Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Today, legislators took significant additional steps to assist vulnerable Oregonians whose lives have been turned upside down over the last few months. The legislative Emergency Board approved more than $200 million in federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) dollars to provide further economic support for Oregonians and small businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Here is a look at what funding was approved:
You can watch the meeting here and read coverage of it here and here.
This funding will bring much-needed help to those who are facing the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, including Black Oregonians, frontline workers, struggling small businesses, and laid off workers who’ve been waiting months for unemployment to come through.
But I know that these dollars won’t go nearly far enough. Without additional support from the federal government, our state and her people stand on the brink of catastrophe. Congress must act to pass urgently needed relief funds so we can weather this storm together.
As far as the $500 Emergency Relief Checks that Senate President Peter Courtney and I proposed last week, the hope is this money will be available as soon as possible now that the Emergency Board approved the funding. While there are still details being ironed out, we have been engaged in a number of conversations with local banks and credit unions to facilitate public-private partnerships to get this money to people quickly. I will keep you posted.
Additionally, the Emergency Board allocated $3.58 million in general funds for emergency water infrastructure to the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs as the tribe faces an ongoing water crisis.
Yesterday, I wrote about the Governor’s new requirements for Oregonians: (1) wear a face covering in outdoor public spaces when you can’t maintain six feet of physical distance; and (2) indoor social gatherings should not be bigger than 10 people. Both of these rules go into effect tomorrow.
As we collectively do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it’s important to keep in mind which activities bring on more risk of virus transmission. Below is a helpful guide from the Oregon Health Authority. As a general rule, it’s better to be outdoors with others than indoors. And, remember the 3 Ws: wash your hands, wear your face covering, and watch your distance from others.
The Oregonian reports that Portland Public Schools has tentatively set Monday, September 14, as the start date for the 2020-21 academic year. At this point, the plan would be to have students attend in-person classes no more than two days per week. Oregon Public Broadcasting has more information here on how other districts across the state are starting to approach the fall term.
- There have been 141 confirmed cases of coronavirus at Snake River Correctional Institution in Eastern Oregon. Oregon Public Broadcasting has more details here.
- The state unemployment rate dropped from over 14% to 11.2%, which is still historically high. The Oregonian has more statewide employment data here.
- The Oregon Health Authority reported 380 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, bringing the statewide total of new and presumptive cases to 12,805. Sadly, seven more people have died, meaning there have been 244 Oregonians to die of the coronavirus. You can click the images below for links to interactive data tables about coronavirus in Oregon.
To read past newsletters, you can go to this link. For up to date information, please check this link to the Oregon Health Authority where regular updates are posted:
Please email me at if you have specific concerns that have not been addressed by the OHA. Our office will do all we can to help and protect all Oregonians.
Thank you for reading! We will get through this together.
Tina Kotek
State Representative House District 44 Speaker of the House
email: I phone: 503-986-1200 address: 900 Court St NE, H-269, Salem, OR 97301 website: