From the White House briefing: President Trump announced a new hashtag to highlight Americans helping one another during the coronavirus pandemic. The President and Administration officials will use the #AmericaWorksTogether hashtag to promote companies that are hiring employees in the middle of the economic turmoil caused by the virus and those who are donating food and other supplies to front line health care workers.
The President will also encourage people to use the hashtag when posting examples of Americans helping others during the crisis. We hope that you will join the President and Administration in using #AmericaWorksTogether.
The decision has been made to close schools for the remainder of the school year. In the latest decision comes at no surprise as the Distance Learning for All system comes online, no pun intended. The 560,000 k-12 students in Oregon will receive a modified education through the remainder of the school year with a pass/fail grading system where letter grades are applicable. Seniors who were on track to graduate will still be able to complete their diploma. For those considering higher education, the 7 public universities in Oregon will not require SAT or ACT scores to be admitted.
More information: Oregon Department of Education and Distance Learning Guidance

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month. With the stay-at-home order in place, and schools shuttered, child welfare officials are predicting a decrease in reports of abuse or neglect because children are having less contact with mandatory reporters. We need to be extra diligent and aware of potential concerns for the safety of our children in our communities.
Sadly, domestic violence reports are also on the rise, as economic instability and stress are triggers for both child abuse and neglect and domestic violence. If you witness or suspect a child is being abused, call the Oregon’s Child Abuse Hotline at 855-503-7233. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached at 1-800-799-7233.
Local Advocacy: Family Tree Relief Nursery - Albany
Upcoming Advocacy Event: Family Tree Relief - (Virtual) Annual Luncheon
You can help: Give to Family Tree Relief by April 15
Social distancing from friends and family and other types of stresses can take a toll on an individual’s mental health. The federal government has set up a Disaster Distress Helpline that operates 24/7 to provide crisis counseling and support to those experiencing mental and emotional distress due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746 to speak to a crisis counselor. Oregon also has a helpline through the National Alliance for Mental Illness at: 1-800-343-6264.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The Federal Stimulus Package will also be assisting our local businesses. The package includes $350 billion in forgivable loans and $10 billion in grants to small business, tribal business, and certain non-profits. A new SBA 7(a) Paycheck Protection Program will allow loan forgiveness if the money is used for payroll costs to retain workers, and other expenses such as rent, mortgage interest and utilities. Independent contractors, sole-proprietors and other self-employed person are eligible for these loans. Small business can also apply for up to $10,000 in grants to retain workers and pay for debt obligations.
The Oregon Employment Department’s Unemployment Insurance Program is working hard to process the large amount claims. Some have been processed and are distributing checks. There is a push to create a waiver for the one week waiting period but nothing official has been announced as of yet. There are several programs coming online through from the CARES Act but a large number of applicants are slowing down the system. Here are some other resources available to the hardest hit industries such as restaurants and hospitality workers.
The Employment Department also has an email dedicated to responding to case-specific questions at:
Helpful information from my colleague Rep. Daniel Bonham: Over 170,000 Oregonians have filed for unemployment .... 76,000 for the week of March 15th alone. Financial pressure related to the COVID crisis are felt by everyone. The current unemployment system is overwhelmed. If you have the capacity, please try to file online. Here is a video from the Oregon Employment Department on filing a COVID claim. If you know of a neighbor, friend or client that is trying to access unemployment resources to pay rent or bills please be patient with them.
Click here to watch a video from OED
Here is the update information on wearing masks in public.
“This is a rapidly-evolving situation, and each day we learn more about this virus,” said Governor Brown. “Early in this pandemic, health experts advised that masks were not an effective way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Now, the CDC has updated their guidance regarding the use of cloth, homemade masks in public: they now say that wearing cloth masks in public places like grocery stores can help prevent those who are sick––particularly unknowingly infected, asymptomatic people––from spreading the virus further.
"That last point is a very important detail: wearing a cloth mask may not keep you from getting sick, but it can help you prevent spreading the virus to others."
More information here: GOVERNOR'S Press Release
Many of Oregon’s healthcare providers, hospitals, and medical centers are experiencing budget windfalls as they cancel elective procedures and other revenue generating services in order to avoid the spread of infection. A fund is being established to bolster their budgets and maintain mission critical levels of service. So that they can still be able to handle any sort of influx in patients due to COVID-19.
Read more here:
Letter from Oregon Association of Hospitals
Gov. Brown has convened the first meeting of her advisory panel nearly a month into our state’s crisis. The panel consists of all medical professionals that either specialize in Infectious Diseases or Hospital administration. They are clearly experts in their field and will do all they can to guide an informed public health decision making process. We wish them the best of and support as we charge through this endeavor.
Gov. Brown’s Press Release
Reminder: The Oregon Health Authority – OHA: is an excellent source of information about resources and benefits, and they are also ready to answer your questions about coronavirus. They are open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. by phone (call 211), text (text your ZIP code to 898211) or email (
Together, we will get through this. Be kind to one another and reach out if you or a loved one need assistance.
Better together,
 Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER for up-to-date information.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Website: