces was reduced to 100
- Face masks are now required for children down to five years of age
- You have to wear a mask while working out at a gym
- Closing time for restaurants is moved from midnight to 10:00pm
Some of the saddest news is about schools. Several big districts across the nation announced this week that they won’t open brick-and-mortar classrooms in the fall, and that will probably be the case for Oregon as well. A large task force with members from across the state is currently meeting to draft policies that individual districts can adapt to their own circumstances. There’s still some hope for “hybrid” models that divide learning time between the classroom and home computers, but public education in Oregon this coming school year will not look the way we all wanted it to.
One factor in the school question is new evidence that lowers confidence that young people are unlikely to be seriously harmed by the virus. Recent reports reveal serious and possibly permanent lung damage to some children and young adults who showed few or no symptoms through the course of the disease.
This is just one more uncertainty that makes sound policy decisions so difficult. I continue to believe that the masking, social distancing and disinfection rules we keep stressing offer the best chance for minimizing human suffering and the depth of economic hardship to come.
Photo from OPB, Noah Berger/AP
In the streets of Portland Oregon’s especially famous this week, and not in a way any of us want. Our biggest city may be remembered years from now as the testing ground for a whole new government posture towards political dissent and demonstrations. What’s happened is stunning. This Sunday’s Mail Tribune editorial page will carry my plea to Oregonians of all political stripes to stand up and say NO to repression.
What’s your perspective on all of this? I’d appreciate hearing from you at sen.jeffgolden@oregonlegislature.gov.
That’s it for this week. Stay in touch, and do what you can do.
![Signature](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORLEG/2020/05/3407314/3150682/jeff-golden-signature-pen_crop.png) Senator Jeff Golden, Oregon Senate District 3
![OHA Coronavirus Update Banner](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORLEG/2020/03/3247630/oha-coronavirus-update-banner_original.jpg)
Business Resources:
Social Services:
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a helpline if you are struggling with mental illness in this stressful time, as well as many support groups of all kinds. The helpline is available from 9 AM to 5 PM at 503-230-8009, or toll-free at 800-343-6264. Visit their website here to find out more.
- The Governor has created a Coronavirus FAQ for immigrants and refugees in a variety of languages.
Oregon Recovers has put together a list of resources for those struggling with addiction.
Meals for All:
- Access has put together a lengthy list of local food pantries.
- Oregon Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education’s Food Hero website with resources about meal budgeting, planning, and recipes. Its searchable database has plenty of quick, tasty, healthy and low-cost recipes.
The Oregon Food Bank has put together a "Food Finder" page to help locate local pantries and food assistance sites.