Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan and Forest Management Plan Update: Fall 2022
This is an update on the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and Forest Management Plan (FMP) for 640,000 acres of state-managed forestlands west of the Cascade crest.
State Forests are sustainably managed to provide social, economic, and environmental benefits to all Oregonians. In October of 2020, the Board of Forestry (BOF) directed the State Forests Division to begin the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the draft Western Oregon State Forests Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and continue developing an associated Forest Management Plan (FMP). These parallel planning processes have been closely coordinated to ensure alignment and consistency in management goals, objectives, and strategies. ODF recognizes that public engagement is a key element in developing an HCP and FMP that reflect the values of all Oregonians, and is committed to providing information and engaging in dialogue with those who have an interest in these important planning efforts.
Forest Management Plan
What did I miss? In December 2021, stakeholders provided input on Draft FMP Goals and Strategies. Over the past year, ODF has worked on incorporating input and developing additional chapters of the Draft FMP.
What’s next? ODF anticipates sharing several key elements of the Draft FMP and a timeline update at a meeting open to the public in February 2023. The Board of Forestry decision on the FMP is anticipated in December 2023 and will be followed by a rulemaking process with Rule Approval anticipated in June 2024.
Draft FMP Sneak Peek The Draft FMP will include the following sections:
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Management Approach
- Chapter 3 Forest Resource Descriptions, Goals, and Strategies
- Chapter 4 Guidelines
- Asset Management
- Implementation
- Decision Making, Adaptive Management, Monitoring, and Research
- Revisions
- Public Engagement
Habitat Conservation Plan
What did I miss? The HCP Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and Public Draft HCP were released in March 2022. This launched a public comment process that was ultimately extended and ran through June 1st 2022. NOAA Fisheries held a virtual public meeting on April 6 that included presentations on the HCP and DEIS and an opportunity for oral comment from participants. The meeting recording is available to view here, and all public comments are available here.
Over the past several months, NOAA Fisheries and the US Fish and Wildlife Service worked to review and provide responses to public comment on the DEIS. This feedback is being used to work toward, and will be included in, a Final EIS. They have also worked with ODF to respond to public comments on the Public Draft HCP.
In September, ODF shared a summary of public comment pertaining to the draft HCP with the BOF for discussion. During this meeting, the Board requested that staff provide more information on the anticipated economic, environmental, and process outcomes associated with the HCP as compared to some of the alternatives evaluated in the Draft EIS. ODF provided this supplemental information at the November Board meeting.
What’s next? It is anticipated that the Final EIS and Final HCP will be released in 2023 followed by a Record of Decision (ROD). In September 2023, the Board will decide whether to direct the State Forester to implement the HCP and the terms of the Incidental Take Permits.
More information
Forest Management Plan
Project Lead: Bodie Dowding 503-910-6630 Bodie.t.dowding@odf.oregon.gov
Habitat Conservation Plan
Project Lead: Cindy Kolomechuk 503-502-5599 Cindy.kolomechuk@odf.oregon.gov
Western Oregon FMP Website
Western Oregon HCP Website
HCP Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Public Draft HCP
HCP and DEIS PPT Presentations
April 6 Virtual Public Meeting Recording
Board of Forestry Website, including video links to past meetings
Forest Trust Land Advisory Committee Website