The First Week on the Job

Representative Shelly Boshart Davis

And we are off!

As of Tuesday, the 80th Legislative Session is officially underway; the halls are filled with young kids on tours, hearing rooms are packed, and schedules are being filled. With the beginning of the session comes the start of committees.  Last week the Representative heard testimony for bills on a variety of topics—from land conservation practices to a problem that needs a small fix in the pawnbroking industry. On Friday, the Representative was debriefed on the most recent Oregon Global Warming Commission Report—an addition to the series of annual reports studying the impact of climate change in Oregon. At this point, we have still not seen a bill that would implement cap-and-trade. The cap-and-trade bill that we are expected to be voting on has still not been presented to the whole committee. A select few individuals have been working in secrecy throughout the process of producing a bill. 

For a more in-depth look into Representative Boshart Davis’ first day of the session, visit her Facebook page and read her front-page story from the Democrat-Herald!


Capitol Days:

Last Thursday was League of Cities Day in the Capitol. Local officials from all over Oregon came to the Capitol to speak with their state officials to discuss how to best facilitate solutions for local issues through the state government.

Boshart Davis, Konopa, Troedsson

Representative Boshart Davis met with the Albany’s Mayor, Sharon Konopa, and Albany City Manager, Peter Troedsson. The general conversation was focused on the housing shortage that the state of Oregon is facing. Housing availability for people at every level of income is a fundamental pillar for any society and is a top priority for the Mayor. House Bill 2001 would not accomplish that goal in Albany

In addition to housing, Representative Boshart Davis, Mayor Konopa and City Manager Peter Troedsson discussed the grant the City of Albany received from the Oregon Department of Transportation for South Shore Elementary. For more information on the grant, visit the Facebook page

Words from Shelly

District Photos

As I am getting settled into my office, I have noticed that my walls are bare and needs to feel like home. If you have any photos from our beautiful district that you would be willing to share, we would love to blow them up and share them with our guests here in the Capitol. You can send your high-resolution photos to my legislative assistant at

I am already concerned with some of the legislative ideas being discussed so far this session. I will do my best to communicate the importance of us Oregonians outside of Portland; will advocate for legislation that is good for our businesses, working Oregonians and overall economy; and will always look out for our friends and community members in need. If you have any questions, concerns or issues with our state government, my legislative team and I are here to serve you, the people of House District 15. You can find our contact information here:

Legislative website


As the session moves forward, you can stay caught up with what is happening in the Capitol by liking my page on Facebook and Twitter.

You can also help me out by telling your friends, family, and neighbors about my weekly newsletters so they too can stay caught up on what is happening in their Capitol!  




Capitol Phone: 503-986-1415
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-389, Salem, OR 97301