Jan. 25, 2024
In this update:
Oregon has the second-highest renewal rate in the nation
Nonpartisan health policy organization KFF now ranks Oregon’s 86 percent renewal rate the second highest in a national comparison of state renewal rates. In addition, among all states:
Top renewal rates among states
These results are partly due to Oregon’s decision to begin the renewal process with people most likely to keep their benefits after renewal. This may result in decreased renewal rates moving forward.
Oregon’s progress and what to expect in 2024
Approximately 84 percent of medical renewals are complete, with roughly 16 percent of renewals left to go. Within that group of 16 percent are:
- About 172,000 who began the renewal process in January 2024.
- A The remaining members are tentatively scheduled to begin the renewals process later in 2024. The group includes people whose renewal dates were rescheduled to ensure accurate review of their eligibility, including some automated renewals and Oregon Supplemental Income Program – Medical (OSIPM) benefit recipients.
Before finalizing a timeline for these last rounds of renewals, Oregon Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority must:
- Receive approval from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
- Complete updates of the renewal notices and eligibility system.
Oregon Health Plan changes improve access to care
Access to health care through Oregon Health Plan (OHP/Medicaid) continues to grow and improve through changes to OHP policy.
Changes include:
- Two years of continuous coverage for most members.
- A new program with higher income limits for eligibility.
- Faster enrollment in a coordinated care organization.
- Expanded benefits for children.
These and other changes took effect in 2023, and others take effect this month or later in 2024.
Losing OHP? You can still sign up for Marketplace coverage
People who are losing OHP benefits qualify for a special enrollment period to enroll in coverage through the Marketplace. Marketplace health plans are private insurance plans from trusted companies and guaranteed benefits like:
- Preventive and wellness care
- Immunizations
- Mental and behavioral health services
- Emergency services
This year, more than 80 percent of Oregonians who enrolled in Marketplace coverage are getting financial help. We encourage all individuals who are losing benefits to visit orhim.info/WindowShop to explore their options.
Expert help is available at no charge.
On Jan. 2, 2024, the Marketplace conducted a survey by email and text message. This survey was sent to all adult individuals who had been referred to the Marketplace because they lost OHP but had not yet enrolled, according to federal partners. The survey found that approximately 72 percent of respondents have health coverage — most through a job — with others back on OHP, or covered through the Marketplace.
The Marketplace used data from this survey to conduct outreach to people who still wanted help applying for health coverage.
Register now for 2024 webinars
Community partners, coordinated care organizations, providers, insurers, and more are invited to learn more about how Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) are working together to support people in Oregon as the federal COVID-19 PHE phases out.
A webinar will be held in English on Tuesday, February 13 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time. A separate Spanish webinar will be held Tuesday, February 27 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.
- Medical renewals updates: Current status and national ranking; requests for information and ways members can respond
- Marketplace special enrollment period
- OHP Bridge: What to expect
- Questions and answers
- Resources for partners
Language and disability access: American Sign Language and live captioning will be available for this meeting.
Everyone has a right to know about and use ODHS and OHA programs and services. ODHS and OHA provide free help. For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Feedback team at (503) 945-5488 or feedback@odhsoha.oregon.gov at least two business days in advance of the webinar if you would like assistance to participate. All relay calls accepted.
Medicaid Redetermination Office Hours with Oregon Primary Care Association
We are excited to continue our partnership with the Oregon Primary Care Association for another joint office hour.
This office hour will be an open space for questions and discussion for partners and providers as we all work together to raise awareness among Oregonians about medical renewals and their benefits.
- Date: Tuesday, February 13
- Time: 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific Time