Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update: May 4th, 2020

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Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

Thanks to the quick actions and sacrifices of Oregonians, we are in a much better place than other states in our fight against COVID-19.  Tragically the country as a whole has not been so fortunate, nationally, over 67,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, surpassing the number of American deaths from the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.   Our Stay Home, Save Lives actions have averted tens of thousands of cases of COVID-19, thousands of hospitalizations, and hundreds of deaths. Thank you for all you are doing to keep our state safe, please keep it up, we are in this together and we will get through this together. 

We are in this together, we will get through this together: United Oregon

Whether we live in The Metro area, The Willamette Valley, The Gorge, The Coast, or East of The Cascades: We're in this together and we'll get through this together.

COVID-19 Student Speak

This year is my Third Annual Student Speak Event with Representative Sollman, and this year we are lucky to be joined by Representative Neron, Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike Scott and School Board members.  This is an event for Students to be able to share their thoughts with their representatives, and to have their questions answered.  COVID-19 has hit students hard, and I look forward to hearing their questions and concerns about this crisis and about the response by the state and the Hillsboro School District. The event will be on Zoom on Thursday, May 7th from 4:00-5:00pm.  Click on the flyer below to register for the event and pre-submit questions! We will send out the Zoom Link on Thursday.  

Student Speak

click on this flyer to register for the event

New Developments

  • Direct Payments for Social Security Recipients: Social Security recipients will automatically receive their CARES Act payments even if they have not filed taxes within the last two years -- but Social Security recipients who also have dependent children under the age of 17 must sign up here by May 5 to receive their additional $500 per dependent. You can use this link to track your payment.
  • Auto Insurance: Driving Less? The Stay Home, Save Lives order has sharply reduced auto traffic on the roads and with it, the risk of auto accidents. The Department of Consumer & Business Services has been working with several auto insurance companies to secure refunds and credits to auto insurance carriers that reflect the reduced risk of auto liabilities. A list of insurance companies that have committed to providing refunds and credits can be found here.
  • Employment and Sector Impacts: Oregon has seen nearly 340,000 more initial claims than would have been expected in a strong economy. The Oregon Employment Department and Oregon Office of Economic Analysis have done some great work in demonstrating the horrible impacts this virus has had on our economy and our workers.  Below are some graphic representations on the sector-by-sector effects of the virus.  You can view more data and learn more here
Initial Claims Data

Graph showing unemployment claims as a function of potential for remote work. Broken down by sector and wage levels.

Unemployment Data-Sectors most effected

Table showing the initial thoughts on COVID-19 impact on various sectors, compared to current thinking about impacts


  • Wildfire Preparedness During COVID-19: May is Wildfire Awareness Month. Federal, state, and local fire agencies and organizations, along with Keep Oregon Green, know the month is a great time to encourage the public to create defensible space around homes this spring and prevent the start of careless, unwanted wildfires.  COVID-19 is stretching resources at all levels, and our fire-fighters and fire marshals are no exception.  It is more important than ever that every individual does their part to prevent wildfires! Click on the image below to see more fire prevention resources from the Oregon State Fire Marshal, and click on the YouTube image to watch a video on Fire Preparedness.
Help Bigfoot Prevent Wildfires

Fire Marshall Graphic: What do we say to wildfires near home? Not Today. Link to more resources

Video on Wildfire Preparedness

Wildfire Preparedness video, link

Case Data

  • National Numbers:
    • Confirmed Cases: 1,152,372 (up 29,763 from yesterday)
    • Deaths: 67,456 (up 1,719 from yesterday)
    • These national numbers come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  You can view there national and state by state data here
  • Oregon Status Report:  Oregon has 65 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 today and at least 14 new presumptive cases, bringing our total number of confirmed cases to 2,745.  Tragically we have had a total of 109 Oregonians die from COVID-19.  Washington County still has one of the highest case counts at 516 confirmed cases.  You can read more details about today's numbers here (note this directs you to a PDF of Oregon’s case counts and other data as of 5/4/2020).  You can review on-going updates from OHA by clicking on the table below. 
Sit Stat May 4

This Table breaks down case counts and other information about COVID-19 cases in Oregon, click on the image to be directed to the OHA site for more information

Make a Difference!

Tomorrow, May 5th is Giving Tuesday! If you are one of the lucky ones, with stable income and housing, consider giving back to our community and to the organizations who are doing more work than ever to respond to COVID-19, with fewer resources than before.  If you are able to give all or part of your stimulus check please do.  Many of our friends and neighbors are hurting right now, but we are all in this together and we will get through this together.  Find ways to give here

Participating Organizations in Hillsboro

Participating Organizations in Forest Grove

Giving Tuesday-COVID-19

Giving Tuesday: Now more than ever, we are called upon to make a difference.

Last Week’s Joint COVID-19 Town Hall

Last Tuesday, Rep Sollman, Senator Riley and I held a Joint Town Hall on Zoom, where we received a presentation by Governor Brown’s Deputy Legislative Director, and answered questions from constituents.  Thank you to everyone who joined us last week! But in case you missed it, you can view the town hall by clicking on the snapshot below.  

Joint COVID-19 Town Hall

Snapshot of Rep McLain during Joint COVID-19 Zoom Town Hall-link to recording


You can also view the complete presentation on the Governor’s Framework for Reopening Oregon by clicking on the slide below

Framework for reopening Oregon

Slide from the Governor's presentation on the framework for reopening Oregon, link to full slideshow

Additional Resources

Employers and Employees

Education Links

Local Government

Utilities Assistance

Food and Housing Assistance



Oregon Health Authority


View Past Updates, Share and Subscribe: 

If there was COVID-related information in a past newsletter that you want to go back to, but find you’ve deleted it, you can always go to my legislative website (, click on “News and Information,” and you’ll find them all there. You can also share this site with your friends and loved ones, so they can view past newsletters, and subscribe to future updates.  

Yours truly,

Representative Susan McLain

Representative Susan McLain
House District 29

email: I phone: 503-986-1429
address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301