Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends over the holiday season. I had a lovely break but am now back into the swing of things – January is a busy month, with legislators putting the final touches on bills for the short session in February and getting ready for the work ahead. More on that to come!
Upcoming Bethel Town Hall
Coming up this Saturday, January 18th, I will be joining Active Bethel Citizens for a Bethel-focused Town Hall, which ABC is hosting as part of their January general meeting. The full meeting will run from 6-8:30, with the town hall scheduled from 6:15-7:45. I will be joined by Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis, and Eugene City Councilor Greg Evans, and answer questions about issues facing the Bethel Community. As part of the meeting, there will be a sock drive and a brief presentation from the Egan Warming Center discussing the important work they’re doing this winter. I hope you’ll join us!
Student Success Act Community Input
As part of the Student Success Act, school districts are required to engage the community to get input and feedback about the way new funds should be used. School districts within my district all have upcoming opportunities this week:
Bethel School District's forum is Tuesday, January 14 6-7:45pm at Willamette High School, transportation and childcare can be arranged with advanced notice
Junction City School District is hosting a forum Wednesday, January 15 5:45-7:45 pm
Eugene 4j has a meeting tonight specifically for parents of Special Education students, 6-7pm at the District Office
New House District 14 Staff!
I’m excited to welcome a new staff member, Gavin Coble, to the HD 14 team! Gavin will serve as my Legislative Assistant for the 2020 session, joining Katharine Ryan, my Legislative Director. Gavin is an Oregon native who served for 6 years in the Air Force before attending George Washington University, graduating in December with a degree in Political Science. You can reach him at gavin.coble@oreognlegisalture.gov, or if you’re in the Capitol, stop by and say hello!
New Laws for 2020
The vast majority of the laws that the legislature passes in the long legislative session go into effect on January 1 of the following year. This Statesman Journal summary highlights a few of the laws that Oregonians will notice in their day-to-day lives, including the end of plastic bags in grocery stores and other retailers, and allowing rolling stops for bicycles at stop signs (sometimes called the “Idaho stop”, since Idaho was the first state to make rolling stops legal). A recent episode of OPB’s Think Out Loud talks about more new laws, including a bill that I worked on which extends the minimum length of time former legislators must wait to become paid lobbyists.
Reflecting on the Last Decade
As the 2010s have come to a close, it feels only natural to reflect on the progress we’ve made as a state over the last decade. While we certainly have our share of challenges in Oregon, we also have a lot to be proud of. The Oregon House Democrats have led the way on important legislation that has moved our state forward and helped build a better future for every Oregonian. The graphic below shows just a sampling of the major legislation we've passed over the past 10 years – you can read more about the work we’ve done here.
New House District 14 Staff!
I’m excited to welcome a new staff member, Gavin Coble, to the HD 14 team! Gavin will serve as my Legislative Assistant for the 2020 session, joining Katharine Ryan, my Legislative Director. Gavin is an Oregon native who served for 6 years in the Air Force before attending George Washington University, graduating in December with a degree in Political Science. You can reach him at gavin.coble@oregonlegislature.gov, or if you’re in the Capitol, stop by and say hello!
New Laws for 2020
The vast majority of the laws that the legislature passes in the long legislative session go into effect on January 1 of the following year. This Statesman Journal summary highlights a few of the laws that Oregonians will notice in their day-to-day lives, including the end of plastic bags in grocery stores and other retailers, and allowing rolling stops for bicycles at stop signs (sometimes called the “Idaho stop”, since Idaho was the first state to make rolling stops legal). A recent episode of OPB’s Think Out Loud talks about more new laws, including a bill that I worked on which extends the minimum length of time former legislators must wait to become paid lobbyists.
Reflecting on the Last Decade
As the 2010s have come to a close, it feels only natural to reflect on the progress we’ve made as a state over the last decade. While we certainly have our share of challenges in Oregon, we also have a lot to be proud of. The Oregon House Democrats have led the way on important legislation that has moved our state forward and helped build a better future for every Oregonian. The graphic below shows just a sampling of the major legislation we've passed over the past 10 years – you can read more about the work we’ve done here.
I've been in office almost exactly three years now, and I’ve been proud to do my part during that time. I look forward to helping tackle the biggest challenges of the next decade, including the climate crisis & decarbonization, the cost of child care, our child welfare system, and further action on the cost of health care and housing. There is still plenty of work to do, and I'm grateful to have the chance to do it with my colleagues in the House Democratic caucus. We will never stop fighting for the people of Oregon.
If you plan to visit the Capitol during the short session in February, please be sure to reach out Capitol as I’m always happy to meet with constituents or to help to make your visit enjoyable!
Yours truly,
 Capitol Phone: 503-986-1414 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-474, Salem, Oregon 97301 Email: Rep.JulieFahey@oregonlegislature.gov Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/fahey