March 5, 2024
Media Contact: Amy Bacher, 503-405-5403,
Oregon introduces new climate-related resources for some OHP members experiencing life transitions, health needs
SALEM, Ore. – Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members with a medical need and who are facing certain life changes may now qualify for new climate-related benefits.
Eligible OHP members may qualify for a new benefit to receive devices that provide healthy temperatures and clean air such as air conditioners, heaters and air filters, as well as mini refrigeration units for storing medications. Portable power supplies to operate medical equipment (i.e., ventilators during power outages) may also be available as a new benefit.
The state is first extending eligibility for climate devices to people who are experiencing life transitions and often face social injustices. This includes people who are: currently or previously involved in the child welfare system; homeless or at risk of becoming homeless; transitioning to dual eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid; adults and youth recently discharged from Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs) or released from incarceration within the last year. Members must not live in a group setting or shelter and need to have access to consistent and safe power to use these devices. Climate resources must also be part of a member’s health need or treatment.
The new climate-related benefits are part of Oregon’s federally funded expansion of OHP coverage to include health-related social needs (HRSN) services, which can help maintain health and well-being, but are not traditionally thought of as medical services.
“People with lower incomes and chronic conditions are among those most likely to experience heat exhaustion, heat stroke or complications of other health conditions related to extreme climate events,” said Dave Baden, deputy director of OHA. “By connecting wrap-around health benefits to traditional Medicaid coverage, Oregon is recognizing that non-medical factors influence health outcomes. Access to these services will reduce health disparities and offer life-saving resources to people in Oregon.”
OHP members interested in receiving climate devices should contact their coordinated care organization (CCO) to learn more. If an OHP member is not sure which CCO they are in, they can call the OHA Client Services Unit at 1-800-273-0557. OHP members with Open Card coverage who want to learn more can call 1-888-834-4304 or email
OHP members who don’t qualify for climate devices via HRSN services can still contact their CCO to see if climate supports are available through “flexible services” (also called health related services). Open Card OHP members who don’t qualify for climate devices can check with their city or county to learn about local programs providing climate devices. For non-OHP members in Oregon, some cities and counties have similar programs with limited supply of devices.
HRSN services are part of Oregon’s 2022 - 2027 1115 Medicaid waiver, which helps provide more federal funding and expanded coverage to OHP members. Medicaid waivers give states the flexibility to test new ways to deliver and pay for Medicaid benefits, with approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). Oregon’s 1115 waiver includes several first-in-the-nation benefits tied to Medicaid coverage.
To learn more about OHA’s new climate-related resources, visit the web site.
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