Late last night the Senate came to an agreement on a bipartisan bill that will provide to American’s suffering through the various types of mandates imposed by the public health orders.
Click here for more details
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services issued a temporary emergency order today in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. It requires all insurance companies to extend grace periods for premium payments, postpone policy cancellations and nonrenewals, and extend deadlines for reporting claims.
Insurance companies must take steps immediately to do the following until the order is no longer in effect:
- Institute a grace period for premium payments on all insurance policies issued in the state
- Suspend all cancellations and non-renewals for active insurance policies
- Extend all deadlines for consumers to report claims and communicate about claims
- Provide consumers the ability to make premium payments and report claims while maintaining safe social distancing standards
The order is effective immediately and will be in force through at least April 23rd. If necessary, the department may extend the duration of this temporary order. If Oregonians have questions or concerns about their insurance company or agent, they can contact the department’s advocacy team at 888-877-4894 (toll free) or visit dfr.oregon.gov for more information or to file a complaint.
For insurance and financial services information related to COVID-19, visit the department’s website: https://dfr.oregon.gov/insure/health/understand/Pages/coronavirus.aspx
Link to the emergency order here: https://dfr.oregon.gov/insure/health/understand/Documents/20200325Order.pdf
In Oregon, the Office of Small Business Assistance is standing by to help businesses know how to connect with resources in these troubling times. The fastest way to get in touch with the Office of Small Business Assistance is by emailing business.sos@oregon.gov or using the “Need Help?” button found on most state agency websites or visiting www.oregon.gov/smallbusiness.
For business owners having to lay off or reduce the hours of staff, how to pay rent and utilities, and similar questions we encourage you to visit the following websites:
And finally, the latest information on resources for workers and business owners is available at https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/coronavirus2020.aspx.
New guidelines are rolling out to help employers who are not shut down and providing essential services, stay in compliance with the public health mandates. From Governor Brown’s Office she recommends businesses to "designate an employee or officer to establish, implement and enforce social distancing policies, consistent with guidance from the Oregon Health Authority."
Frequently Asked Questions for Employers to know
New Federal Workplace Poster to be Posted by April 2nd
Link to Work Share Oregon
Link to BOLI
Link to Oregon Employment Dept
If your work situation has changed, you may qualify for health insurance through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). Eligibility for OHP is based on monthly income and other requirements. That means you may qualify for OHP now, even if you've been denied in the past. The best way to see if you qualify is to apply.
Visit OHP.Oregon.gov for more information.
Governor Brown issued an executive order on March 23rd, in which she made a request of all Oregonians: Stay Home. Save lives. Our public health experts and experts across the state and country believe this week is a critical week to try and bend the curve of COVID-19 in our communities.
The full text of the Executive Order can be found here.
To answer frequently asked questions relating to the enforcement of the Governor’s Executive Order 20-12 “Stay Home, Save Lives,” the Oregon State Police is offering guidance.
Click here for the full statement
If you have flu-like symptoms – such as fever, coughing, or mild shortness of breath – first stay away from other people and take precautions to avoid transmitting illness to others (even beyond the social distancing measures everyone should follow).
Then, the best person to decide whether you require a test for COVID-19 is your health care provider.
Health care providers can order tests for COVID-19 through commercial labs, just as they order tests for other medical conditions. The testing capacity at commercial labs is nearing 1,000 per day for Oregon and growing rapidly, but is not unlimited.
Even if you have symptoms, your health care provider still might not order a test. A key question for them is whether a positive test would actually change the care they provide. They might simply instruct you to stay home, recover, and take extra care not spread illness to other people – the very same instructions they would give if you did test positive.
If you have serious symptoms – such as trouble breathing, chest pains, or bluish lips or face – seek care. If it is an emergency, call 911. If it is not an emergency but you feel sick enough to need a medical appointment, call your doctor’s office. If you don’t have a doctor, call 211 for a list of clinics near you. If necessary, visit your local urgent care center.
Call before you go. If you have flu-like symptoms or have reason to think you might have COVID-19, let your health care provider know before you visit. This will help avoid exposing anyone else at the health care facility.
A flyer about testing can be found here. More information about testing and other COVID-10 topics, including the flyer in more languages, can be found at www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus.
Fish of Albany -
Calling in to request a food box will be the protocol for the duration of the virus event. We will give you a time to pick up your box. We cannot deliver boxes. Distribution will begin at 3pm. Please don’t arrive earlier than your pick-up time. This is for the safety of our staff, volunteers and clients. Thank you! **
We anticipate an increased volume of requests over the next few weeks. Please be patient with us during the busyness anticipated, and watch for updates here and posted at our service sites. Our services, open hours, etc. could change at any time.
Increased sanitation and social distancing practices will be in place. We appreciate your understanding and compliance.
Our volunteers are awesome! Thank you!
Stay safe and healthy!
Click here for more Fish of Albany information
"Principal Marcy Beltran, her husband Leo, and GAPS Facilities Foreman Gary Dahlquist collected 182 boxes of gloves, containing 9,100 pairs of gloves, from district buildings and delivered them to Good Samaritan Hospital! Thanks for helping support our community in this time of need."
Read more here: https://www.facebook.com/greateralbanypublicschools/posts/3784710351602676
Click here for more GAPS information
Friends in District 15. The Signs of Victory homeless shelter in Albany - needs your help. They are currently without any supplies to protect themselves from getting sick.
George Matland is there every day from 10am to 6pm to receive donated supplies.
Address: 1122 S.E. Jackson Street - Albany (Oregon across from the Linn County Jail)
Thank you!
Check out the items they need in the photo below:
Masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper. Or anything else you can spare.
Thank you!
If you don't see what you need:
Click here for more information on COVID-19
Reminder: The Oregon Health Authority – OHA: www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus211Info is an excellent source of information about resources and benefits, and they are also ready to answer your questions about coronavirus. They are open seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. by phone (call 211), text (text your ZIP code to 898211) or email (help@211info.org).
While “social distancing” is recommended at this time, social cohesion is also necessary. There are many vulnerable and isolated members of our communities that were already struggling before the coronavirus pandemic.
Together, we will get through this public health emergency, Oregonians. Be kind to one another and reach out if you or a loved one need assistance.
Better together,
 Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER for up-to-date information.
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415 Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301 Email: Rep.ShellyBoshartDavis@oregonlegislature.gov Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/boshartdavis