COVID-19 Updates 4/17/2020

Rep. Sollman

Friends and Neighbors,

Governor Kate Brown Introduces Framework for Reopening Oregon

While we are still under the Stay Home, Save Lives order, earlier this week, Governor Kate Brown introduced her framework for Reopening Oregon: a plan to restart public life and business while maintaining healthy Oregon communities. The framework sets specific prerequisites based on science, which Oregon communities must meet to begin reopening, and also outlines the actions Oregon must take to move forward. This will not be immediate, it will be a slow process to keep people safe and not risk a surge in cases. 

Key components of the plan are shown below. See the full presentation of the Governor's framework here.


Education Updates

ODE Guidance for Students in Grades 9-11

Earlier this week, the Oregon Department of Education released new guidelines for students in grades 9-11. Here are some of the highlights:

  • In accordance with Supporting our Student in Grades 9, 10 & 11, students will receive Pass/Incomplete marks for their courses instead of letter grades (A-F) or their equivalent. The Pass/Incomplete marks safeguard student opportunities to continue learning and earning credit without impacting their GPAs. Public and private universities and colleges across the country, including Oregon’s college and universities, recognize the extraordinary nature of this event and are making temporary changes to their admissions policies to accept Pass/No Pass marks issued during the winter/spring 2020 term(s).
  • In this temporary system, students who demonstrate essential learning for a course during the spring 2020 term will receive a “Pass” and credit for the course. Students who are not able to demonstrate the learning by the end of the term will receive an “Incomplete,” and then the school will partner with the students and families to create a Credit-Earning Assurance Plan by September 2020. Students will have until the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year to make up the learning and credit.
  • Additionally, ODE is not requiring Essential Skills and Personalized Learning Requirements for the Class of 2021, so juniors will not need to meet those requirements to graduate. At this time, there are no changes to the graduation requirements for the Class of 2022 and the Class of 2023.

See the full guidance here. Previously, the Oregon Department of Education released the Graduation Pathways 2020 Toolkit for Seniors in grade 12. Additional guidance will soon be released for grades K-8. Please visit the Distance Learning for All page for more information.

It was my privilege to visit two classrooms virtually this week. I got to read to Tobias 1st graders and had a great conversation with a 7th grade Evergreen Middle School class about a project they are working on to bring comfort and joy to our community and my role as a state representative in times of crisis. If you are a teacher from House District 30 and you would like me to visit your class virtually, please reach out. Coming soon…a virtual meeting with a great class of learners from Liberty High School. #KidsInspireMe

Distance Learning


Education Links



Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Concerns

Child Abuse Awareness Month

The NY Times reports that domestic abuse is rising worldwide as more people are staying home due to COVID-19. I hope you will join me in sharing these resources for victims of domestic abuse and violence.


Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici helped advocate for funds to serve those affected by domestic violence in the recent CARES Act, and is advocating to add additional funding to support the Violence Against Women Act.

The CARES Act, which the Congresswoman supported, provided $45 million for the Family Violence Prevention Services Act and $2 million for the National Domestic Violence Hotline to address the increased demand for domestic violence supportive services.

The Congresswoman has also called for the next legislative package to increase funding levels by these amounts:

  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Sexual Assault Service Program (SASP) by at least $100 million;
  • Family Violence Prevention and Services Act by at least $55 million;
  • VAWA STOP formula grants to states to provide victim services to address the needs of victims with disabilities, elderly survivors, those in rural areas and in need of housing and legal assistance and those in the family court system and with child custody and visitation needs by $200 million;
  • VAWA Culturally Specific Services for Victims grant program and Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations grants by $20 million each; and
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Domestic Violence Bonus funds by $100 million.

Family Justice Center of Washington County


I am proud to serve on the board of the Family Justice Center of Washington County. This resource center is a partnership of agencies passionately dedicated to providing a range of services to survivors of domestic violence. The staff are compassionate, non-judgmental, knowledgeable and they will help you determine your ‘next steps’ on your path to safety, healing, and hope.

