August 22, 2024
Media contact: Timothy Heider, 971-599-0459,
Measure 110 shows overall client gains with some exceptions
SALEM, Ore.— Measure 110 service providers reported continued increases in client engagement in all areas since the establishment of the statewide networks, excluding slight declines in client counts during the sixth quarter of reporting, from Oct. 1 through Dec. 30, 2023.
The largest gains in client numbers between the fifth and sixth quarter were in supported employment and housing services (29 percent and 10 percent),respectively.
Over the same time, screening services dropped by 23 percent. However, screening services have registered overall gains of 346 percent since the inception of the Measure 110 networks.
The remaining service categories remained relatively stable.
Modest fluctuations in client counts are expected as the statewide networks near full capacity.
Overall, however, Measure 110 providers reported a pattern of strong demand over the 18 months Behavioral Health Resource Networks have been in existence. Measure 110 providers have now reported six quarters of data and expenditures since July 1, 2022, when the first network was established.
Over those 18 months, supported employment services reported a 573 percent increase in client growth. Housing services has realized gains of 317 percent and peer supported services showed a 256 percent increase.
Black and African American client counts have steadily increased over the past four quarters. Over that time, the data show that people reporting as American Indian or Alaska Native had the highest rates of any race/ethnicity group in accessing Measure 110 substance use treatment programs.
Measure 110 network providers report the number of clients they serve and the number of encounters they have with their clients as a measure of overall engagement. Some clients may receive multiple services within a network or within multiple service networks.
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) maintains a comprehensive Measure 110 data reporting dashboard that includes quarterly data, expenditures, key demographic information, and aggregated narrative summaries for the 42 statewide service networks.
The deadline for the next round of reporting for expenditure and program data is in October and will cover the time from April 1 through June 30. OHA expects to publish that data in December.
To learn more, visit OHA’s Measure 110 webpage.
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