Riley Report: May, 2016 Edition

Chuck Riley Senator Header

May, 2016

This week Legislative Days were held in Salem. Legislative Days provide an opportunity for legislators, staff, and the public to get together during the interim. We hold committee hearings, approve appointments, and learn more about potential legislation for the 2017 Legislative session. If you’re interested in attending Legislative Days your next opportunity is September 21, 22, and 23.

Legislative Announcements

I’m proud to announce that I was recently named Chair of the new Senate General Government and Accountability Committee. I am excited to use this position to address issues of government transparency and efficiency in Oregon.

Constituent Coffee

Mark your calendars – Representative McLain and I are hosting a joint constituent coffee on July 23, at Manaia Coffee House and Island Grill in Hillsboro. We’ll be there from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM to speak with you about towing and environmental issues. I hope to see you there!

Legislative Updates

If you are interested, you can read a brief summary of legislation that was enacted during the 2016 session. There is also information on some bills that were heard in committee but didn’t make it all the way through the legislative process during the short session.

My Children’s Special District bill unfortunately fell victim to tight legislative timelines and did not pass during the 2016 session. Children’s Special Districts are designed to pick up where the Commission on Children and Families left off, by providing services for Oregon’s kids outside of school time. I am looking forward to growing our bipartisan support during the 2017 session to make sure we get this bill passed.

There were questions about certain provisions of my predatory towing bill as it relates to signage. Unfortunately, when you only have a few days to get a bill out of committee, a small issue like this can prevent a bill from passing. I am working to make sure this language is fixed in the 2017 session so we can move forward to protect consumers from predatory towing practices.

We did have some great victories during the short session. I was proud to be one of many chief sponsors of “Melissa’s Law” (SB 1571), which passed both chambers and was signed by the Governor during May Legislative Days. This is a great step forward in helping rape victims in Oregon by clearing the untested rape kit backlog and preventing a future backlog from occurring.

I was also proud to be one of the sponsors of SB 1586, which helps reduce barriers for Oregon college students to vote. Oregon is an example to the nation for open and accessible elections, and I am happy we were able to take another step forward to ensure all Oregonians can participate in the election process.

Many Oregonians have been impacted by rapidly rising costs of housing. During the short session we were able to pass SB 1533, which lifted the ban on Inclusionary Zoning in Oregon. This is a small but meaningful step we took to address the housing issue for Oregon’s citizens.

Another victory for Oregon was the passage of SB 1507, which extended the tax credit for the TV and film industry in Oregon. These tax credits help support Oregon’s burgeoning TV and film production industry, including Laika Studios here in Hillsboro.

Community Events and Announcements

Memorial Day is Monday, May 30. On this day we come together to remember our veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. There are a number of Memorial Day events happening around the state and in Senate District 15. You can read the statewide list here, which includes events in Beaverton, Forest Grove, and Hillsboro.

On June 21 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Beaverton Library Oregon AARP will be hosting a community meeting to discuss respite care for family caregivers. If you provide unpaid care for an adult loved one consider attending this meeting to share your thoughts on how respite care can be improved in Oregon.

Saturday, June 25, 2016 is Aspen Dental’s National Day of Service. On this day veterans can receive free dental care at participating practices. The Aspen Dental office in Beaverton is one of the participating offices this year, but there are five participating practices in Oregon. Veterans are urged to call 1-844-AspenHMM (1-844-277-36466) to make an appointment – spaces fill up fast!

Another event happening on June 25th is the Concert at the Capitol. This free event is open to the public from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Capitol building in Salem. Everyone is invited to bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy the Salem Philharmonic Orchestra play selections from Star Wars, Oklahoma!, Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, and the American Frontier. Your Capitol will be open during the event and will offer tours at 1 PM and 1:30 PM following the concert. You can also sample gourmet foods from around Oregon inside the Capitol at the Capitol Store’s Customer Appreciation event (while supplies last).

Home fires are the greatest disaster threat to individuals and families in the United States. The American Red Cross of Oregon and Southwest Washington is offering free installation of smoke alarms for your home. Be sure to visit the Red Cross website, or call them at 503-528-5783 to schedule an appointment! This service is available free of charge to all residents living in Oregon and Southwest Washington, so please share this lifesaving tip with family and friends.

Senate President Peter Courtney and Speaker of the House Tina Kotek have created a special joint committee to develop a statewide transportation package for consideration during the 2017 legislative session. As part of the process, the co-chairs want committee members to learn more about transportation needs across the state. The members of the Joint Transportation Committee are embarking on a statewide tour over the summer to identify local transportation needs and hear directly from Oregonians about their transportation priorities. There will be meetings in Salem, Portland, Ontario, Hermiston, Eugene, Bend, Medford, Newport, and Hillsboro. The Hillsboro meeting will be in the Shirley Huffman Auditorium at the Hillsboro Civic Center on September 19 at 5:00 PM.

The Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems has announced that every hospital in Oregon can now provide a cost estimate for hospital services for scheduled procedures within three days. This policy is especially helpful for uninsured or out-of-network patients to understand their potential medical costs. You can use the “Cost Estimates” section at to select a hospital and learn more about their medical cost estimates. 


Bill signing at Laika Studios

Here I am with Sen. Burdick, Sen. Hass, Rep. Williamson, Rep. Read, and other stakeholders witnessing Governor Brown sign SB 1507 into law at Laika Studios. 

Here I am with Rep. McLain at the Team Up event at Echo Shaw Elementary School. Proceeds from Team Up go to help provide classroom supplies for kids in Washington County. This year's proceeds went to Cornelius Elementary students in Forest Grove.

Team up at Echo Shaw Elementary School with Rep. McLain
Sen. Riley at Bethesda Lutheran Communities

Here I am meeting with folks and learning more about Bethesda Lutheran Communities -- they work to provide homes and services to people with developmental disabilities so that they can live the lives they want. 

 Stay in Touch!

We want to stay in contact with you!  If you are not already subscribed, please visit my legislative website and enter your email address into the “e-Subscribe” box at the right so that you never miss a newsletter.  You will also find me on Facebook, or you can follow me on Twitter to stay up to date with what my office is up to.  Or, you can always check the events calendar on my legislative website!

As always, I am here to serve you.  If there is something I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office.


Sen. Riley signature

Senator Chuck Riley

Senate District 15

email: I phone: 503-986-1715
address: 900 Court St NE, S-303, Salem, OR, 97301

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