Questions are answered by experts at OHA and other state agencies or community partners.
Q: My spouse (age 85) and I (age 87) received the updated Pfizer COVID vaccine on May 3, 2023. Is there a follow-up booster vaccine recommended and, if so, when should we receive it? – Larry, Eugene
A: Yes, there is a newer COVID-19 vaccine that we recommend you and your spouse receive at your earliest convenience, especially because respiratory viruses tend to circulate more during the colder months, and Oregonians are still being hospitalized with COVID-19. As of yesterday, Feb. 28, 154 adults were hospitalized in Oregon with COVID-19 – including 22 in intensive-care units and six on ventilators.
The vaccine you and your spouse received in May 2023 is no longer available. At the urging of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax each developed a 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine, released last fall, to better protect against the most recently circulating virus strains. Supply is plentiful, and you can search for a location near you using the search tool.
Q: I have been told by loggers in Oregon that, in an emergency, human urine can safely be used to wash the dirt out of cuts and bad abrasions. Is this true? – John, Portland
A: Using urine, human or otherwise, to clean a wound is not a good idea. The well-known wilderness school NOLS provides this article that addresses the topic. The bottom line: urine does not heal wounds. On the contrary, it is an irritant that in no way cleans or disinfects an open wound.
Rather, NOLS lists the ideal contents of a first-aid kit one might carry when away from civilization, which include several items for cleaning and disinfecting wounds such as tweezers, an irrigation syringe, antibiotic ointment packets and second skin dressings.
If you have questions about health topics in Oregon, submit your question here. Although we are unable to answer every question, we try to address those of interest to a broad audience. Please understand that we are unable to provide specific medical advice for personal medical conditions.