Their message is clear in these trying times:

"We are here for you.  Due to the COVID 19 virus our operations may look different but we’re here to help you find resources.  Family Justice Center is open and we are here to connect you to services.  Our partner agencies are available by phone, they are working remotely.   Below we have listed agency phone numbers and websites for you.  Our hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Thursday and we are open until 3 p.m. on Fridays.  We are located at 735 SW 158th Ave., Beaverton."

Visit their website to see a list of local resources available to victims of domestic violence.

Washington County District Attorney

The Washington County DA’s office has set up this webpage on their website for all COVID-19 related information to provide information to the community. Check back often as they are updating regularly as new information comes in.

See this message from District Attorney Kevin Barton in response to COVID-19. Also, see this video about the need to protect against domestic violence and child abuse during the COVID-19 crisis. 

Number of Background Checks for Firearm Purchases Increases

Read this recent article from the Oregonian highlighting the increase in background checks for firearms during COVID-19.

"Oregon State Police conducted nearly 40,000 background checks on people purchasing guns between Feb. 29 and March 22, according to a database maintained by the agency. On March 20 alone, state police processed 3,189 checks through the Firearms Instant Check System.

The agency typically handles between 22,000 and 28,000 background checks every month. According to state police data from 2018 and 2019, gun sales seem to go up around the end of the year — the agency conducted more than 33,000 background checks in December of both years.”

Be SMART for Kids

With millions of kids at home, we must make sure firearms are stored securely. The COVID-19 crisis has created new challenges for parents. Kids are out of school and spending more time at home. The boredom, isolation and anxiety they may be feeling pose potential additional risks to their safety. Securing all guns in the home—storing them locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition—can save your child’s life. Learn more here.

DEQ Closures and Your Registration

The Department of Transportation has partnered with Oregon law enforcement agencies to exercise discretion in their enforcement of ​driver licenses, vehicle registrations and trip permits that expire during the COVID-19 emergency. 

Oregon State Police, Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police, and Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association have agreed to support a grace period for enforcing expired credentials. Transactions falling within this request include the following that could expire during the COVID-19 emergency:​​ 
  • Driver license and identification cards
  • Passenger vehicle registrations
  • Commercial vehicle registrations
  • Trip permits and temporary registrations
  • Disabled parking permits 
Your options
  • ​If your vehicle registration expires between February 15 and May 15 of 2020, you can take the following steps:
  1. ​​​​Get your DEQ certificate online.
  2. Renew online at DMV2U​.
  3. Once DEQ stations reopen, take your vehicle to get tested before January 1, 2021.
  • Some DEQToo™ businesses may still provide DEQ testing. Visit for more information. Once you pass the test, renew online at DMV2U.
  • If your vehicle registration expires during the state of ​emergency, the grace period applies. 
  • You may apply for a trip permit at DMV2U​. The grace period will apply to the trip permit, should the state of emergency continue past its expiration date.
  • You can get DEQ closure updates at

Additional Resources

 District Links

Federal Delegation Links

Utilities Assistance

Food and Housing Assistance

  • Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-11: places a temporary moratorium on residential evictions for nonpayment in light of the public health emergency caused by the spread of coronavirus in Oregon. The order is effective for 90 days.
  • Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-13 strengthens Governor Brown's previous ban on residential evictions, and prohibits landlords from charging tenants late fees for nonpayment of rent during the moratorium. 
  • Community
  • Oregon Food Bank
  • Meals on Wheels

Heading you off towards the weekend on a bright note:

How to Stay Safe During Coronavirus- A Young Person's Perspective

Even the youngest among us are doing their part to communicate with others about staying safe during Coronavirus. I’m so proud of my friend’s son. Please watch this Coronavirus PSA from Rowan.

We got this


I hope that you are able to enjoy the sun this weekend, either in your own yard or on a walk in your neighborhood. Remember, Stay Home Save Lives. We are all in this together.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns.

Onward and Upward,


Capitol Phone: 503-986-1430
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-487, Salem, Oregon 97301